8.8 Display control +CDIS
27.0073GPPAT command set for User Equipment (UE)Release 18TS
Table 68: +CDIS parameter command syntax
Command |
Possible response(s) |
+CDIS=[<text>[,<text>[,…]]] |
+CME ERROR: <err> |
+CDIS? |
+CDIS: <text>[,<text>[,…]] +CME ERROR: <err> |
+CDIS=? |
+CDIS: <length>[,<length>[,…]] +CME ERROR: <err> |
Set command is used to write the contents of MT text type display elements. An element can consist of one character or several characters. The order of element parameters <text> should follow the rule: first is the element in upper left corner, second is the next element to the right and so on. The last element is the element in lower right corner. The number of elements is MT specific. If MT does not allow writing to its display or MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. If certain element is not writable, setting of it should be ignored. If element parameter is empty field, element shall remain in the previous value.
NOTE 1: This command cannot be used to write to a display which sum of element lengths exceed the length of the command line buffer of the TA.
Read command returns the contents of MT display elements. If <text> field is empty (not empty string), MT does not allow the reading of corresponding element. If MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Test command returns maximum length of each display element. If MT does not offer the length of elements, <length> fields should be empty. If MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
NOTE 2: MT manufacturer should offer the order and maximum length of elements.
Defined values
<text>: string type parameter using character set specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
<length>: integer type parameter giving the maximum length of corresponding <text> parameter