8.51 Backlight +CBKLT

27.0073GPPAT command set for User Equipment (UE)Release 18TS

Table 8.51-1: +CBKLT parameter command syntax


Possible response(s)


+CME ERROR: <err>


+CBKLT: <state>,[<duration>]

+CME ERROR: <err>


+CBKLT: (list of supported <state>s)

+CME ERROR: <err>


This command is used to enable or disable the backlight of the MT’s main display. The backlight can be enabled indefinitely or the duration shall be indicated as a specified period of time (in seconds). Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Read command returns the current state and duration (in seconds) if applicable.

Test command returns supported values as a compound value.

Defined values

<state>: integer type

0 disable

1 enable for the duration specified

2 enable indefinitely

3 enable for a short duration specified by the UE manufacturer

<duration>: integer type. The range (if seconds) is manufacturer specific.

xxxx in seconds

