8.64 IMS network reporting +CIREP

27.0073GPPAT command set for User Equipment (UE)Release 18TS

Table 8.64-1: +CIREP parameter command syntax


Possible response(s)



+CIREP: <reporting>,<nwimsvops>[,<nwimsvops_n3gpp>]


+CIREP: (list of supported <reporting>s)


Set command enables or disables reporting of PS to CS Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC), PS to CS Single Radio Video Call Continuity (vSRVCC) handover information and CS to PS Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (see 3GPP TS 24.237 [91]), of IMS Voice Over PS sessions (IMSVOPS) indicator information and of IMS Voice Over PS sessions over non-3GPP (IMSVOPS-N3GPP) indicator information, by the following unsolicited result codes:

+CIREPI: <nwimsvops>[, <nwimsvops_n3gpp>] IMS Voice Over PS sessions (IMSVOPS) supported indication from the network and IMS Voice Over PS sessions over non-3GPP (IMSVOPS-N3GPP) supported indication.

+CIREPH: <srvcch> Provides PS to CS SRVCC, PS to CS vSRVCC and CS to PS SRVCC handover information.

Read command returns the status of result code presentation and the IMSVOPS supported indication.

Test command returns supported values as a compound value.

Defined values

<reporting>: integer type. Enables or disables reporting of changes in the IMSVOPS and the IMSVOPS-N3GPP supported indications received from the network and reporting of PS to CS SRVCC, PS to CS vSRVCC and CS to PS SRVCC handover information.

0 Disable reporting

1 Enable reporting

<nwimsvops>: integer type. Gives the last IMS Voice Over PS sessions (IMSVOPS) supported indication received from network.

0 IMSVOPS support indication is not received from network, or is negative.

1 IMSVOPS support indication as received from network is positive.

<nwimsvops_n3gpp>: integer type. Gives the last IMS Voice Over PS sessions over non-3GPP (IMSVOPS-N3GPP) supported indication received from network. The parameter is only provided in a 5GS system.

0 IMSVOPS-N3GPP support indication is not received from network, or is negative.

1 IMSVOPS-N3GPP support indication as received from network is positive.

<srvcch>: integer type. PS to CS SRVCC, PS to CS vSRVCC and CS to PS SRVCC handover information.

0 PS to CS SRVCC handover has started in the CS domain ("Handover Command" indicating PS to CS SRVCC received).

1 PS to CS SRVCC handover successful ("Handover Complete" sent).

2 PS to CS SRVCC or PS to CS vSRVCC handover cancelled ("Handover Failure" sent).

3 PS to CS SRVCC or PS to CS vSRVCC handover, general non-specific failure.

4 PS to CS vSRVCC handover has started in the CS domain ("Handover Command" indicating vSRVCC received).

5 PS to CS vSRVCC handover successful ("Handover Complete" sent).

6 CS to PS SRVCC handover has started in the PS domain ("Handover Command" indicating CS to PS SRVCC received).

7 CS to PS SRVCC handover cancelled ("Handover Failure" sent).

8 CS to PS SRVCC handover, general non-specific failure.

9 CS to PS SRVCC handover successful ("Handover Complete" sent).

NOTE 1: Value 3 and 8, general non-specific failure, might be used e.g. in the case of handover cancellation as specified in 3GPP TS 24.301 [83] clause 6.6.2.

NOTE 2: The naming of SRVCC and vSRVCC handover information values is different from the naming of corresponding NAS session management notifications.

NOTE 3: PS to CS SRVCC support also includes the support of 5G-SRVCC from NG-RAN to UTRAN as specified in 3GPP TS 23.216 [171] clause 6.5.4.

