10.1.80 DNS server address reporting +CDNSADD

27.0073GPPAT command set for User Equipment (UE)Release 18TS

Table 10.1.80-1: +CDNSADD parameter command syntax


Possible response(s)

+ CDNSADD =[<reporting>]


+ CDNSADD: <reporting>


+ CDNSADD: (list of supported <reporting>s)


The set command controls the presentation of DNS server address to the TE by an unsolicited result code + CDNSADD: <cid>,<DNS_prim_addr>,<DNS_sec_addr> when DNS server address is received from the network.

Read command returns <reporting> which indicates whether reporting of DNS server address is enabled or disabled. When reporting is enabled, the parameters <DNS_prim_addr> and <DNS_sec_addr> indicate the most recently received DNS server addresses at the MT. When reporting is disabled, no DNS server address is provided.

Test command returns values supported as a compound value.

Defined values

<reporting>: integer type. Enables and disables reporting of DNS server address received from the network.

0 disable reporting

1 enable reporting

<cid>: integer type; specifies a particular non secondary PDP context definition. The parameter is local to the TE-MT interface and is used in other PDP context-related commands (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).

<DNS_prim_addr>: string type; shows the IP address of the primary DNS server.

When +CGPIAF is supported, its settings can influence the format of this parameter returned with the read form of + CDNSADD.

<DNS_sec_addr>: string type; shows the IP address of the secondary DNS server.

When +CGPIAF is supported, its settings can influence the format of this parameter returned with the read form of + CDNSADD.

