Foreword1 Scope2 References3 Definitions and abbreviations4 AT command syntax5 General commands6 Call control commands and methods7 Network service related commands8 Mobile termination control and status commands8.0 General8.1 Phone activity status +CPAS8.2 Set phone functionality +CFUN8.3 Enter PIN +CPIN8.4 Battery charge +CBC8.5 Signal quality +CSQ8.6 Mobile termination control mode +CMEC8.7 Keypad control +CKPD8.8 Display control +CDIS8.9 Indicator control +CIND8.10 Mobile termination event reporting +CMER8.11 Select phonebook memory storage +CPBS8.12 Read phonebook entries +CPBR8.13 Find phonebook entries +CPBF8.14 Write phonebook entry +CPBW8.15 Clock +CCLK8.16 Alarm +CALA8.17 Generic SIM access +CSIM8.18 Restricted SIM access +CRSM8.19 Secure control command +CSCC8.20 Alert sound mode +CALM8.21 Ringer sound level +CRSL8.22 Vibrator mode +CVIB8.23 Loudspeaker volume level +CLVL8.24 Mute control +CMUT8.25 Accumulated call meter +CACM8.26 Accumulated call meter maximum +CAMM8.27 Price per unit and currency table +CPUC8.28 Call meter maximum event +CCWE8.29 Power class +CPWC8.30 Set language +CLAN8.31 Language event +CLAE8.32 Set greeting text +CSGT8.33 Set voice mail number +CSVM8.34 Ring melody control +CRMC8.35 Ring melody playback +CRMP8.36 Master reset +CMAR8.37 List all available AT commands +CLAC8.38 Delete alarm +CALD8.39 Postpone or dismiss an alarm +CAPD8.40 Automatic time zone update +CTZU8.41 Time zone reporting +CTZR8.42 Enter protocol mode+CPROT8.43 Generic UICC logical channel access +CGLA8.44 Restricted UICC logical channel access +CRLA8.45 Open logical channel +CCHO8.46 Close logical channel +CCHC8.47 EAP authentication +CEAP8.48 EAP retrieve parameters +CERP8.49 UICC application discovery +CUAD8.50 Mobile originated location request +CMOLR8.51 Backlight +CBKLT8.52 Command touch screen action +CTSA8.53 Command screen orientation +CSO8.54 Command screen size +CSS8.54A Command display screen boundary +CDSB8.55 Positioning control +CPOS8.56 Positioning reporting +CPOSR8.57 Mobile terminated location request notification +CMTLR8.58 Mobile terminated location request disclosure allowance +CMTLRA8.59 Battery capacity +CBCAP8.60 Battery connection status +CBCON8.61 Battery charger status +CBCHG8.62 Printing IP address format +CGPIAF8.63 IMS single radio voice call continuity +CISRVCC8.64 IMS network reporting +CIREP8.65 Remaining PIN retries +CPINR8.66 Set card slot +CSUS8.67 Emergency numbers +CEN8.68 Availability for voice calls with IMS +CAVIMS8.69 Extended signal quality +CESQ8.70 Primary notification event reporting +CPNER8.71 IMS registration information +CIREG8.72 Availability for SMS using IMS +CASIMS8.73 Monitor of current calls +CMCCS8.74 List of current calls +CLCCS8.75 Supported radio accesses +CSRA8.76 Circuit switched fallback +CCSFB8.77 Reading coverage enhancement status +CRCES8.78 Application level measurement configuration +CAPPLEVMC8.79 Application level measurement report +CAPPLEVMR8.80 Consent for requesting access to restricted local operator services +CCRLOS8.81 EPS fallback status +CEPSFBS8.82 Mobile originated location privacy setting +CMOLPS8.83 Informative examples8.84 Application level measurement configuration for NR +CAPPLEVMCNR8.85 Application level measurement report for NR +CAPPLEVMRNR9 Mobile termination errors10 Commands for packet domain10.0 General10.1 Commands specific to MTs supporting the packet domain10.1.0 General remark about EPS bearer contexts and PDP contexts10.1.00 General remark about 5GS PDU sessions and EPS PDN connections10.1.1 Define PDP context +CGDCONT10.1.2 Define secondary PDP context +CGDSCONT10.1.3 Traffic flow template +CGTFT10.1.4 Quality of service profile (requested) +CGQREQ10.1.5 Quality of service profile (minimum acceptable) +CGQMIN10.1.6 3G quality of service profile (requested) +CGEQREQ10.1.7 3G quality of service profile (minimum acceptable) +CGEQMIN10.1.8 3G quality of service profile (negotiated) +CGEQNEG10.1.9 PS attach or detach +CGATT10.1.10 PDP context activate or deactivate +CGACT10.1.11 PDP context modify +CGCMOD10.1.12 Enter data state +CGDATA10.1.13 Configure local octet stream PAD parameters +CGCLOSP (Obsolete)10.1.14 Show PDP address(es) +CGPADDR10.1.15 Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation +CGAUTO10.1.16 Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation +CGANS10.1.17 GPRS mobile station class +CGCLASS10.1.18 Configure local triple-X PAD parameters +CGCLPAD (GPRS only) (Obsolete)10.1.19 Packet domain event reporting +CGEREP10.1.20 GPRS network registration status +CGREG10.1.21 Select service for MO SMS messages +CGSMS10.1.22 EPS network registration status +CEREG10.1.23 PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP10.1.24 Secondary PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGSCONTRDP10.1.25 Traffic flow template read dynamic parameters +CGTFTRDP10.1.26 Define EPS quality of service +CGEQOS10.1.27 EPS quality of service read dynamic parameters +CGEQOSRDP10.1.28 UE modes of operation for EPS +CEMODE10.1.29 Delete non-active PDP contexts +CGDEL10.1.30 Signalling connection status +CSCON10.1.31 Define PDP context authentication parameters +CGAUTH10.1.32 Initial PDP context activation +CIPCA10.1.33 No more PS data +CNMPSD10.1.34 UE's usage setting for EPS and 5GS +CEUS10.1.35 UE's voice domain preference E-UTRAN +CEVDP10.1.36 UE's voice domain preference UTRAN +CVDP10.1.37 UE's mobility management IMS voice termination +CMMIVT10.1.38 Power preference indication for EPS and 5GS +CEPPI10.1.39 WLAN offload assistance data +CWLANOLAD10.1.40 WLAN offload cell measurement +CWLANOLCM10.1.41 APN back-off timer status reporting +CABTSR10.1.42 APN back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CABTRDP10.1.43 Sending of originating data via the control plane +CSODCP10.1.44 Reporting of terminating data via the control plane +CRTDCP10.1.45 APN rate control +CGAPNRC10.1.46 PS data off status +CPSDO10.1.47 5GS network registration status +C5GREG10.1.48 Bandwidth preference indication +CBPI10.1.49 Define 5GS quality of service +C5GQOS10.1.50 5GS quality of service read dynamic parameters +C5GQOSRDP10.1.51 Receive UE policy +CRUEPOLICY10.1.52 Send UE policy +CSUEPOLICY10.1.53 5GS access selection preference for MO SMS +C5GSMS10.1.54 Mobile initiated connection only mode +CMICO10.1.55 S-NSSAI based back-off timer status reporting +CSBTSR10.1.56 S-NSSAI based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSBTRDP10.1.57 S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer status reporting +CSDBTSR10.1.58 S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSDBTRDP10.1.59 5GS use of SMS over NAS +C5GUSMS10.1.60 Request LADN information +CRLADN10.1.61 LADN information +CLADN10.1.62 5GS NSSAI setting +C5GNSSAI10.1.63 5GS NSSAI read dynamic parameters +C5GNSSAIRDP10.1.64 5GS Preferred NSSAI +C5GPNSSAI10.1.65 Indicating the selected PLMN for access to restricted local operator services (RLOS) +CRLOSP10.1.66 Link packet filters +CGLNKPF10.1.67 Delete packet filters +CGDELPF10.1.68 Bit rate recommendation request +CGBRRREQ10.1.69 Bit rate recommendation reporting +CGBRRREP10.1.70 5GS ATSSS Rules read dynamic parameters +C5GATSSSRRDP10.1.71 5GS network steering functionalities information read dynamic parameters +C5GNSFIRDP10.1.72 Context State Change Request +CCSTATEREQ10.1.73 5G PDU Session Authentication Setting +C5GPDUAUTHS10.1.74 5G PDU Session Authentication Response +C5GPDUAUTHR10.1.75 5GS URSP query +C5GURSPQRY10.1.76 NAS connection release +CNASCREL10.1.77 Reject paging +CREJPAG10.1.78 Paging restrictions +CPAGRES10.1.79 Paging timing collision control +CPAGTCC10.1.80 DNS server address reporting +CDNSADD10.1.81 Access domain selection preference for MO SMS +CADSMS10.1.82 5G ProSe UE-to-network Relay Authentication Setting +C5GPU2NRAUTHS10.1.83 5G ProSe UE-to-network Relay Authentication Response +C5GPU2NRAUTHR10.1.84 ECS Configuration information +CECSADDRCONF10.1.85 5GS network registration status over non-3GPP access +C5GREGN3GPP10.1.86 5GS network register or deregister over non-3GPP access +C5GRDN3GPP10.1.87 Define MBS session context +CMSCONT10.1.88 MBS session read dynamic parameters +CMSRDP10.1.89 MBS session status reporting +CMSSR10.2 Modem compatibility commands11 Commands for VGCS and VBS12 Commands for USIM application toolkit13 Commands for enhanced support of dialling14 Commands for eMBMS configuration15 Commands for UE test functions16 Commands for VAE layer configuration17 Commands for UAE layer configuration18 Commands for UAS configuration and operationC.1 IntroductionC.2 CommandsC.2.1 Select mode +FCLASSC.2.2 Buffer threshold setting +VBTC.2.3 Calling number ID presentation +VCIDC.2.4 Receive gain selection +VGRC.2.5 Transmit gain selection +VGTC.2.6 Initialise voice parameters +VIPC.2.7 Inactivity timer +VITC.2.8 Line selection +VLSC.2.9 Receive data state +VRXC.2.10 Select compression method +VSMC.2.11 DTMF and tone generation +VTSC.2.12 Tone duration +VTDC.2.13 Transmit data state +VTX 10.1.18 Configure local triple-X PAD parameters +CGCLPAD (GPRS only) (Obsolete) 27.0073GPPAT command set for User Equipment (UE)Release 18TS Tools: ARFCN - Frequency Conversion for 5G NR/LTE/UMTS/GSM