7.1 General

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

Unless detailed the receiver characteristic are specified at the antenna connector of the UE. For UE with an integral antenna only, a reference antenna with a gain of 0 dBi is assumed. UE with an integral antenna may be taken into account by converting these power levels into field strength requirements, assuming a 0 dBi gain antenna. For Ues with more than one receiver antenna connector the fading of the signals and the AWGN signals applied to each receiver antenna connector shall be uncorrelated. The levels of the test signal applied to each of the antenna connectors shall be as defined in the respective sections below.

The UE antenna performance has a significant impact on system performance, and minimum requirements on the antenna efficiency are therefore intended to be included in future versions of this specification. It is recognised that different requirements and test methods are likely to be required for the different types of UE.

For 3.84Mcps TDD Option and 7.68Mcps TDD Option, all the parameters in Section 7 are defined using the DL reference measurement channel specified in Annex A.2.2

For 1.28Mcps TDD Option, UE supporting multi-carrier reception shall support both minimum requirements, as well as additional requirements for multi-carrier reception. For minimum requirements, all the parameters in Section 7 are defined using the DL reference measurement channel specified in Annex A.2.2; For UE supporting multi-carrier reception, all the parameters in Section 7 are defined using the DL reference measurement channel specified in Annex A.3.2.8. For the additional requirements for multi-carrier reception, the spacing between the two adjacent carriers shall be 1.6 MHz.

For Ues supporting only MBSFN reception, the DL reference measurement channel specified in Annex A.2.9 is used. For the purposes of clause 7, the term DPCH_Ec refers to the sum of the energy of the physical channels comprising the DL reference measurement channel in use, irrespective of its particular physical channel type (DPCH or not).