6.8 Transmit Modulation

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

Transmit modulation defines the modulation quality for expected in-channel RF transmissions from the UE. The requirements apply to all transmissions.

6.8.1 Transmit pulse shape filter

The transmit pulse-shaping filter is a root-raised cosine (RRC) with roll-off =0.22 in the frequency domain. The impulse response of the chip impulse filter RC0(t) is

Where the roll-off factor =0.22 and Tc is the chip duration

6.8.2 Error Vector Magnitude

The Error Vector Magnitude is a measure of the difference between the reference waveform and the measured waveform. This difference is called the error vector. Both waveforms pass through a matched Root Raised Cosine filter with bandwidth corresponding to the considered chip rate and roll-off =0,22. One of the waveforms is then further modified by selecting the frequency, absolute phase, absolute amplitude and chip clock timing so as to minimise the error vector. The EVM result is defined as the square root of the ratio of the mean error vector power to the mean reference power expressed as a %. The period of measurement shall be one transmit timeslot excluding the guard period. See Annex B of TS 34.122 for further details. Minimum Requirement

When 16QAM modulation is not used on any of the uplink code channels, the Error Vector Magnitude shall not exceed 17.5 % for the parameters specified in Table 6.9.

When 16QAM modulation is used on any of the uplink code channels, the modulation accuracy requirement shall not exceed 14% for the parameters specified in Table 6.9

Table 6.9: Test parameters for Error Vector Magnitude/Peak Code Domain Error




UE Output Power



Operating conditions

Normal conditions

Power control step size


1 Additional requirement for 1.28Mcps TDD MC-HSUPA

When 16QAM modulation is not used on any of the uplink code channels in a carrier, the Error Vector Magnitude in that carrier shall not exceed 17.5 % for the parameters specified in Table 6.9.

When 16QAM modulation is used on any of the uplink code channels in a carrier, the modulation accuracy requirement shall not exceed 14% for the parameters specified in Table 6.9.

6.8.2A In-band Emissions for 1.28Mcps TDD MC-HSUPA

The in-band emission is measured as the ratio of the UE output power in one carrier to the UE output power in another, where the power in the former carrier shall be set to the minimum output power and the power in the other carrier to the maximum output power. These two carriers were placed in the two edges respectively in the transmission carriers. All the other carriers are set to OFF power during the test.

The basic in-band emission measurement interval is defined over one slot in the time domain.

Table 6.10: Minimum requirements for in-band emissions

Parameter Description



Measurement bandwidth

IQ Image



1.28 MHz

Carrier leakage



Output power > 0 dBm

180 kHz

(Note 1)


-30 dBm ≤ Output power ≤ 0 dBm


-40 dBm  Output power < -30 dBm

Note 1: For Carrier leakage, the limit is defined as ratio between the power measured in a 180 kHz bandwidth around the center of transmission bandwidth, divided with the power measured in a 1.28MHz bandwidth centered around the primary carrier while all the other carriers are OFF.

6.8.3 Peak Code Domain Error

This specification is applicable for multi-code transmission only.

The code domain error is computed by projecting the error vector power onto the code domain at a specific spreading factor. The error power for each code is defined as the ratio to the mean power of the reference waveform expressed in dB. The Peak Code Domain Error is defined as the maximum value for Code Domain Error. The period of measurement shall be one transmit timeslot excluding the guard period, and the midamble. Minimum Requirement

The peak code domain error shall not exceed -21 dB at spreading factor 16 for the parameters specified in Table 6.9.

The peak code domain error for 7.68 Mcps option shall not exceed -24 dB at spreading factor 32 for the parameters specified in Table 6.9.

The requirements are defined using the UL reference measurement channel specified in subclause A.2.7.