6.4.2 Minimum output power

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

The minimum controlled output power of the UE is when the power is set to a minimum value. Minimum requirement 3.84 Mcps TDD Option

The minimum output power is defined as the mean power in one time slot excluding the guard period. The minimum output power shall be less than -44 dBm. 1.28 Mcps TDD Option

The minimum output power is defined as the mean power in one time slot excluding the guard period. The minimum output power shall be less than -49 dBm. 7.68 Mcps TDD Option

The minimum output power is defined as the mean power in one time slot excluding the guard period. The minimum output power shall be less than -41 dBm. Additional requirement for 1.28Mcps TDD MC-HSUPA

The minimum output power is defined as the mean power in one time slot in each carrier excluding the guard period. The minimum output power in each carrier shall be less than -49 dBm, when the transmissions in all carriers are set to minimum output power.