6.5 Transmit ON/OFF power

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

6.5.1 Transmit OFF power

Transmit OFF power is defined as the RRC filtered mean power measured over one chip when the transmitter is off. The transmit OFF power state is when the UE does not transmit. Minimum Requirement

The requirement for transmit OFF power shall be less than 65dBm. Additional requirement for 1.28Mcps TDD MC-HSUPA

The transmit OFF power is defined per carrier as the RRC filtered mean power in a duration of at least one timeslot excluding any transient periods. The requirement for the transmit OFF power in each carrier shall be less than -65 dBm, when the transmissions in all carriers are turned off.

6.5.2 Transmit ON/OFF Time mask

The time mask transmit ON/OFF defines the ramping time allowed for the UE between transmit OFF power and transmit ON power. Minimum Requirement 3.84 Mcps TDD Option

The transmit power level versus time shall meet the mask specified in figure 6.2, where the transmission period refers to the burst without guard period for a single transmission slot, and to the period from the beginning of the burst in the first transmission slot to the end of the burst without guard period in the last transmission timeslot for consecutive transmission slots.

Figure 6.2: Transmit ON/OFF template for 3.84 Mcps TDD Option 1.28 Mcps TDD Option

The transmit power level versus time shall meet the mask specified in figure 6.2A, where the transmission period refers to the burst without guard period for a single transmission slot, and to the period from the beginning of the burst in the first transmission slot to the end of the burst without guard period in the last transmission timeslot for consecutive transmission slots.

Figure 6.2A: Transmit ON/OFF template for 1.28 Mcps TDD Option 7.68 Mcps TDD Option

The transmit power level versus time shall meet the mask specified in Figure 6.2B, where the transmission period refers to the burst without guard period for a single transmission slot, and to the period from the beginning of the burst in the first transmission slot to the end of the burst without guard period in the last transmission timeslot for consecutive transmission slots.

Figure 6.2B: Transmit ON/OFF template for 7.68 Mcps TDD Option