6.4.3 Out-of-synchronisation handling of output power

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

The UE shall monitor the DPCH quality in order to detect a loss of the signal on Layer 1, as specified in TS 25.224. The thresholds Qout, Qin, Qsbout and Qsbin specify at what DPCH quality levels the UE shall shut its power off and when it shall turn its power on, respectively. The thresholds are not defined explicitly, but are defined by the conditions under which the UE shall shut its transmitter off and turn it on, as stated in this clause. Requirement for continuous transmission 3.84 Mcps TDD Option Minimum requirement

When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be worse than a threshold Qout, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the DPCH quality exceeds an acceptable level Qin. When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be better than a threshold Qin, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of continuous transmission.

The conditions for the continuous test case are as follows:

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qout and Qin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4, a signal with the quality at the level Qout can be generated by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -13 dB, and a signal with Qin by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -9 dB. In this test, the DL reference measurement channel (12.2) kbps specified in subclauseA.2.2, where the CRC bits are replaced by data bits, and with static propagation conditions is used.

Table 6.4: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 3.84 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission






dBm/3.84 MHz



See figure 6.1

Information Data Rate





Figure 6.1 shows an example scenario where the ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio varies from a level where the DPCH is demodulated under normal conditions, down to a level below Qout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

Figure 6.1: Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE. – 3.84 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission

In this test case, the requirements for the UE are that

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E. 1.28 Mcps TDD Option Minimum Requirement

When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be worse than a threshold Qout, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the DPCH quality exceeds an acceptable level Qin. When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be better than a threshold Qin, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The DPCH quality shall be monitored in the UE and compared to the thresholds Qout and Qin for the purpose of monitoring synchronisation. The threshold Qout should correspond to a level of DPCH quality where no reliable detection of the TPC commands transmitted on the downlink DPCH can be made. This can be at a TPC command error ratio level of e.g. 30%. The threshold Qin should correspond to a level of DPCH quality where detection of the TPC commands transmitted on the downlink DPCH is significantly more reliable than at Qout. This can be at a TPC command error ratio level of e.g. 20%.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of continuous transmission for 1.28 Mcps TDD option.

The conditions for the continuous test case are as follows:

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qout and Qin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4, a signal with the quality at the level Qout can be generated by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -15 dB, and a signal with Qin by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -4.5 dB. In this test, the DL reference measurement channel (12.2) kbps specified in subclause A.2.2, where the CRC bits are replaced by data bits, and with static propagation conditions is used.

Table 6.4AA: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 1.28 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission






dBm/1.28 MHz



See figure 6.1AA

Information Data Rate





Figure 6.1AA shows an example scenario where the ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio varies from a level where the DPCH is demodulated under normal conditions, down to a level below Qout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

Figure 6.1AA: Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE – 1.28 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission

In this test case, the requirements for the UE are that:

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E. 7.68 Mcps TDD Option Minimum requirement

When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be worse than a threshold Qout, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the DPCH quality exceeds an acceptable level Qin. When the UE estimates the DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be better than a threshold Qin, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of continuous transmission.

The conditions for the continuous test case are as follows:

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qout and Qin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4AB, a signal with the quality at the level Qout can be generated by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -16 dB, and a signal with Qin by a ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio of -12 dB. In this test, the DL reference measurement channel (12.2) kbps specified in subclause A.2.2, where the CRC bits are replaced by data bits, and with static propagation conditions is used.

Table 6.4AB: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 7.68 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission






dBm/7.68 MHz



See Figure 6.1BB

Information Data Rate





Figure 6.1AB shows an example scenario where the ΣDPCH_Ec/Ior ratio varies from a level where the DPCH is demodulated under normal conditions, down to a level below Qout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

Figure 6.1AB: Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE. – 7.68 Mcps TDD option – continuous transmission

In this test case, the requirements for the UE are that

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E. Requirement for discontinuous transmission 3.84 Mcps TDD Option Minimum Requirement

During DTX, there are periods when the UE will receive no data from the UTRAN. As specified in TS 25.224, in order to keep synchronization, Special Bursts shall be transmitted by the UTRAN during these periods of no data.

During these periods, the conditions for when the UE shall shut its transmitter on or off are defined by the power level of the received Special Bursts.

When the UE does not detect at least one special burst with a quality above a threshold Qsbout over the last 160 ms period, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the special burst quality exceeds an acceptable level Qsbin. When the UE estimates the special burst quality to be better than a threshold Qsbin over the last 160 ms, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of discontinuous transmission.

The conditions for the discontinuous test case are as follows:

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The UTRAN transmits Special Bursts as specified in TS 25.224. The Special Burst Scheduling Parameter, SBSP = 4, which means that UTRAN sends a Special Burst at every fourth frame with no data. Therefore, the UTRAN sends a Special Burst in the first frame without data transmission, followed by 3 frames with no transmission; followed by a Special Burst, etc.

The DCH parameters are shown in Table 6.4A.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qsbout and Qsbin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4A, a signal with the quality at the level Qsbout can be generated by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -16 dB, and a signal with Qsbin by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -12 dB.

Table 6.4A: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 3.84 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission






dBm/3.84 MHz



See figure 6.1A

Bits/burst (including TFCI bits)





Figure 6.1A shows an example scenario where the special burst quality varies from a level above Qsbin , down to a level below Qsbout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qsbin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

While the normal data is transmitted using two channelization codes, the Special Burst is transmitted with only one channelization code. Therefore the total energy per chip during Special Bursts is 3 dB lower than for continuous data transmission. The Special Bursts are represented by "SBs" in Figure 6.1A.

During the period of 3 frames with no data, the UE will receive a very low power, which is not shown in the figure. The power shown in the figure is the power of the Special Burst.

Figure 6.1A. Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE – 3.84 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission

In this test case, he requirements for the UE are that:

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B.

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E. 1.28 Mcps TDD Option Minimum Requirement

During DTX, there are periods when the UE will receive no data from the UTRAN. As specified in TS 25.224, in order to keep synchronization, Special Bursts shall be transmitted by the UTRAN during these periods of no data.

The DPCH quality shall be monitored in the UE and compared to the thresholds Qsbout and Qsbin for the purpose of monitoring synchronisation during downlink DTX. The threshold Qsbout should correspond to a level of DPCH quality where no reliable detection of the TPC commands transmitted on the downlink DPCH can be made. This can be at a TPC command error ratio level of e.g. 30. The threshold Qsbin should correspond to a level of DPCCH quality where detection of the TPC commands transmitted on the downlink DPCH is significantly more reliable than at Qsbout. This can be at a TPC command error ratio level of e.g. 20%.

When the UE does not detect at least one special burst with a quality above a threshold Qsbout over the last 160 ms period, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the special burst quality exceeds an acceptable level Qsbin. When the UE estimates the special burst quality to be better than a threshold Qsbin over the last 160 ms, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of discontinuous transmission.

The conditions for the discontinuous test case are as follows :

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The UTRAN transmits Special Bursts as specified in TS 25.224. The Special Burst Scheduling Parameter, SBSP = 4, which means that UTRAN sends a Special Burst at every fourth frame with no data. Therefore, the UTRAN sends a Special Burst in the first frame without data transmission, followed by 3 frames with no transmission; followed by a Special Burst, etc. Additionally, the Special Burst will be sent in both subframes of the relevant frame designated for the Special Burst.

The DCH parameters are shown in Table 6.4B.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qsbout and Qsbin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4B, a signal with the quality at the level Qsbout can be generated by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -18 dB, and a signal with Qsbin by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -7,5 dB.

Table 6.4B: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 1.28 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission






dBm/1.28 MHz



See figure 6.1B

Bits/burst (including TFCI bits)


88 in each subframe



Figure 6.1B shows an example scenario where the DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts varies from a level where the DPCH in DTX mode is demodulated under normal conditions, down to a level below Qsbout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qsbin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

While the normal data is transmitted using two channelization codes, the Special Burst is transmitted with only one channelization code. Therefore the total energy per chip during Special Bursts is 3 dB lower than for continuous data transmission. The Special Bursts are represented by "SBs" in the figure.

During the period of 3 frames with no data, the UE will receive a very low power, which is not shown in the figure. In the fourth frame the Special Burst will be sent in both subframes designated to carry the Special Burst during DTX. The power shown in the figure is the power of the Special Burst.

Figure 6.1B: Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE -1.28 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission

In this test case, the requirements for the UE are that:

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B.

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E. 7.68 Mcps TDD Option Minimum Requirement

During DTX, there are periods when the UE will receive no data from the UTRAN. As specified in TS 25.224, in order to keep synchronization, Special Bursts shall be transmitted by the UTRAN during these periods of no data.

During these periods, the conditions for when the UE shall shut its transmitter on or off are defined by the power level of the received Special Bursts.

When the UE does not detect at least one special burst with a quality above a threshold Qsbout over the last 160 ms period, the UE shall shut its transmitter off within 40 ms. The UE shall not turn its transmitter on again until the special burst quality exceeds an acceptable level Qsbin. When the UE estimates the special burst quality to be better than a threshold Qsbin over the last 160 ms, the UE shall again turn its transmitter on within 40 ms.

The UE transmitter shall be considered "off" if the transmitted power is below the level defined in subclause 6.5.1 (Transmit off power). Otherwise the transmitter shall be considered as "on". Test case

This subclause specifies a test case, which provides additional information for how the minimum requirement should be interpreted for the purpose of conformance testing in case of discontinuous transmission.

The conditions for the discontinuous test case are as follows:

The handover triggering level shall be set very high to ensure that the beacon channel power never exceeds the value of 10dB above it. Therefore the averaging time for signal quality will always be 160 milliseconds.

The UTRAN transmits Special Bursts as specified in TS 25.224. The Special Burst Scheduling Parameter, SBSP = 4, which means that UTRAN sends a Special Burst at every fourth frame with no data. Therefore, the UTRAN sends a Special Burst in the first frame without data transmission, followed by 3 frames with no transmission; followed by a Special Burst, etc.

The DCH parameters are shown in Table 6.4C.

The quality levels at the thresholds Qsbout and Qsbin correspond to different signal levels depending on the downlink conditions DCH parameters. For the conditions in Table 6.4C, a signal with the quality at the level Qsbout can be generated by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -19 dB, and a signal with Qsbin by a DPCH_Ec/Ior ratio during received special bursts of -15 dB.

Table 6.4C: DCH parameters for the of Out-of-synch handling test case – 7.68 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission






dBm/7.68 MHz



See Figure 6.1C

Bits/burst (including TFCI bits)





Figure 6.1C shows an example scenario where the special burst quality varies from a level above Qsbin , down to a level below Qsbout where the UE shall shut its power off and then back up to a level above Qsbin where the UE shall turn the power back on.

While the normal data is transmitted using two channelization codes, the Special Burst is transmitted with only one channelization code. Therefore the total energy per chip during Special Bursts is 3 dB lower than for continuous data transmission. The Special Bursts are represented by "SBs" in Figure 6.1C.

During the period of 3 frames with no data, the UE will receive a very low power, which is not shown in the figure. The power shown in the figure is the power of the Special Burst.

Figure 6.1C. Test case for out-of-synch handling in the UE – 7.68 Mcps TDD option – discontinuous transmission

In this test case, he requirements for the UE are that:

1) The UE shall not shut its transmitter off before point B.

2) The UE shall shut its transmitter off before point C, which is Toff = 200 ms after point B.

3) The UE shall not turn its transmitter on between points C and E.

4) The UE shall turn its transmitter on before point F, which is Ton = 200 ms after Point E.