6.2 Transmit power

25.1023GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (TDD)

6.2.1 User Equipment maximum output power

The nominal maximum output power defined is the broadband transmit power of the UE, i.e. the power in a bandwidth of at least (1+α) times the chip rate of the radio access mode. The period of measurement shall be a transmit timeslot excluding the guard period. 3.84 Mcps TDD option

The power classes in Table 6.1 define the nominal maximum output power for 3.84 Mcps TDD options.

Table 6.1: UE power classes

Power Class

Nominal maximum output power



+30 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+24 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+21 dBm

+2 dB / -2 dB


+10 dBm

+4 dB / -4 dB


1) For multi-code operation the nominal maximum output power will be reduced by the difference of peak to average ratio between single and multi-code transmission.

2) The tolerance allowed for the nominal maximum power applies even at the multi code transmission mode.

3) For UE using directive antennas for transmission, a class dependent limit will be placed on the maximum EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power). 1.28 Mcps TDD option

The power classes in Table 6.2 define the nominal maximum output power for 1.28 Mcps TDD option. For MC-HSUPA, the nominal transmit power is defined by the sum of the broadband transmit power of each carrier in the UE.

Table 6.2: UE power classes for 1.28 Mcps TDD

Power Class

Nominal maximum output power



+33 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+24 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+21 dBm

+2 dB / -2 dB


+27 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB

NOTE 1: The tolerance allowed for the nominal maximum power applies even at the multi code transmission mode.

NOTE 2: For UE using directive antennas for transmission, a class dependent limit will be placed on the maximum EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power).

NOTE3: For multi-carrier transmission, the nominal maximum output power will be reduced by the corresponding cubic metric value. 7.68 Mcps TDD option

The power classes in Table 6.1 define the nominal maximum output power for 7.68 Mcps TDD options.

Table 6.3: UE power classes

Power Class

Nominal maximum output power



+30 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+24 dBm

+1 dB / -3 dB


+21 dBm

+2 dB / -2 dB


+10 dBm

+4 dB / -4 dB

NOTE 1: For multi-code operation the nominal maximum output power will be reduced by the difference of peak to average ratio between single and multi-code transmission.

NOTE 2: The tolerance allowed for the nominal maximum power applies even at the multi code transmission mode.

NOTE 3: For UE using directive antennas for transmission, a class dependent limit will be placed on the maximum EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power).

6.2.2 UE maximum output, power with E-DCH 3.84 Mcps TDD option

[FFS] 1.28 Mcps TDD option

The Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for the nominal maximum output power defined in 6.2 is specified in table 6.4.

Table 6.4 UE maximum output power with E-DCH

UE transmit channel configuration

CM (dB)

MPR (dB)


0  CM  1.5


Where Cubic Metric (CM) is based on the UE transmit channel configuration and is given by

CM = CEIL{[20 * log10 ((v_norm 3) rms) – 20 * log10 ((v_norm_ref 3) rms)] / k,0.5}


– CEIL{X,0.5}means rounding upwards to closest 0.5dB, i.e. CM[0, 0.5, 1, 1,5]

– v_norm is the normalized voltage waveform of the input signal

– v_norm_ref is the normalized voltage waveform of the reference signal (12.2 kbps AMR Speech)

– k is 1.94

– 20 * log10 ((v_norm_ref 3) rms) = 1.22 dB 7.68 Mcps TDD option


6.2.3 UE maximum output, power with multi-code 1.28 Mcps TDD option

The Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for the nominal maximum output power defined in 6.2 is specified in table 6.2C.

Table 6.2C UE maximum output power with multi-code

UE transmit channel configuration

CM (dB)

MPR (dB)

For some combinations of; DPCH and HS-SICH/DPCH

0  CM  2.5


Where Cubic Metric (CM) is based on the UE transmit channel configuration and is given by

CM = CEIL{[20 * log10 ((v_norm 3) rms) – 20 * log10 ((v_norm_ref 3) rms)] / k, 0.5}


– CEIL{X, 0.5} means rounding upwards to closest 0.5dB, i.e. CM [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5]

– v_norm is the normalized voltage waveform of the input signal

– v_norm_ref is the normalized voltage waveform of the reference signal (12.2 kbps AMR Speech)

– k is 1.68

– 20 * log10 ((v_norm_ref 3) rms) = 1.22 dB