B.2 Propagation Conditions

25.1013GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (FDD)

B.2.1 Static propagation condition

The propagation for the static performance measurement is an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) environment. No fading and multi-paths exist for this propagation model.

B.2.2 Multi-path fading propagation conditions

Table B1 shows propagation conditions that are used for the performance measurements in multi-path fading environment. All taps have classical Doppler spectrum.

Table B.1: Propagation Conditions for Multi path Fading Environments (Cases 1 to 6)

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5 (Note 1)

Case 6

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
3 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
3 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
120 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
3 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
50 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV:
250 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
7 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
7 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
282 km/h
(Note 2)

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
7 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
118 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
583 km/h
(Note 2)

Speed for Band VII:
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
92 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
38 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
192 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
166 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
69 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
345 km/h

(Note 2)

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

8 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

8 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

320 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

8 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

133 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

668 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
69 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
29 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
143 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]



































NOTE 1: Case 5 is only used in TS25.133.

NOTE 2: Speed above 250km/h is applicable to demodulation performance requirements only.

Table B.1A (void)

Table B.1B shows propagation conditions that are used for HSDPA performance measurements in multi-path fading environment. For HSDPA and DCH enhanced performance requirements, the fading of the signals and the AWGN signals provided in each receiver antenna port shall be independent. For DC-HSDPA requirements, the fading of the signals for each cell shall be independent.

Table B.1B: Propagation Conditions for Multi-Path Fading Environments for HSDPA Performance Requirements

ITU Pedestrian A

Speed 3km/h


ITU Pedestrian B

Speed 3km/h


ITU vehicular A

Speed 30km/h


ITU vehicular A

Speed 120km/h


Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
3 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
3 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
30 km/h

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
120 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI
7 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI
7 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI
71 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI
282 km/h (Note 1)

Speed for Band VII
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band VII
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band VII
23 km/h

Speed for Band VII
92 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI, XXXII:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI, XXXII:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI, XXXII:
41 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI, XXXII:
166 km/h (Note 1)

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

8 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

8 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

80 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV

320 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
17 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
69 km/h

Relative Delay


Relative Mean Power [dB]

Relative Delay


Relative Mean Power


Relative Delay



Mean Power


Relative Delay



Mean Power














































NOTE 1: Speed above 120km/h is applicable to demodulation performance requirements only.

Table B.1C shows propagation conditions that are used for CQI test in multi-path fading and HS-SCCH-less demodulation of HS-DSCH. For HSDPA enhanced performance requirements, the fading of the signals and the AWGN signals provided in each receiver antenna port shall be independent. For DC-HSDPA requirements, the fading of the signals for each cell shall be independent.

Table B.1C: Propagation Conditions for CQI test in multi-path fading and HS-SCCH-less demodulation of HS-DSCH

Case 8,

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV: 30km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI: 71km/h

Speed for Band VII: 23km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI, XXXII: 41km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV: 80 km/h

Speed for Band XXII: 17 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative mean Power [dB]





Table B.1D shows propagation conditions that are used for MBMS demodulation performance measurements in multi-path fading environment.

Table B.1D: Propagation Conditions for Multi-Path Fading Environments for MBMS Performance Requirements

ITU vehicular A

Speed 3km/h

(VA 3)

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
3 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
7 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:
4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII, XIV:

8 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Relative Delay



Mean Power














Table B.1E shows propagation conditions that are used for MBSFN demodulation performance measurements in multi-path fading environment. All taps have classical Doppler spectrum.

The fading of the signals and the AWGN signals provided in each receiver antenna port shall be independent.

Table B.1E: Propagation Conditions for Multi-Path Fading Environments for MBSFN Demodulation Performance Requirements

MBSFN channel model

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV
3 km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI:
7 km/h

Speed for Band VII:
2.3 km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI:

4.1 km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII and XIV
8 km/h

Speed for Band XXII:
1.7 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative Mean Power [dB]





































B.2.3 Moving propagation conditions

The dynamic propagation conditions for the test of the baseband performance are non fading channel models with two taps. The moving propagation condition has two tap, one static, Path0, and one moving, Path1. The time difference between the two paths is according Equation (B.1). The taps have equal strengths and equal phases.

Figure B.1: The moving propagation conditions


The parameters in the equation are shown in the following table.

Table B.2




5 μs


1 μs


40*10-3 s-1

B.2.4 Birth-Death propagation conditions

The dynamic propagation conditions for the test of the base band performance is a non fading propagation channel with two taps. The moving propagation condition has two taps, Path1 and Path2 which alternate between ‘birth’ and ‘death’. The positions the paths appear are randomly selected with an equal probability rate and is shown in Figure B.2.

Figure B.2: Birth death propagation sequence

1. Two paths, Path1 and Path2 are randomly selected from the group[-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5] μs. The paths have equal magnitudes and equal phases.

2. After 191 ms, Path1 vanishes and reappears immediately at a new location randomly selected from the group [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5] μs but excludes the point Path 2. The magnitudes and the phases of the tap coefficients of Path 1 and Path 2 shall remain unaltered.

3. After an additional 191 ms, Path2 vanishes and reappears immediately at a new location randomly selected from the group [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5] μs but excludes the point Path 1. The magnitudes and the phases of the tap coefficients of Path 1 and Path 2 shall remain unaltered.

The sequence in 2) and 3) is repeated.

B.2.5 High speed train condition

The high speed train condition for the test of the baseband performance is a non fading propagation channel with one tap. Doppler shift is given by


where is the Doppler shift and is the maximum Doppler frequency. The cosine of angle is given by

, (B.3)

, (B.4)

, (B.5)

where is the initial distance of the train from BS, and is BS-Railway track distance, both in meters; is the velocity of the train in m/s, is time in seconds.

Doppler shift and cosine angle is given by equation B.2 and B.3-B.5 respectively, where the required input parameters listed in table B.3 and the resulting Doppler shift shown in Figure B.3 are applied for all frequency bands.

Table B.3



300 m

2 m

300 km/h

600 Hz

NOTE1: Parameters for HST conditions in table B.3 including and Doppler shift trajectories presented on figure B.3 were derived for Band1.

Figure B.3: Doppler shift trajectory

B.2.6 MIMO propagation conditions

MIMO propagation conditions are defined for a 2×2 antenna configuration. The resulting propagation channel shall be characterized by a complex 2×2 matrix termed


The channel coefficients of H shall be defined as a function of the possible precoding vectors or matrices. The possible precoding vectors for MIMO operation according to [8] shall be termed


In what follows. Furthermore the following possible precoding matrices shall be defined:


B.2.6.1 MIMO Single Stream Fading Conditions

For MIMO single stream conditions, the resulting propagation channel shall be generated using two independent fading processes with classical Doppler and one randomly picked but fixed precoding vector out of the set defined in equation EQ.B.2.6.1. The two fading processes shall be generated according to the parameters in Table B.4

Table B.4

MIMO Single Stream Conditions,

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV: 3km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI: 7.1km/h

Speed for Band VII: 2.3km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI: 4.1km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII and XIV: 8 km/h

Speed for Band XXII: 1.7 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative Mean Power [dB]

(Amplitude, phase) symbols





NOTE: The amplitudeis not used in tests under MIMO single stream conditions, only the phase will be used.

The channel coefficients of the resulting propagation channnel under MIMO single stream condiitons shall be given by

The generation of the resulting channel coefficients for MIMO single stream conditions and the association with the transmitter and receiver ports are depicted Figure B.4. Figure B.4 does not restrict test system implementation.

Figure B.4: Test setup under MIMO Single Stream Fading Conditions

B.2.6.2 MIMO Dual Stream Fading Conditions

For MIMO dual stream conditions, the resulting propagation channel shall be generated using two independent fading processes with classical Doppler and one randomly picked but fixed precoding matrix out of the set defined in equation EQ.B.2.6.2. The two fading processes shall be generated according to the parameters in Table B.5

Table B.5

MIMO Dual Stream Conditions,

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV: 3km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI: 7.1km/h

Speed for Band VII: 2.3km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI: 4.1km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII and XIV: 8 km/h

Speed for Band XXII: 1.7 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative Mean Power [dB]

(Amplitude, phase) symbols





The channel coefficients of the resulting propagation channnel under MIMO dual stream condiitons shall be given by

The generation of the resulting channel coefficients for MIMO dual stream conditions and the association with the transmitter and receiver ports are depicted Figure B.5. Figure B.5 does not restrict test system implementation.

Figure B.5: Test setup under MIMO Dual Stream Fading Conditions

B.2.6.3 MIMO Dual Stream Static Orthogonal Conditions

The channel coefficients of the resulting propagation channnel under MIMO dual stream condiitons shall be given by

The generation of the resulting channel coefficients for MIMO dual stream conditions and the association with the transmitter and receiver ports are depicted Figure B.6. Figure B.6 does not restrict test system implementation.

Figure B.6: Test setup under MIMO Dual Stream Static Orthogonal Conditions

B.2.7 Propagation conditions for MIMO with four transmit antennas

The propagation conditions for MIMO with four transmit antennas are defined for a 4×4 antenna configuration. The resulting propagation channel shall be characterized by a complex 4×4 matrix termed


The channel coefficients of H shall be defined as a function of the possible precoding matrices. The possible precoding matrices for MIMO operation with four transmit antennas according to [8] are obtained by the quantity =which denotes the matrix defined by the columns given by the set from the expression where I is the identity matrix and the vector is given in [8], Table 14B.7.

B.2.7.1 MIMO with Four Transmit Antennas and Four Streams Static Orthogonal Conditions

The channel coefficients of the resulting propagation channel under MIMO with four transmit antennas and four stream conditions shall be given by

The generation of the resulting channel coefficients for MIMO with four transmit antennas and four stream conditions and the association with the transmitter and receiver ports can be derived from Figure B.4 with the application of the above mentioned coefficients. Figure B.4 does not restrict test system implementation.

B.2.7.2 MIMO with Four Transmit Antennas Only With Dual Stream Fading Conditions

For MIMO with four transmit antennas and dual stream conditions, the resulting propagation channel shall be generated using two independent fading processes with classical Doppler and one randomly picked but fixed precoding matrix out of the set defined in Section B.2.7 with two transport blocks. The two fading processes shall be generated according to the parameters in Table B.8

Table B.8

MIMO Dual Stream Conditions,

Speed for Band I, II, III, IV, IX, X and XXV: 3km/h

Speed for Band V, VI, VIII, XIX, XX and XXVI: 7.1km/h

Speed for Band VII: 2.3km/h

Speed for Band XI, XXI: 4.1km/h

Speed for Band XII, XIII and XIV: 8 km/h

Speed for Band XXII: 1.7 km/h

Relative Delay [ns]

Relative Mean Power [dB]

(Amplitude, phase) symbols





The channel coefficients of the resulting propagation channel under MIMO with four transmit antennas and dual stream conditions shall be given by

Where WH is a 2×4 matrix. The generation of the resulting channel coefficients for MIMO with four transmit antennas and dual stream conditions and the association with the transmitter and receiver ports can be derived from Figure B.5 with the appropriate changes to the matrix dimensions (W). Figure B.5 does not restrict test system implementation.

Annex C (normative):
Downlink Physical Channels