9.3.8 MIMO with Four Transmit Antennas only with Dual-Stream Restriction Performance

25.1013GPPRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (FDD) MIMO with four transmit antennas only with dual-stream restriction fading conditions

The propagation conditions assumed for minimum performance requirements of CQI reporting under MIMO with four transmit antennas with dual stream conditions are defined in subclause B.2.7.2. The precoding used at the transmitter is one randomly picked but fixed precoding vector for dual transport block transmission out of the set of possible precoding vectors as defined in [8]. The same precoding vector shall be used to generate the resulting channel coefficients as described in subclause B.2.7.2.

The reporting accuracy of CQI under MIMO with four transmit antennas with dual-stream restriction is determined by the BLER performance when transmitting with a transport format indicated by the reported CQI median determined over all CQI reports that were reported together with PCI reports matching the precoding matrix embedded in the propagation channel as defined in subclause B.2.7.2. Minimum Requirement

With a serving HS-DSCH cell and secondary serving HS-DSCH cell(s) configured, using the parameters specified in Table 9.49E6, and using the downlink physical channels specified in Table C.12F, the requirements are specified in terms of maximum BLERs at particular reported CQIs for each HARQ process when transmitting a fixed transport format per HARQ process given by the HARQ process specific CQI median as shown in Table 9.49E7. The requirement is applicable for each cell and stream individually, that is the median reported CQI, as well as corresponding BLERs, are to be separately determined for each cell and stream, and independently verified against the requirement in Table 9.49E7. The HARQ process and cell-specific CQI median shall be determined over all dual transport block CQI reports that were reported together with PCI reports matching the precoding matrix embedded in the propagation channel as defined in subclause B.2.7.2. The HARQ process and cell-specific BLER at a particular reported CQI is obtained by associating a particular CQI reference measurement period for all dual transport block CQI reports that were reported together with a PCI report that was matching the precoding matrix embedded in the propagation channel as defined in subclause B.2.7.2 with the two transport blocks of the HS-PDSCH subframe overlapping with the end of this CQI reference measurement period and calculating the fractions of erroneous HS-PDSCH subframes to which the same CQI values were associated.

Table 9.49E6: Test Parameters for CQI test for MIMO with four transmit antennas only with dual streams conditions



Test 1








dBm/3.84 MHz


Phase reference




-17.4 (without STTD)



-10 (without STTD)

Precoding weight set restriction


Maximum number of

H-ARQ transmission


Number of HS-SCCH set to be monitored


CQI feedback cycle



CQI repetition factor


PCI/CQI reporting Error Rate



HS-SCCH-1 signalling pattern

To incorporate inter-TTI=3 the six sub-frame HS-SCCH-1 signalling pattern shall be “…XOOXOO…”, where “X” indicates TTI in which the HS-SCCH-1 uses the identity of the UE under test, and “O” indicates TTI in which the HS-SCCH-1 uses a different UE identity.

Propagation Channel

Four branch MIMO dual stream fading conditions, Annex B.2.7.2

Note 1: Measurement power offset “Γ” is configured by RRC accordingly and as defined in [7].

Note 2: TF for HS-PDSCH is configured for each stream according to the reported CQI statistics. TF for each stream is based on median CQI over all dual transport block CQI reports that are reported together with a PCI report that is matching the precoding matrix embedded in the propagation channel as defined in subclause B.2.7.2. Other physical channel parameters are configured according to the CQI mapping table described in TS25.214. The precoding that shall be used in the transmitter is one randomly picked but fixed precoding matrix for dual transport block transmission out of the set of possible precoding matrices as defined in [8]. The same precoding matrix shall be used to generate the resulting channel coefficients as described for MIMO dual stream conditions in subclause B.2.7.2.

Note 3: HS-PDSCH Ec/Ior is decreased according to reference power adjustment Δ described in TS 25.214

Note 4: For any given transport format the power of the HS-SCCH and HS-PDSCH shall be transmitted continuously with constant power.

Note 5: The UE shall be configured in 64QAM/MIMO mode and use appropriate CQI tables according to TS 25.214.

Table 9.49E7: Minimum requirement for CQI test in MIMO dual stream conditions

Reported CQI

Maximum BLER

Test 1

CQI median


CQI median [+ 2]
