7.6 Network-Initiated Dynamic PCC for EPC-routed Traffic
23.1393GPP3GPP system - fixed broadband access network interworkingRelease 17Stage 2TS
This procedure is applicable if the UE accesses via a Fixed Broadband Access network with GTPv2 or PMIPv6 based S2b interface for the EPC-routed traffic. And if dynamic PCC is deployed, the procedure given in Figure 7.6-1 is used by the PCRF to provision rules to the Fixed Broadband Access and for the Fixed Broadband Access to enforce the policy by controlling the resources and configuration in the access. This procedure is applicable only when the UE is already attached the Fixed Broadband Access network access and the PCRF is capable to discover the BPCF for the Fixed Broadband Access serving the UE. The access specific procedure executed in the Fixed Broadband Access is out of scope of this specification. In case 2b, defined in clause 7.1 of TS 23.203 [4] when UE connecting via Fixed Broadband Access access no QoS Rules should be provisioned to the ePDG.
Figure 7.6-1: Network-initiated dynamic policy control procedure
If dynamic policy provisioning over S9a is not deployed, the optional step 1 does not occur. Instead, the Fixed Broadband Access network may employ Fixed Broadband Access local policies.
1. The PCRF (for non-roaming case) and the V-PCRF (for home routed and visited access roaming case) initiates the Gateway Control and QoS Rules Provision Procedure with the BPCF over S9a as specified in TS 23.203 [4]. In roaming scenario, the H-PCRF will initiate the procedure over S9 towards the V-PCRF and the V-PCRF in turns initiates the procedure over S9a towards the BPCF.
2. The Fixed Broadband Access Network performs admission control based on the QoS rules provisioned to it, and establishes all necessary resources and configuration in the Fixed Broadband Access network. The details of this step are out of the scope of this specification.
3. The PCRF sends PCC Rules to the PDN GW. This corresponds to the initial steps of the PCRF-Initiated IP-CAN Session Modification procedure as defined in TS 23.203 [4].
4. The step only available when GTP S2b is used. P-GW initiates GTP bearer activation/deactivation/update procedure as defined in TS 23 402, figure 7.9.2-1, 7.10-1, 7.11.1-1.
5. If the dynamic policy control procedure was triggered by a PCC Rules Provision message from the PCRF, the PDN GW replies with a provisioning acknowledgement message to the PCRF and later informs the PCRF whether the requested PCC Rules could be enforced after the completion of IP CAN bearer signalling.