4.2.1 General
23.1393GPP3GPP system - fixed broadband access network interworkingRelease 17Stage 2TS
The figure 4.2.2-1, 4.2.2-2 and 4.2.2-3 show the reference architecture for the non-roaming scenario and with the traffic routed to the mobile core network. The figure 4.2.3-1, 4.2.3-2 and 4.2.3-3 show the reference architecture for the roaming scenario with the traffic routed to the home network. The figure 4.2.3-5, 4.2.3-6 and 4.2.3-7 show the reference architecture for the roaming scenario with the local breakout in Visited PLMN.
The figure 4.2.4-1and 4.2.4-2 show the reference architecture for the NSWO with AF in 3GPP operator’s network; the figure 4.2.4-3 and 4.2.4-4 show the reference architecture for the NSWO with AF ("BBF AF") in BBF domain; the figure 4.2.4-5 and 4.2.4-6 show the reference architecture for NSWO with TDF. The non-seamless traffic is routed to an external network directly from BBF network.
The following considerations apply to interfaces and reference points where they occur in figures in this clause:
– S5 and S8 can be GTP-based or PMIP-based.
– Gxc is used only in the case of PMIP variant of S5 or S8.
– S9 is used between the H-PCRF and V-PCRF in roaming scenario
– the reference points internal to the Fixed Broadband access network are defined or are under definition by Broadband Forum and are out of the scope of this specification.
NOTE 1: SWu shown in Figure 4.2.2-1, 4.2.3-1 and 4.2.3-4 also applies to architectural reference for untrusted scenario in Figures 4.2.2-3, 4.2.3-3 and 4.2.3-6 for the untrusted scenario with S2c but is not shown for simplicity.
The ANDSF is not shown in any of the following figures, but it may be used in all architectural variants, according to the principles defined in TS 23 402 [3].