C.19 Void

26.3463GPPMultimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS)Protocols and codecsRelease 17TS

Annex D (informative):
RTP packetization guidelines

This annex provides guidelines for MBMS senders to minimize initial buffering delay between starting of the reception and starting of rendering of media data in MBMS receivers.

When H.264 (AVC) video is in use, an MBMS sender should form FEC source blocks in which the first H.264 (AVC) access unit in decoding order is an IDR access unit. When H.265 (HEVC) video is in use, an MBMS sender should form FEC source blocks in which the first H.265 (HEVC) access unit in decoding order is an IRAP access unit.

MBMS senders should transmit all application data units for a given H.264 (AVC) or H.265 (HEVC) access unit, or audio frame within one FEC source block.

MBMS senders should set the min-buffer-time MIME/SDP parameter and the minimum buffering delay elements included in FEC source blocks to values that are sufficient to cover any required de-interleaving or de-packetization of application data units, such as H.264 (AVC) or H.265 (HEVC) NAL units and coded audio frames, from their transmission order to decoding order.

When RTP timestamps are converted to the wallclock time of the MBMS receiver, the smallest RTP timestamp among the FEC source packets of a FEC source block of a stream should be equal or close to the smallest RTP timestamp among the FEC source packets of a FEC source block of any other stream of the same MBMS streaming session.

When RTP timestamps are converted to the wallclock time of the MBMS receiver, the greatest RTP timestamp among the FEC source packets of a FEC source block of a stream should be equal or close to the greatest RTP timestamp among the FEC source packets of a FEC source block of any other stream of the same MBMS streaming session.

Annex E (informative):

Annex F (informative):
Hybrid Streaming Delivery