3 Definitions and abbreviations
26.3463GPPMultimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS)Protocols and codecsRelease 17TS
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply:
Application content component: An individual content component of an MBMS User Service, such as a video or audio media stream, or a non-real-time file, delivered by an MBMS transport session, and is available to and can be used by the MBMS application.
Application Service: An end-user service for which the entry point document is contained in the User Service Description and whereby all associated content components are delivered through one or more MBMS User Services via broadcast and/or unicast bearers.
Broadcast session: See 3GPP TS 22.146 [2].
Forward Error Correction (FEC): in the context of MBMS, a FEC mechanism is used at the application layer to allow MBMS receivers to recover lost SDUs.
FLUTE channel: equivalent to an ALC/LCT channel.
An ALC/LCT channel is defined by the combination of a sender and an address associated with the channel by the sender (RFC 3926 [9]).
Frame-packed stereoscopic 3D video: a video consisting of two views in which both views were packed into a single stream before compression.
Hybrid DASH/HLS service: a media streaming service which can be consumed both by DASH clients and HLS clients.
Multicast joining: See 3GPP TS 22.146 [2].
Multicast session: See 3GPP TS 22.146 [2].
Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS): See 3GPP TS 22.146 [2].
MBMS application: The application which resides in or interfaces with the UE, and which provides to the end-user an application service by using one or more application content components of one or more MBMS User Services.
MBMS over a Single Frequency Network: See 3GPP TS 25.346 [5].
MBMS User Service: The transport-level service, comprising one or more application content components, delivered by the MBMS bearer service across one or more Broadcast and/or Multicast sessions, and/or delivered by the unicast bearer service. The application content components of the MBMS User Service, in part or in whole, are provided to the MBMS application.
See 3GPP TS 22.246 [3].
MBMS user service discovery/announcement: user service discovery refers to methods for the UE to obtain the list of available MBMS user services along with information on the user service and the user service announcement refers to methods for the MBMS service provider to make the list of available MBMS user services along with information on the user service available to the UE.
MBMS user service initiation: UE mechanisms to setup the reception of MBMS user service data
The initiation procedure takes place after the discovery of the MBMS user service.
MBMS delivery method: mechanism used by a MBMS user service to deliver content.
An MBMS delivery method uses MBMS bearers in delivering content and may make use of associated procedures.
MBMS download delivery method: delivery of discrete objects (e.g. files) by means of a MBMS download session.
MBMS group communication delivery method: delivery of group communication service data by means of the BM-SC ingesting UDP/IP packets from a group communications server and forwarding them over the MBMS path provided by the MBMS Bearer Service.
MBMS streaming delivery method: delivery of continuous media (e.g. real-time video) by means of a MBMS streaming session.
MBMS Transparent delivery method: transparent delivery of application data by means of an MBMS Transparent session.
MBMS download session: time, protocols and protocol state (i.e. parameters) which define sender and receiver configuration for the download of content files.
MBMS streaming session: time, protocols and protocol state (i.e. parameters) which define sender and receiver configuration for the streaming of content.
MBMS Transparent session: time, area, protocols, and protocol state (i.e. parameters) which define sender and receiver configuration for the transparent delivery of application data flows.
Partial-File-Accept Request: HTTP GET request that includes a partial-accept header in the HTTP request header.
Receive Only Mode: See 3GPP TS 23.246 [4].
Receive-Only-Mode (ROM) service: A type of eMBMS broadcast service receivable by a UE configured in Receive Only Mode. A TMGI associated with a ROM service shall contains a standardized [MCC+MNC] value. See Annex E of 3GPP TS 23.246 [4] and TS 24.116 [131] for further details on Receive Only Mode.
RTP Session: The RTP and RTCP traffic sent to a specific IP multicast address and port pair (one port each for RTP and RTCP) during the time period the session is specified to exist. An RTP session is used to transport a single media type (e.g. audio, video, or text). An RTP session may contain several different streams of RTP packets using different SSRCs.
Stereoscopic 3D video: a video bitstream consisting of two views.
Unicast Bearer Service: Synonymously used as the term "UMTS Bearer Services with interactive and/or streaming traffic classes".
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply:
ADPD Associated Delivery Procedure Description
ADU Application Data Unit
ALC Asynchronous Layered Coding
API Application Programming Interface
AS Application Server
ASD Application Service Description
AVC Advanced Video Coding
BM-SC Broadcast-Multicast – Service Centre
CC Congestion Control
CPB Coding Picture Buffer
CVS Coded Video Sequence
DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
ERT Expected Residual Time
ESI Encoding Symbol ID
FDT File Delivery Table
FLUTE File deLivery over Unidirectional Transport
FMT Feedback Message Type
GCS Group Communication Service
GCSE Group Communication Service Enabler
HDR High Dynamic Range
HDTV High-DefinitionTeleVision
HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding
HLS HTTP Live Streaming
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IDR Instantaneous Decoding Refresh
IRAP Intra Random Access Point
ISD Initialization Segment Description
LCT Layered Coding Transport
LI Leap Indicator
MBMS SAI MBMS Service Area Identity
MCPTT Mission Critical Push to Talk
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
MooD MBMS operation on Demand
MPD Media Presentation Description
MSK MBMS Service Key
MTK MBMS Traffic Key
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
NTP Network Time Protocol
OMNA Open Mobile Naming Authority
PAC Proxy Auto-Config
PSS Packet-switched Streaming Service
PTT Push To Talk
RASL Random Access Skipped Leading picture
ROM Receive-Only-Mode
SA File Service Announcement File
SACH Service Announcement CHannel
SBN Source Block Number
SCT Sender Current Time
SEI Supplemental Enhancement Information
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
TMGI Temporary Mobile Group Identity
TOI Transport Object Identifier
TSI Transport Session Identifier
UHD Ultra High Definition
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USBD User Service Bundle Description
USD User Service Description
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
VCL Video Coding Layer
VR Virtual Reality