A.2 Requirement classification for statistical testing

25.1333GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD)TS

Editors note: Each requirement in the annex have to be gone through and updated with which type it belongs to and in applicable cases, which success rate that defines the requirement. Tdoc R4 00 619 shall be used as a base for that work.

Requirements in this specification are either expressed as absolute requirements with a single value stating the requirement, or expressed as a success rate. There are no provisions for the statistical variations that will occur when the parameter is tested.

Annex A outlines the test in more detail and lists the test parameters needed. The test will result in an outcome of a test variable value for the DUT inside or outside the test limit. Overall, the probability of a "good" DUT being inside the test limit(s) and the probability of a "bad" DUT being outside the test limit(s) should be as high as possible. For this reason, when selecting the test variable and the test limit(s), the statistical nature of the test is accounted for.

The statistical nature depends on the type of requirement. Some have large statistical variations, while others are not statistical in nature at all. When testing a parameter with a statistical nature, a confidence level is set. This establishes the probability that a DUT passing the test actually meets the requirement and determines how many times a test has to be repeated and what the pass and fail criteria are. Those aspects are not covered by TS 25.133. The details of the tests, how many times to run it and how to establish confidence in the tests are described in TS 34.121. This Annex establishes what the test variable is and whether it can be viewed as statistical in nature or not.

A.2.1 Types of requirements in TS 25.133

Time and delay requirements on UE higher layer actions

A very large part of the RRM requirements are delay requirements:

– In idle mode (A.4) there is cell re-selection delay.

– In UTRAN Connected Mode Mobility (A.5) there is measurement reporting delay, handover delay and cell re-selection delay.

– In RRC Connection Control (A.6) there is RRC re-establishment delay and TFC blocking delay.

All have in common that the UE is required to perform an action observable in higher layers (e.g. camp on the correct cell) within a certain time after a specific event (e.g. a new strong pilot arises). The delay time is statistical in nature for several reasons, among others that measurements required by the UE are performed in a fading radio environment.

The variations make a strict limit unsuitable for a test. Instead there is a condition set for a correct action by the UE, e.g. that the UE shall camp on the correct cell within X seconds. Then the rate of correct events is observed during repeated tests and a limit is set on the rate of correct events, usually 90% correct events are required. How the limit is applied in the test depends on the confidence required, further detailed are in TS 34.121.

Measurements of power levels, relative powers and time

A very large number of requirements are on measurements that the UE performs:

– In UTRAN Connected Mode Mobility (A.5) there are measurement reports.

– Measurement performance requirements (A.8) has requirements on all type of measurements.

The accuracy requirements on measurements are expressed in this specification as a fixed limit (e.g. +/-X dB), but the measurement error will have a distribution that is not easily confined in fixed limits. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of the error, the limits will have to be set at +/-3.29σ if the probability of failing a "good DUT" in a single test is to be kept at 0.1%. It is more reasonable to set the limit tighter and test the DUT by counting the rate of measurements that are within he limits, in a way similar to the requirements on delay.

Implementation requirements

A few requirements are strict actions the UE should take or capabilities the UE should have, without any allowance for deviations. These requirements are absolute and should be tested as such. Examples are

– "Event triggered report rate" and "Active set dimension" in UTRAN Connected Mode Mobility (A.5)

– "Correct behaviour at time-out" in RRC connection control (A.6)

Physical layer timing requirements

All requirements on "Timing Characteristics" (A.7) are absolute limits on timing accuracy.

BER and BLER requirements

Some measurement report procedures in "UE Measurement procedures" (A.8) have requirements on DCH BLER. These are tested in the same way as BLER requirements in TS 25.101.