8.4 Measurements in CELL_FACH State when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

25.1333GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD)TS

8.4.1 Introduction

This section contains requirements on the UE regarding cell reselection and measurement reporting in CELL_FACH state when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing. The requirements for cell re-selection are split in FDD intra frequency, FDD inter frequency, TDD, GSM and E-UTRAN measurements. The measurements are defined in TS 25.215, the measurement model is defined in TS 25.302 and measurement accuracies are specified in section 9. Control of measurement reporting is specified in TS 25.331. Measurement occasions in CELL_FACH state are described in TS 25.331.

If UE indicates support for Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA or increased carrier monitoring E-UTRA the measurement performance for different carriers may be configured by higher layers to be either normal or reduced. A measurement scaling factor [16] defining the relaxation to be applied to the requirements for carriers measured with reduced measurement performance is signalled by higher layers and has the possible settings shown in table 8.0a. The same measurement scaling factor mapping is used in Cell FACH state as cell DCH state.

The minimum performance requirements for a UE which indicates support for Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA [16, 31] are calculated as defined in section provided that Nfreq, FDD,n ≤2 or if all FDD interfrequency carriers are indicated to have normal performance. The minimum performance requirements for a UE which indicates support for Increased UE carrier monitoring E-UTRA [16, 31] are calculated as defined in section provided that NE-UTRA,n≤4 for a UE capable of either FDD E-UTRA carrier monitoring or TDD E-UTRA carrier monitoring or Nfreq,E-UTRA,n≤8 for a UE capable of both FDD and TDD E-UTRA carrier monitoring provided Nfreq,E-UTRA,n,FDD≤4 and Nfreq,E-UTRA,n,TDD≤4 or if all E-UTRA carriers are indicated to have normal performance.

Capabilities for number of carriers to monitor for UE which indicates support for Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA or E-UTRA are specified in section

8.4.2 Requirements UE Measurement Capability when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

In CELL_FACH state, the UE shall be able to monitor up to

– 32 intra frequency FDD cells and

– 32 inter frequency cells, including

– FDD cells distributed on up to 2 additional FDD carriers and

– Depending on UE Capability, TDD mode cells, distributed on up to 3 TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, 32 GSM cells distributed on up to 32 GSM carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA FDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability up to 4 E-UTRA TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, the UE shall be able to monitor up to 16 intra frequency cells during IPDL gaps.

The requirements in section 9 on CPICH Ec/Io and RSCP measurements are applicable for a UE performing measurements according to this section. For inter-frequency FDD, TDD, GSM and E-UTRAN cell re-selection, measurement occasions as specified in TS 25.331 are used to find and measure on other cells.

It is defined below how the measurements on different systems and modes are performed given the time allocated to that system. The requirements in this section are based on an assumption that the time during the measurement occasions that is allocated to each of the different modes and systems shall be equally shared by the modes which the UE has capability for and that are in the monitored set signalled by the network.

For this four parameters are defined:

NFDD is 0 or 1. If there are inter-frequency FDD cells in the neighbour list and FDD measurements are required by higher layers, NFDD=1, otherwise NFDD=0.

NTDD is 0 or 1. If the UE is capable of TDD and there are TDD cells in the neighbour list and TDD measurements are required by higher layers, NTDD=1 otherwise NTDD =0.

NGSM is 0 or 1. If the UE is capable of GSM and there are GSM cells in the neighbour list and GSM measurements are required by higher layers, NGSM=1, otherwise NGSM =0.

NE-UTRAN is 0 or 1. If the UE is capable of E-UTRAN and there are E-UTRAN cells in the neighbour list and E-UTRAN measurements are required by higher layers, NE-UTRAN=1, otherwise NE-UTRAN =0.

The measurement time Tmeas is then defined as



– M_REP is the Measurement Occasion cycle length where K is given in Table 8.10A. K is the FACH measurement occasion length coefficient as specified in TS25.331

– The FACH Measurement Occasion of NTTI frames will be repeated every NTTI * M_REP frame.

– NTTI is the number of frames in each measurement occasion, equal to the length of the largest TTI on the SCCPCH monitored by the UE. FACHs that only carry MBMS logical channels (MTCH, MSCH, or MCCH) are excluded from measurement occasion calculations.

– A UE receiving MTCH shall use only that part of the Measurement Occasion of NTTI frames which corresponds to 25% of the MTCH TTI length at the maximum.

For UEs receiving MTCH, the reduced measurement time, if applicable, needs to be considered when performance requirements are derived according to section 8. The repetition rate of NTTI * M_REP frames remains unaffected

Table 8.10A: K values for each NTTI value











The UE is assumed to measure periodically once every time period Tmeas on each of the modes and systems, FDD inter frequency cells, TDD inter frequency cells, GSM and E-UTRA carriers for which the corresponding parameter NFDD, NTDD, NGSM and NE-UTRAN is set to 1. UE Measurement Capability when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing (Increased UE carrier monitoring)

UE which indicates support for Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA according to capabilities in [16,31] shall additionally be capable of monitoring at least

80 inter-frequency cells, including

– 5 FDD UTRA inter-frequency carriers with up to 32 cells per carrier.

UE which indicates support for increased UE carrier monitoring E-UTRA according to capabilities in [16,31] shall be capable of monitoring at least

– Depending on UE capability, 8 FDD E-UTRA carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, 8 TDD E-UTRA carriers FDD intra frequency measurements when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

During the CELL_FACH state the UE shall continuously measure identified intra frequency cells and search for new intra frequency cells in the monitoring set. If a measurement occasion is activated, intra frequency measurements can be performed between the measurement occasions.

The performance of intra frequency measurements when IPDL is active has not been studied. Identification of a new cell

The UE shall be able to identify a new detectable cell belonging to the monitored set within



Tbasic_identify_FDD, intra is specified in section,

NTTI and M_REP is specified in section

A cell shall be considered detectable when

– CPICH Ec/Io > -20 dB,

– SCH_Ec/Io > -20 dB for at least one channel tap and SCH_Ec/Ior is equally divided between primary synchronisation code and secondary synchronisation code.

In the case that MTCH is being received, the UE shall be able to take identified cells into use for MTCH combining purposes within one MTCH TTI after the completion of identification.

If more candidate cells are identified than the UE has combining capability, then the UE shall estimate MTCH reception quality of all candidate cells and determine a subset of the identified cells which best allow the UE to meet the required MTCH reception performance.

In case of conflict when a measurement occasion is activated the UE may choose to prioritise the SFN decoding Identification of a new cell using IPDL gaps

When the UE is supporting IPDL measurements and when idle periods with a length of 1 slot are scheduled the UE physical layer shall be capable to identify a new cell and report SFN-SFN observed time difference type 2 measurement within

Tidentify,IPDL=Max{TMeaserement_Period Intra,TIPDL} ms


TMeasurement_Period Intra = The measurement period for Intra frequency CPICH measurements defined in Section


TIPDL depends on the Search Window Size given in UE positioning OTDOA neighbour cell info as given in Table 8.10B

Table 8.10B: TIPDL

Search Window Size


less than or equal to +/- 40 chips

Time over which 4 consecutive IPDL gaps occur

+/- 80 chips

Time over which 8 consecutive IPDL gaps occur UE CPICH measurement capability

In the CELL_FACH state the measurement period for intra frequency measurements is 200 ms. When no measurement occasion cycle is activated, the UE shall be capable of performing CPICH measurements for 8 identified intra-frequency cells of the monitored set and the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with the measurement period of 200 ms. When a measurement occasion cycle is activated, the UE shall be capable of performing CPICH measurements for the Ymeasurement intra strongest cells , where Ymeasurement intra is defined in the following equation. The measurement accuracy for all measured cells shall be as specified in the sub-clause 9.1.1 and 9.1.2. If the UE has identified more than Ymeasurement intra cells, the UE shall perform measurements of all identified cells but the reporting rate of CPICH measurements of cells from UE physical layer to higher layers may be decreased.



Xbasic measurement FDD is specified in section,

TMeasurement_Period Intra is specified in section,

M_REP and NTTI is specified in section Capabilities for measurements during IPDL gaps.

When idle periods with a length of 1 slot are scheduled UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting SFN-SFN observed time difference type 2 measurements to higher layers with measurement accuracy as specified in sub-clause with measurement period given by


TMeasurement_Period Intra = The measurement period for Intra frequency CPICH measurements defined in Section


T4 IPDLs = Time period over which 4 consecutive idle periods occur. RACH reporting

Reporting measurements in the measurement reports sent on the RACH shall meet the requirements in section 9. FDD inter frequency measurements when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

In the CELL_FACH state when a measurement occasion cycle is provided by the network, and absolute priority based reselection is not used, the UE shall continuously measure identified inter frequency cells and search for new inter frequency cells indicated in the measurement control information. When absolute priority based reselection is used, measurement rules defined in [1] apply (based on Sprioritysearch1 and Sprioritysearch2 thresholds).

If E-DCH resources are allocated to the UE or timer T321[16] is running, the UE is not required to perform interfrequency FDD cell identification or measurement. Identification of a new cell

The UE shall be able to identify a new detectable cell belonging to the monitored set within

(normal performance) and

(reduced performance)


Tbasic_identify_FDD,inter is specified in

NFreq,FDD: Number of FDD frequencies in the Inter-frequency cell info list

TMeas and M_REP are specified in

TInter FACH = (NTTI*10 – 2*0.5) ms

A cell shall be considered detectable when

– CPICH Ec/Io > -20 dB,

– SCH_Ec/Io > -17 dB for at least one channel tap and SCH_Ec/Ior is equally divided between primary synchronisation code and secondary synchronisation code. UE CPICH measurement capability

When a measurement occasion cycle is scheduled for FDD inter frequency measurements the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with measurement accuracy as specified in sub-clause 9.1.2 with measurement period is given by

ms (normal performance) and

ms (reduced performance)


Tbasic_measurement_FDD,inter is specified in section

TMeasurement_Period Inter is specified in section

TMeas is specified in section

NFreq,FDD and TInter FACH are specified in section

Nfreq,FDD,n : Number of FDD interfrequency carriers to be monitored with normal performance

Nfreq,FDD,r: Number of FDD interfrequency carriers to be monitored with reduced performance

If Nfreq,FDD,r is not equal to zero then Kn and Kr are as shown in table 8.0a. Otherwise Kn=1 and all interfrequency layers have normal performance.

The minimum performance requirements for a UE which does not indicate support for Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA [16,31] are calculated assuming all UTRA carriers required to be monitored for such UE, are having normal performance and are in normal performance group, i.e. Nfreq,FDD,n = NFreq,FDD and Nfreq,FDD,r=0.

If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency measurements, the measurement period for inter frequency measurements is 480 ms.

The UE shall be capable of performing CPICH measurements for Xbasic measurement FDD inter inter-frequency cells per FDD frequency of the monitored set, and the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with the measurement period of TMeasurement_ Inter.

Xbasic measurement FDDinter is defined in section TDD measurements when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and TDD.

In the CELL_FACH state when a measurement occasion cycle is provided by the network the UE shall continuously measure identified inter frequency TDD cells and search for new inter-frequency TDD cells indicated in the measurement control information. If E-DCH resources are allocated to the UE or timer T321[16] is running, the UE is not required to perform interfrequency TDD cell identification or measurement. Identification of a new cell 3,84 Mcps TDD Option

The UE shall be able to identify a new detectable inter-frequency TDD cell belonging to the monitored set within



Tbasic_identify_TDD,inter = 800ms

NFreq,TDD: Number of TDD frequencies indicated in the Inter-frequency cell info list

TMeas is specified in section

TInter FACH is specified in section

If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency TDD measurements, the UE shall be able to identify a new detectable inter-frequency TDD cell belonging to the monitored set within 5000 ms.

When L3 filtering is used an additional delay can be expected.

An inter-frequency TDD cell shall be considered detectable when P-CCPCH_Ec/Io ≥ -8 dB and SCH_Ec/Io ≥ -13 dB.

The received P-CCPCH_Ec/Io is defined as

and the received SCH_Ec/Io is defined as 1.28 Mcps TDD Option

The UE shall be able to identify a new detectable inter-frequency TDD cell belonging to the monitored set within



Tbasic_identify_TDD,inter = 800ms

NFreq,TDD: Number of TDD frequencies indicated in the inter-frequency cell info list

TMeas is specified in section

TInter FACH is specified in section

If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency TDD measurements, the UE shall be able to identify a new detectable inter-frequency TDD cell belonging to the monitored set within 5000 ms.

When L3 filtering is used an additional delay can be expected.

A cell shall be considered detectable when P-CCPCH Ec/Io > -8 dB and DwPCH_Ec/Io > -5 dB.

The received P-CCPCH Ec/Io is defined as

The received DwPTS Ec/Io is defined as P-CCPCH RSCP measurement period

When a measurement occasion cycle as previously described is scheduled for inter frequency TDD measurements the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with measurement accuracy as specified in sub-clause 9.1.11 and with a measurement period as given by


Tbasic_measurement_TDD inter= 50 ms.

TMeasurement_Period TDD inter is specified in section

TMeas is specified in section

TInter FACH is specified in section

NFreq,TDD: This is the number of TDD frequencies indicated in the inter-frequency cell info list

If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency TDD measurements, the measurement period for inter frequency TDD measurements is 480 ms.

The UE shall be capable of performing P-CCPCH RSCP measurements for Xbasic measurement TDD inter inter-frequency TDD cells per TDD frequency of the monitored set and the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with the measurement period of TMeasurement TDD.

Xbasic measurement TDD inter is defined in section GSM measurements when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

The requirements in this section apply only to UE supporting FDD and GSM. If E-DCH resources are allocated to the UE or timer T321[16] is running, the UE is not required to perform GSM BSIC identification or RSSI measurement.

To support cell reselection the UE shall always perform BSIC verification in Cell FACH state.

1) In CELL_FACH state when measurement occasions are provided by the UTRAN the UE shall continuously measure GSM cells and search for new GSM cells given in the monitored set.

In section the split of measurements between different modes and systems is defined. Every second measurement occasion scheduled for GSM measurements, as given by shall be allocated for GSM initial BSIC identification.

The remaining measurements occasions scheduled for GSM measurements shall be used as follows. 3 occasions out of 4 shall be allocated for GSM carrier RSSI measurements and 1 out of 4 shall be allocated for GSM BSIC reconfirmation. The scheduling of measurement occasions between GSM carrier RSSI measurements and GSM BSIC reconfirmation is up to the UE.

2) If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform GSM measurements:

– the UE shall measure all GSM cells present in the monitored set

– the relevant requirements for GSM dedicated mode when a TCH channel is assigned in TS 45.008 shall apply. This is further detailed in the following sub-sections. GSM carrier RSSI

1) For a UE requiring measurement occasions.

A UE supporting GSM measurements using measurement occasions shall meet the minimum number of GSM carrier RSSI measurements specified in Table 8.11. This measurement shall be based on measurement occasions allocated for GSM carrier RSSI measurements as described in In the CELL_FACH state the measurement period for the GSM carrier RSSI measurement is 480 ms.

The UE shall meet the measurement accuracy requirements stated for RXLEV in TS 45.008, when the given measurement time allows the UE to take at least 3 GSM carrier RSSI samples per GSM carrier in the monitored set during the measurement period.

Table 8.11

Length of measurement occasion (frames)

Number of GSM carrier RSSI samples in each measurement occasion, NGSM carrier RSSI.









In case the UE is not able to acquire the required number of samples per GSM carrier during one measurement period, the UE shall measure as many GSM carriers as possible during that measurement period using at least 3 samples per GSM carrier. The GSM carriers that were not measured during that measurement period shall be measured in the following measurement periods.

2) For a UE not requiring measurement occasions

The samples allocated to each carrier shall as far as possible be uniformly distributed over each measurement period. At least 3 received signal level measurement samples are required per RSSI value. The measurement period is 480 ms.

In case UTRA RACH procedure prevents the UE from acquiring the required number of samples per GSM carrier during one measurement period, the GSM carriers that were not measured during that measurement period shall be measured in the following measurement periods. BSIC verification

1) For a UE requiring measurement occasions.

The procedure for BSIC verification on a GSM cell can be divided into the following two tasks:

Initial BSIC identification
Includes searching for the BSIC and decoding the BSIC for the first time when there is no knowledge about the relative timing between the FDD and GSM cell. The UE shall trigger the initial BSIC identification within 50% of the available measurement occasions used for GSM measurements as specified in The requirements for Initial BSIC identification can be found in

BSIC re-confirmation
Tracking and decoding the BSIC of a GSM cell after initial BSIC identification is performed. The UE shall trigger the BSIC re-confirmation within the available measurement occasions used for GSM as specified in The requirements for BSIC re-confirmation can be found in

The BSIC of a GSM cell is considered to be "verified" if the UE has decoded the SCH of the BCCH carrier and identified the BSIC at least one time (initial BSIC identification) and from that moment the BSIC shall be re-confirmed at least once every 6 times Tre-confirm_GSM seconds. Otherwise the BSIC of the GSM cell is considered as "non-verified".

Tre-confirm_GSM indicates the maximum time allowed for the re-confirmation of the BSIC of one GSM cell in the BSIC re-confirmation procedure according to section

The UE shall be able to decode a BSIC within a measurement occasion when the time difference between the middle of the received GSM synchronisation burst at the UE and the middle of the measurement occasion is within the limits specified in table 8.12.

Table 8.12: The measurement occasion length and maximum time difference for BSIC verification

Measurement occasion length (frames]

Maximum time difference



± 4100


± 9100


± 19100


± 39100

The UE shall be able to perform BSIC verification at levels down to the reference sensitivity level or reference interference levels as specified in TS 45.005.

2) For a UE not requiring measurement occasions

The UE shall attempt to check the BSIC for at least the 6 strongest GSM carriers at least every 10 seconds, to confirm that it is monitoring the same cell, as far as UTRA RACH procedure does not prevent UE from decoding BSIC.

If a BSIC is decoded and matches the expected value, it is considered as "verified", else it is considered as "non verified".

The UE shall be able to perform BSIC verification at levels down to the reference sensitivity level or reference interference levels as specified in TS 45.005. Initial BSIC identification

This measurement shall be based on the measurement occasions allocated for Initial BSIC identification as described in

The UE shall continuously attempt to decode the BSIC of SCH on the BCCH carrier of the 6 strongest BCCH carriers of the GSM cells indicated in the Inter-RAT cell info list. The UE shall give priority for BSIC decoding attempts in decreasing signal strength order to BCCH carriers with unknown BSIC. The strongest BCCH carrier is defined as the BCCH carrier having the highest measured GSM carrier RSSI value.

When the UE attempts to decode the BSIC of one GSM BCCH carrier with unknown BSIC, the UE shall use all available measurements occasions allocated for GSM initial BSIC identification according section to attempt to decode the BSIC from that GSM BCCH carrier.

If the BSIC of the GSM BCCH carrier has been successfully decoded the UE shall immediately continue BSIC identification with the next GSM BCCH carrier, in signal strength order, with unknown BSIC. The GSM cell for which the BSIC has been successfully identified shall be moved to the BSIC re-confirmation procedure.

If the UE has not successfully decoded the BSIC of the GSM BCCH carrier within Tidentify, GSM ms, the UE shall abort the BSIC identification attempts for that GSM BCCH carrier. The UE shall continue to try to perform BSIC identification of the next GSM BCCH carrier in signal strength order. The GSM BCCH carrier for which the BSIC identification failed shall not be re-considered for BSIC identification until BSIC identification attempts have been made for all the rest of the 6 strongest GSM BCCH carriers in the monitored set with unknown BSIC.

Tidentify_GSM is given for the combinations of Tmeas and NTTI that are given in table 8.13. The values given in table 8.13 represent the number of patterns required to guarantee at least two attempts to decode the BSIC for one GSM BCCH carrier.

Table 8.13: The worst-case time for identification of one previously not identified GSM cell

T_meas (ms)

N_TTI=1 frame


N_TTI=2 frames


N_TTI=4 frames


N_TTI=8 frames











































NOTE *: There are no performance requirements for these combinations of parameters because they result in long identification time. BSIC re-confirmation

The requirements of this section are applicable for BSIC re-confirmation.

The UE shall maintain the timing information of 6 identified GSM cells. Initial timing information is obtained from the initial BSIC identification. The timing information shall be updated every time the BSIC is decoded.

For each measurement occasion allocated for GSM BSIC reconfirmation as described in, the UE shall attempt to decode the BSIC falling within the measurement occasion duration according to table 8.12. When the UE has to select one out of several possible GSM cells to reconfirm within the possible allocation of measurement occasions, according to, priority shall be given to the least recently decoded BSIC.

If the UE fails to decode the BSIC after two successive attempts the UE shall abort the BSIC re-confirmation attempts for that GSM cell. The GSM cell shall be treated as a new GSM cell with unidentified BSIC and the GSM cell shall be moved to the initial BSIC identification procedure, see section The UE shall be able to make BSIC re-confirmation attempts for the 6 strongest GSM cells in the monitored list.

Tre-confirm_GSM is given for the combinations of Tmeas and NTTI that are given in table 8.14. The values given in table 8.14 represent the number of patterns required to guarantee at least two attempts to decode the BSIC for one GSM BCCH carrier. Different values for Tre-confirm GSM might apply when more than one GSM cell is in the BSIC reconfirmation procedure at the same time.

Table 8.14: The worst-case time for reconfirmation of one previously identified GSM cell

T_meas (ms)

N_TTI=1 frame

Tre-confirm,GSM (ms)

N_TTI=2 frames

Tre-confirm,GSM (ms)

N_TTI=4 frames

Tre-confirm,GSM (ms)

N_TTI=8 frames

Tre-confirm,GSM (ms)










































* Note: There are no performance requirements for these combinations of parameters because they result in long reconfirmation time. E-UTRAN measurements when HS-DSCH discontinuous reception is not ongoing

The requirements in this section apply only to UE supporting FDD and E-UTRA.

When absolute priority based reselection is used, measurement rules defined in [1] apply (based on Sprioritysearch1 and Sprioritysearch2 thresholds)

If E-DCH resources are allocated to the UE or timer T321[16] is running, the UE is not required to perform E-UTRA measurements.

The requirements below apply to both cell reselection to E-UTRA and network controlled mobility to E-UTRA (i.e. E-UTRA measurement for CELL_FACH and E-UTRA RACH reporting). Identification of a new cell

The UE shall be able to identify a new detectable cell belonging to the monitored set within

(normal performance) and

(reduced performance)


Tbasic_identify_E-UTRAN is specified in

NE-UTRA: Number of E-UTRA frequencies in the E-UTRA cell info list

NE-UTRA,n : Number of E_UTRAN carriers to be monitored with normal performance

NE-UTRA,r: Number of E-UTRAN carriers to be monitored with reduced performance.

If NE-UTRA,r is not equal to zero then Kn and Kr are as shown in table 8.0a. Otherwise Kn=1 and all E-UTRA layers have normal performance.

The minimum performance requirements for a UE which does not indicate support for Increased UE carrier monitoring E-UTRA [16,31] are calculated assuming all E-UTRA carriers required to be monitored for such UE, are having normal performance and are in normal performance group, i.e. NE-UTRA, n = NE-UTRA and NE-UTRA, r=0.

TMeas and M_REP are specified in

TE-UTRAN FACH = (NTTI*10 – 2*0.5) ms

A cell shall be considered detectable based on requirements defined in [24]. UE RSRP and RSRQ measurement capability

When a measurement occasion cycle is scheduled for E-UTRA measurements the UE physical layer shall be capable of reporting measurements to higher layers with measurement accuracy as specified in sub-clause 9.1.4a/b with measurement period given by

ms (normal performance), and


Tbasic_measurement_E-UTRAN = 60 ms.

TMeasurement_Period E-UTRAN is specified in section

TMeas is specified in section

NE-UTRA,n, NE-UTRA,r, Kn and Kr and TE-UTRAN FACH are specified in section

If the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform E-UTRA measurements, the measurement period for E-UTRA measurements is 480 ms. E-UTRA measurements reporting

If E-UTRA measurement for CELL_FACH is configured by upper layers, UE can report measurements in measurement reports, whose report criteria can be set to Event triggered or Periodical reporting. In both cases, the UE shall send only one measurement report. The UE shall be able to support at least 1 E-UTRA measurement per carrier on up to 4 E-UTRA carriers for CELL_FACH configuration.

Reported measurements shall meet the requirements in section 9. Event Triggered reporting

The measurement reporting delay is defined as the time between the triggering of a measurement report (the measured quality of any cell on a configured E-UTRA frequency exceeds the configured threshold) until the moment in time when the UE starts sending the preambles on the PRACH for sending the measurement report

The event triggered measurement reporting delay shall be less than T identify ,E-UTRAN + TRA, where T identify ,E-UTRAN is defined in Section and TRA is the additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

If a cell has been detectable at least for the time period than T identify ,E-UTRAN and then triggers the measurement report, the event triggered measurement reporting delay shall be less than TMeasurement_Period_E-UTRAN + TRA provided the timing to that cell has not changed more than ± 50 Ts while transmission gap has not been available.