6 RRC Connection Control

25.1333GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD)TS

6.1 RRC Re-establishment

6.1.1 Introduction

RRC connection re-establishment is needed, when a UE in state CELL_DCH loses radio connection due to radio link failure. The procedure when a radio link failure occurs in CELL_DCH is specified in TS 25.331.

6.1.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section are applicable when the UE performs a RRC Re-establishment to a cell belonging to any of the frequencies present in the previous (old) monitored set.

The UE moves from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH state and shall be capable of sending a CELL UPDATE message using the cause "radio link failure" within TRE-ESTABLISH seconds from when the radio link failure occurred.

TRE-ESTABLISH equals the RRC procedure delay (TRRC-RE-ESTABLISH) according to TS25.331 plus the UE Re-establishment delay (TUE-RE-ESTABLISH-REQ), specified in


The UE Re-establishment delay requirement (TUE-RE-ESTABLISH-REQ) is defined as the time between the moment when radio link failure is considered by the UE, to when the UE starts to send preambles on the PRACH.

TUE-RE-ESTABLISH-REQ is depending on whether the target cell is known by the UE or not. A cell is known if either or both of the following conditions are true:

– the UE has had radio links connected to the cell in the previous (old) active set;

– the cell has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds.

And the phase reference is the primary CPICH.

The UE Re-establishment delay requirement TUE-RE-ESTABLISH-REQ shall be less than


in case that the target cell is known, and


in case that the target cell is not known by the UE.


Tsearch is the time it takes for the UE to search the cell.

Tsearch =100 ms if the target cell is known by the UE, and

Tsearch =800 ms if the target cell is not known by the UE.

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in 25.331 for a UTRAN cell (ms).

TRA = The additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

NF is the number of different frequencies in the monitored set.

This requirement assumes radio conditions to be sufficient, so that reading of system information can be done without errors.

6.2 (void)

6.3 Random Access

6.3.1 Introduction

The random access procedure is used when establishing the layer 1 communication between the UE and UTRAN. The random access shall provide a fast access but without disturbing ongoing connections. The random access is specified in section 6 of TS 25.214 and the control of the RACH transmission is specified in section 11.2 of TS 25.321. A random access transmit sequence is described in section 6.7.2 of TS 25.303. The UE procedure for selecting 2 or 10 msec TTI when operating Enhanced Uplink in CELL_FACH is specified in 3GPP TS 25.321 [19].

6.3.2 Requirements

The UE shall have capability to calculate initial power according to the open loop algorithm and apply this power level at the first preamble and increase the power on additional preambles. The UE shall stop transmit preambles upon a ACK/NACK on the AICH has been received or if the maximum number of preambles within on cycle has been reached. Upon an ACK has been received the UE shall transmit a message otherwise the ramping procedure shall be repeated. Correct behaviour when receiving an ACK

The UE shall stop transmitting preambles upon a ACK on the AICH has been received and then transmit a message..

The absolute power applied to the first preamble shall have an accuracy as specified in table 6.3 of TS 25.101 [3]. The relative power applied to additional preambles shall have an accuracy as specified in section of 25.101 [3]. Correct behaviour when receiving an NACK

The UE shall stop transmitting preambles upon a NACK on the AICH has been received and then repeat the ramping procedure when the back off timer TB01 expires. Correct behaviour at Time-out

The UE shall stop transmit preambles when reaching the maximum number of preambles allowed in a cycle. The UE shall then repeat the ramping procedure until the maximum number of preamble ramping cycles are reached. Correct behaviour when reaching maximum transmit power

The UE shall not exceed the maximum allowed UL TX power configured by the UTRAN.

The absolute power of any preamble shall not exceed the maximum allowed UL TX power with more than specified in section 6.5. Correct behaviour when selecting 2 or 10msec TTI length for Enhanced Uplink in CELL_FACH state and idle mode

A UE that is capable of 2/10msec TTI selection shall select a preamble signature assigned to 2msec TTI when the TX power headroom based on the TX power on the current preamble according to the method specified in [19] is greater than the threshold value configured by UTRAN plus an accuracy value of 6 dB. The UE shall select a preamble assigned to the 10msec TTI when the TX power headroom based on the TX power calculated on the current preamble according to the method specified in [19] is lower than the threshold value configured by UTRA minus the accuracy value 6 dB. Otherwise, the UE may select a preamble signature assigned to either 2msec or 10msec TTI.

6.4 Transport format combination selection in UE

6.4.1 Introduction

When the UE estimates that a certain TFC and E-TFC would require more power than the maximum transmit power, it shall limit the usage of transport format combinations for the assigned transport format set, according to the functionality specified in section 11.4 in TS25.321. This is in order to make it possible for the network operator to maximise the coverage. Transport format combination selection is described in section 11.4 of TS 25.321.

When the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency, the UE estimates the power which may be allocated for all Activated Uplink Frequencies. The E-TFC selection when the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency is described in section of TS25.321

6.4.2 Requirements

The UE shall continuously evaluate based on the Elimination, Recovery and Blocking criteria defined below, how TFCs on an uplink DPDCH can be used for the purpose of TFC selection. The evaluation shall be performed for every TFC in the TFCS using the estimated UE transmit power.

The UE transmit power estimation for a given TFC, when HS-DPCCH and S-DPCCH are not transmitted during the measurement period, shall be calculated using the DPDCH and DPCCH gain factors of the corresponding TFC and reference transmit power. The reference transmit power is the transmit power of DPCCH and DPDCH of a given TFC during the measurement period for which UE transmit power estimation is made. If a single HS-DPCCH is transmitted either partially or totally within the given measurement period the UE transmit power estimation for a given TFC shall be calculated using DPDCH and DPCCH gain factors, the maximum value of the HS-DPCCH gain factor that is used during the measurement period, and the reference transmit power. If two HS-DPCCHs are transmitted either partially or totally within the given measurement period then a maximum combined transmit power over both of the HS-DPCCHs should be considered in the TFC calculation. Rules for calculating the HS-DPCCH gain factors from the most recent signalled ACK, NACK and CQI according to the specific multicarrier and MIMO configuration and activation status of the secondary HS-DSCH serving cells are defined in subclause in [18]. The timing of the measurement period, which is defined in as one slot, is the same as the timing of the DPCH slot. If S-DPCCH is transmitted within the given measurement period, the UE transmit power for a given TFC shall be calculated using the DPDCH and DPCCH gain factors, the HS-DPCCH power as described above if one or two HS-DPCCH(s) are present, the S-DPCCH gain factor, and the reference transmit power.

E-TFC selection is allowed only in CELL_DCH state, CELL_FACH state, and Idle mode. E-TFC selection is based on the estimated power leftover from TFC selection if the DPDCH is present and from the HS-DPCCH.

When the UE has one Activated Uplink Frequency, the UE shall estimate the normalised remaining power margin available for E-TFC selection based on the following equations for E-TFC candidate j

NRPMj= (PMax j – PDPCCH,target – PS-DPCCH – PDPDCH– PHS-DPCCH– PE-DPCCH,j)/ PDPCCH, target (1),

NRPMj= 0.5 * (PMax j – PDPCCH,target – PS-DPCCH – PHS-DPCCH– PE-DPCCH,j – PS-E-DPCCH,j)/ PDPCCH, target (2),


Equation (2) is used when estimating the candidate E-TFCs for potential rank-2 transmissions for UL MIMO, and equation (1) in used in all other cases.

PMaxj = Maximum UE transmitter power for E-TFC-j as defined in section 6.5

PDPCCH(t) represents a slotwise estimate of the current UE DPCCH power at time t. If at time t, the UE is transmitting a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,comp(t) = PDPCCH(t) × (Npilot,C/ Npilot,N) else PDPCCH,comp(t) = PDPCCH(t). If the UE is not transmitting uplink DPCCH during the slot at time t, either due to compressed mode gaps or when discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation is enabled then the power shall not contribute to the filtered result.Samples of PDPCCH,comp(t) shall be filtered using a filter period of 3 slotwise estimates of PDPCCH,comp(t) when the E-DCH TTI is 2ms or 15 slotwise estimates of PDPCCHcomp(t) when the E-DCH TTI is 10ms to give PDPCCH,filtered.The accuracy of the PDPCCH estimate shall be at least that specified in table 6.0A

If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj evaluated does not correspond to a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,target = PDPCCH,filtered.

If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,target = PDPCCH,filtered× (Npilot,N/ Npilot,C). Npilot,N and Npilot,C are numbers of pilot symbols as defined in [18].

PDPDCH = estimated DPDCH transmit power, based on PDPCCH,target and the gain factors from the TFC selection that has already been made. If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then the modification to the gain factors which occur due to compressed mode shall be included in the estimate of PDPDCH.

PHS-DPCCH = estimated HS-DPCCH transmit power based on the maximum HS-DPCCH gain factor and PDPCCH,target If two HS-DPCCHs are transmitted, PHS-DPCCH is the maximum combined estimated transmit power over both HS-DPCCHs. Rules for calculating the HS-DPCCH gain factors from the most recent signalled ACK, NACK and CQI according to the specific multicarrier and MIMO configuration and activation status of the secondary HS-DSCH serving cells are defined in subclause in [18]. If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then the modification to the gain factors which occur due to compressed mode shall be included in the estimate of PHS-DPCCH.

PE-DPCCH,j = estimated E-DPCCH transmit power for E-TFCIj, as follows:.

– For estimating the remaining power margin for a single transport block in an E-DCH TTI (UL MIMO not configured, or rank1 with UL MIMO configured); If E-TFCIj is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost the estimate is based on PDPCCH,target and the E-DPCCH gain factor calculated using the most recent signalled value of ΔE-DPCCH. If E-TFCIj is greater than E-TFCIec,boost the estimate is based on the E-DPCCH gain factor,ec,j, which is calculated for E-TFCIj using the procedure in [18]. If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then the modification to the gain factors which occur due to compressed mode shall be included in the estimate of PE-DPCCH

– For estimating the remaining power margin for transmission of two transport blocks in an E-DCH TTI (Rank2 UL MIMO); The estimate is based on the E-DPCCH gain factor,ec,j, which is calculated for E-TFCIj using the procedure in [18] assuming E-TFCIec,boost = -1.

PS-E-DPCCH,j = estimated S-E-DPCCH transmit power for E-TFCIj. The estimate is based on the S-E-DPCCH gain factor,sec,j, which is calculated for E-TFCIj as defined in [18].

PS-DPCCH = estimated S-DPCCH transmit power, based on PDPCCH,target and the S-DPCCH gain factor. In case neither the uplink CLTD operation nor uplink MIMO operation is configured or one of the two is configured with CLTD activation state 2 or 3, PS-DPCCH is considered as zero.

NOTE: PDPCCH(t), PMax j, PDPCCH,target, PDPCCH,filtered, PDPCCH,comp(t), PDPDCH, PHS-DPCCH, PS-DPCCH, PE-DPCCH and PS-E-DPCCH are expressed in linear power units

In CELL_FACH state and Idle mode, if less than 3 E-DCH TTIs of DPCCH transmission for 2ms TTI and less than 2 E-DCH TTIs of DPCCH transmission for 10ms TTI is configured prior to the start of the E-DCH transmissions, an estimate of PDPCCH, target = Ppreamble + Pp-e shall be used for initial E-TFC restriction. Ppreamble is the code power of the last transmitted PRACH preamble, and Pp-e is the power offset between the power of the last transmitted preamble and the initial DPCCH transmission power.

The UE shall consider the Elimination criterion for a given TFC to be detected if the estimated UE transmit power needed for this TFC is greater than the Maximum UE transmitter power for at least X out of the last Y successive measurement periods immediately preceding evaluation. The MAC in the UE shall consider that the TFC is in Excess-Power state for the purpose of TFC selection.

MAC in the UE shall indicate the available bit rate for each logical channel to upper layers within Tnotify from the moment the Elimination criterion was detected.

The UE shall consider the Recovery criterion for a given TFC to be detected if the estimated UE transmit power needed for this TFC has not been greater than the Maximum UE transmitter power for the last Z successive measurement periods immediately preceding evaluation. The MAC in the UE shall consider that the TFC is in Supported state for the purpose of TFC selection.

MAC in the UE shall indicate the available bit rate for each logical channel to upper layers within Tnotify from the moment the Recovery criterion was detected.

The evaluation of the Elimination criterion and the Recovery criterion shall be performed at least once per radio frame.

The definitions of the parameters X,Y and Z which shall be used when evaluating the Elimination and the Recovery criteria when no compressed mode patterns are activated are given in Table 6.0.

Table 6.0: X, Y, Z parameters for TFC selection







The UE shall consider the Blocking criterion for a given TFC to be fulfilled at the latest at the start of the longest uplink TTI after the moment at which the TFC will have been in Excess-Power state for a duration of:

(Tnotify + Tmodify+ TL1_proc)


Tnotify equals 15 ms, and

Tmodify equals MAX(Tadapt_max,TTTI), and

TL1 proc equals 15 ms, and

Tadapt_max equals MAX(Tadapt_1, Tadapt_2, …, Tadapt_N), and

N equals the number of logical channels that need to change rate, and

Tadapt_n equals the time it takes for higher layers to provide data to MAC in a new supported bitrate, for logical channel n. For services where no codec is used Tadapt shall be considered to be equal to 0 ms. For services where either UMTS_AMR2 or UMTS_AMR_WB is used, Tadapt shall be considered to be equal to the time required to switch from the current codec mode to a new supported codec mode. In that case Tadapt equals 20 ms + 40 ms per codec mode switch. E.g. Tadapt equals 60ms if one codec mode switch is necessary and Tadapt equals 140ms if 3 codec mode switches are necessary.

TTTI equals the longest uplink TTI of the selected TFC (ms).

When the UE has one Activated Uplink Frequency, the UE shall be able to update the normalised remaining power estimate of each E-TFC at least every E-DCH TTI. The UE shall use the latest available estimate of NRPMj at the time when all absolute and relative grants relating to the E-DCH TTI under consideration have been received. Using the estimates of NRPMj the UE shall evaluate for each E-TFC which configured MAC-d flows are supported and which are unsupported as follows:

In the case that the target E-DCH TTI for which E-TFC restriction is being considered does not belong to a compressed mode frame then if NRPMj≥ ∑(βed,jc)2 then E-TFCj can be supported, otherwise it cannot be supported

In the case that the target E-DCH TTI for which E-TFC restriction is being considered belongs to a compressed mode frame then if NRPMj≥ ∑(βed,C,jc,C)2 then E-TFCj can be supported, otherwise it cannot be supported

βed,jc and βed,C,jc,C is the quantized amplitude ratio.

If the UE is allowed to reduce its maximum transmit power for certain TFCs and E-TFCs, the UE shall use the reduced maximum transmit power in the evaluation of the TFC and E-TFC selection criteria for those TFCs.

When the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency, if the TTIs configured on the uplink carrier frequencies are at a common TTI boundary, the UE shall estimate the remaining power which is available to be allocated to scheduled E-DCH transmissions on all Activated Uplink Frequencies. The total available power for scheduled E-DCH transmissions is defined by:

Premaining,s=max(PMax – i PDPCCH,target,i – PHS-DPCCH – PDPDCH – Pnon-SG, 0)

If the TTIs configured on the uplink carrier frequencies are not at a common TTI boundary and Activated Uplink Frequency k is configured with 10ms TTI, the total available power for scheduled E-DCH transmissions is defined by:

Premaining,s=max(PMax – ∑i PDPCCH,target,i – PHS-DPCCH – PDPDCH – Pnon-SG – Pk, 0)

The power Pk is the power of activated uplink frequency k, estimated by using the current filtered power of the DPCCH and the power offset for the E-TFC of the transmission for the carrier


PMax represents the Maximum UE Transmitter power, as defined in Section 6.5.

– PDPCCH,i(t) represents a slotwise estimate of the current UE DPCCH power for carrier with index i (i=0,1) at time t. If at time t, the UE is transmitting a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,comp,i(t) = PDPCCH,i(t) × (Npilot,C/ Npilot,N) else PDPCCH,comp,i(t) = PDPCCH,i(t). If the UE is not transmitting uplink DPCCH on the Activated Uplink Frequency i during the slot at time t, either due to compressed mode gaps or when discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation is enabled then the power shall not contribute to the filtered result. Samples of PDPCCH,comp,i(t) shall be filtered using a filter period of 3 slotwise estimates of PDPCCH,comp,i(t) if a 2ms TTI is in use on carrier i, or a filter period of 15 slotwise estimates of PDPCCH,comp,i(t) if a 10ms TTI is in use on carrier i. The accuracy of the PDPCCH,i estimate shall be at least that specified in table 6.0A

If the target E-DCH TTI for which RPM is being evaluated does not correspond to a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,target,i = PDPCCH,filtered,i.

If the target E-DCH TTI for which RPM is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then PDPCCH,target,i = PDPCCH,filtered,i× (Npilot,N/ Npilot,C). Npilot,N and Npilot,C are numbers of pilot symbols as defined in [18].

– PHS-DPCCH represents the estimated HS-DPCCH transmit power and shall be calculated based on the estimated Primary Activated Frequency DPCCH power, and the greatest HS-DPCCH gain factor and assuming the maximum possible activity of HS-DPCCH over a 10ms period if a 10ms TTI is in use. If two HS-DPCCHs are transmitted, PHS-DPCCH is the maximum combined estimated transmit power from both HS-DPCCHs. Rules for calculating the HS-DPCCH gain factors from the most recent signalled ACK, NACK and CQI according to the specific multicarrier and MIMO configuration and activation status of the secondary HS-DSCH serving cells are defined in subclause in [18].

– PDPDCH represents estimated DPDCH transmit power on Primary Activated Frequency based on PDPDCH,target and the gain factors from the TFC selection that has already been made. If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then the modification to the gain factors which occur due to compressed mode shall be included in the estimate of PDPDCH.

– Pnon-SG represents the power pre-allocated for non-scheduled transmissions for Primary Uplink Frequency, as defined by [19]. An estimate of the E-DPCCH power required for non-scheduled transmissions may be included in Pnon-SG .

When the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency and no retransmission is required, or when the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency and two retransmissions are required, the UE shall estimate the normalised remaining power margin available for E-TFC selection using the power allocated to the Primary Uplink Frequency Pallocated,1 and the power allocated to the Secondary Uplink Frequency Pallocated,2 defined by:

Pallocated,1 = P1 +Pnon-SG,

Pallocated,2 = P2


Pi represents the maximum remaining allowed power for scheduled transmissions for the Activated Uplink Frequency i = 1,2, where index 1 and index 2 correspond to the index of the Primary Uplink Frequency and the index of the Secondary Uplink Frequency as defined by [19]

When the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency and one retransmission is required in one Activated Uplink Frequency, the UE shall estimate the normalised remaining power margin available for E-TFC selection using the power allocated to the Activated Uplink Frequency for which a retransmission is required Pallocated,x and on the power allocated to the Activated Uplink Frequency for which no retransmission is required Pallocated,y defined by:

Pallocated,y= PMax – PHS-DPCCH – i PDPCCH,target,i – PDPDCH – PE-DPCCH,x – PE-DPDCH,x

Pallocated,x= PE-DPCCH,x + PE-DPDCH,x


PE-DPDCH,x represents the estimated E-DPDCH transmit power for the Uplink Frequency for which a retransmission is required. The estimate is based on PDPCCH,target,x where x is denoting the index of the Activated Uplink Frequency on which a retransmission required and the E-DPDCH gain factor which will be used for the retransmission.

PE-DPCCH,x represents the estimated E-DPCCH transmit power for the Uplink Frequency for which a retransmission is required. The estimate is based on PDPCCH,target,x where x is denoting the index of the Activated Uplink Frequency on which a retransmission is required and the E-DPCCH gain factor which will be used for the retransmission.

When the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency, the UE shall estimate the normalised remaining power margin available for E-TFC selection for the Activated Uplink Frequency i based on the following equation for E-TFC candidate j:

NRPM i,j = (Pallocated, i – PE-DPCCHi,i) / PDPCCH,,target,i


PE-DPCCH,j,i represents the estimated E-DPCCH transmit power for E-TFCIj on the Activated Uplink Frequency i. If E-TFCIj is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost the estimate is based on PDPCCH,target,i and the E-DPCCH gain factor calculated using the most recent signalled value of ΔE-DPCCH. If E-TFCIj is greater than E-TFCIec,boost the estimate is based on the E-DPCCH gain factor,ec,j, which is calculated for E-TFCIj using the procedure in [18]. If the target E-DCH TTI for which NRPMj,i is being evaluated corresponds to a compressed mode frame then the modification to the gain factors which occur due to compressed mode shall be included in the estimation.

In the case that the target E-DCH TTI for which E-TFC restriction is being considered does not belong to a compressed mode frame then if NRPMj,i≥ ∑(βed,jc)2 then E-TFCj can be supported on the Activated Uplink Frequency i, otherwise it cannot be supported on that Activated Uplink Frequency.

In the case that the target E-DCH TTI for which E-TFC restriction is being considered belongs to a compressed mode frame then if NRPMj,i≥ ∑(βed,C,jc,C)2 then E-TFCj can be supported on the Activated Uplink Frequency i, otherwise it cannot be supported on that Activated Uplink Frequency.

βed,jc and βed,C,jc,C is the quantized amplitude ratio.

Table 6.0A : Accuracy requirements for the estimate of PDPCCH used in E-TFC restriction

Total UE output power value (dBm)

PDPCCH accuracy(dB) (note 1)

25<= total output power <34

note 2

24<= total output power <25


23<= total output power <24


22<= total output power <23


21<= total output power <22


20<= total output power <21


19<= total output power <20


18<= total output power <19


17<= total output power <18


16<= total output power <17


15<= total output power <16


14<= total output power <15


13<= total output power <14

±4.0 (power class 4)

±6.0 (power class 3)

12<= total output power <13

±4.0 (power class 4)

±6.0 (power class 3)

11<= total output power <12

±4.0 (power class 4)

±6.0 (power class 3)

-50<= total output power <11


NOTE 1: PDPCCH accuracy is the difference between the estimate of PDPCCH used by the UE for the purposes of E-TFC selection and the actual power of the DPCCH being transmitted

NOTE 2: No tolerance is specified.

6.5 Maximum allowed UL TX Power

The Maximum UE transmitter power is defined as follows

Maximum UE transmitter power = MIN {Maximum allowed UL TX Power, PMAX}


– Maximum allowed UL TX Power is set by UTRAN and defined in [16], and

– PMAX is the UE nominal maximum transmit power is defined by the UE power class, and specified in table 6.1 of [3]

For DB-DC-HSUPA, the UE transmit power is considered to be the sum of the transmit powers on both bands.

The UE shall not exceed the Maximum allowed UL TX Power, as set by the UTRAN with the tolerances as defined for the UE transmitted power (section 9.1.6). For UE output powers that are outside the range covered by the UE transmitted power measurement the UE output power shall not exceed the Maximum allowed UL TX Power with more than the tolerances specified for the Open loop power control in TS 25.101 section 6.4.1.

For TFC selection the UE is allowed to reduce PMAX when HS-DPCCH is transmitted by the TFC-MPR values specified in table 6.1

Table 6.1: TFC-MPR used for TFC selection

Inputs for TFC selection



Ratio of to for all values of


1/15 ≤ βcd ≤ 12/15



13/15 ≤ βcd ≤ 15/8



15/7 ≤ βcd ≤ 15/0


When the UE has one Activated Uplink Frequency for E-TFC selection the UE is allowed to reduce PMAX by the realistic E-TFC MPR values specified in Table 6.2

Table 6.2: E-TFC-MPR used for E-TFC selection for one Activated Uplink Frequency

Inputs for E-TFC selection

































































NOTE: For inputs {c,hs,d,ec,ed, SFmin, Ncodes} not specifed above the E-TFC-MPR (dB) = 0

For E-TFC selection, when the UE has more than one Activated Uplink Frequency in DC-HSUPA and DB-DC-HSUPA, the UE is allowed to account for maximum power reduction at any point in the procedure described in Section 6.4.2. The total E-TFC MPR applied across the Activated Uplink Frequencies shall not exceed the maximum value specified in [3].

6.6 (void)

6.7 CSG Proximity Indication for E-UTRAN and UTRAN

6.7.1 Introduction

The requirements defined in this section are applicable to a UE supporting and configured with CSG proximity indication and are valid when a UE is entering the proximity of one or more CSG member cell(s) or leaving the proximity of all CSG member cell(s) on a UTRA or E-UTRA frequency as specified in [16].

The detection of CSG proximity is based on a UE autonomous search function.

6.7.2 Requirements

The UE shall initiate transmission of the ProximityIndication message with "entering" according to [16] within [6] minutes after entering the proximity of one or more CSG member cell(s) on a UTRA or E-UTRA frequency.

The UE shall initiate transmission of the ProximityIndication message with "leaving" according to [16] within [6] minutes after leaving the proximity of all CSG member cell(s) on a UTRA or E-UTRA frequency.

There is no need for statistical testing of this requirement.

NOTE: Entering the proximity of one or more CSG member cell(s) means that the UE is near a cell whose CSG ID is in the UE’s CSG whitelist (as determined based on autonomous search procedures). Leaving the proximity of one or more CSG member cell(s) means that the UE is no longer near any cell whose CSG ID is in the UE’s CSG whitelist.

6.8 10ms Mode/20ms Mode switching in DCH

6.8.1 Introduction

When DL_DCH_FET_Config [7] is configured by higher layers, the UE shall continuously evaluate based on the Restrict and Revive criteria defined below, what transmission mode can be used for each TFC on an uplink DPDCH. The evaluation shall be performed for every TFC in the TFCS using the estimated UE transmit power using 10ms Mode βc and βd gain factors, if signalled by higher layers.

6.8.2 Requirements

The UE shall estimate the transmit power for a TFC in 10ms Mode, following the procedure in Subclause 6.4 using βc and βd gain factors corresponding to 10ms Mode.

The UE shall consider the Restrict criterion for a given TFC transmission mode to be detected if the estimated UE transmit power needed for this TFC using the 10ms Mode is greater than the Maximum UE transmitter power for at least K out of the last M successive measurement periods immediately preceding evaluation.

The UE shall consider the Revive criterion for a given TFC to be detected if the estimated UE transmit power needed for this TFC using the 10ms Mode has not been greater than the Maximum UE transmitter power for the last L successive measurement periods immediately preceding evaluation.

The evaluation of the Restrict criterion and the Revive criterion shall be performed at least once per radio frame, except if UL DPCCH is DTXed according to Subclause 6C.2 of [18] in all slots in one radio frame.

The parameters K, L and M are signalled by the higher layers.