5 UTRAN Connected mode mobility

25.1333GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD)TS

This section contains the requirements on the mobility procedures in UTRAN connected mode such as handover and cell re-selection.

Requirements related to the measurements in support of the execution of the UTRAN connected mode mobility procedures are specified, currently not necessarily for all UTRAN connected mode states, in section 8 .

The radio links the UE shall use are controlled by UTRAN with RRC signalling.

UE behaviour in response to UTRAN RRC messages is described in TS25.331.

The purpose of Cell reselection in CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states is that the UE shall select a better cell according to the cell reselection criteria in TS 25.304. CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states are described in TS 25.331.

5.1 FDD/FDD Soft Handover

5.1.1 Introduction

Soft handover is a function in which the UE is connected to several UTRAN access points at the same time. Addition and/or release of radio links are controlled by the ACTIVE SET UPDATE procedure.

The soft handover function includes a measurement phase, a decision algorithm in UTRAN and the ACTIVE SET UPDATE procedure.

5.1.2 Requirements Active set dimension

When the UE is configured with a single uplink carrier frequency, the UE shall be capable of supporting at least 6 radio links in the active set. For E-DCH the UE shall be capable of supporting a sub-set of the 6 radio links in the active set. The subset shall consist of the Serving E-DCH radio link and up to 3 additional E-DCH radio links. The 3 additional radio links can either be from the Serving E-DCH radio link set or can be Non-Serving radio links. The Serving E-DCH radio link, the Serving E-DCH radio link set and Non-Serving E-DCH radio links are defined in [15].

When the UE is configured with dual uplink carrier frequencies, the UE shall be capable of supporting at least 4 radio links per uplink carrier frequency. For E-DCH the UE shall be capable of supporting a sub-set of the 4 radio links in the active set per uplink carrier frequency. The subset shall consist of the Serving E-DCH radio link and up to 3 additional E-DCH radio links per uplink carrier frequency. The 3 additional radio links can either be from the Serving E-DCH radio link set or can be Non-Serving radio links on the same uplink carrier frequency. Active set update delay

The active set update delay is defined as the time from when the UE has received the ACTIVE SET UPDATE message from UTRAN, or at the time stated through the activation time when to perform the active set update, to the time when the UE successfully uses the set of radio links stated in that message for power control.

The active set update delay is depending on the number of known cells referred to in the ACTIVE SET UPDATE message. A cell is known if it has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds and the SFN of the cell has been decoded by the UE.

And the phase reference is the primary CPICH.

The active set update delay shall be less than 50+10*KC+100*OC ms, where

KC: is the number of known cells in the active set update message;

OC: is the number of cells that are not known in the active set update message.

If the UE have radio links in the active set that it can not use for data detection (due to low signal level), the UE shall at least every 150 ms search for the radio link Interruption Time

The UE shall not interrupt the data flow when adding, changing or removing radio links to the active set.

5.2 FDD/FDD Hard Handover

5.2.1 Introduction

The hard handover procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message that implies a hard handover, see TS 25.331 section 8.3.5.

5.2.2 Requirements Hard handover delay

Procedure delay for all procedures, that can command a hard handover, are specified in TS25.331 section 13.5.2.

When the UE receives a RRC message implying hard handover with the activation time "now" or earlier than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink DPCCH within Dhandover seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.

If the access is delayed to an indicated activation time later than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink DPCCH at the designated activation time + interruption time.


– Dhandover equals the RRC procedure delay defined in TS25.331 Section 13.5.2 plus the interruption time stated in section Interruption time

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the last TTI containing a transport block on the old DPDCH and the time the UE starts transmission of the new uplink DPCCH, is depending on whether the target cell is known for the UE or not.

If intra-frequency hard handover is commanded or inter-frequency hard handover is commanded when the UE does not need compressed mode to perform inter-frequency measurements, and if higher layers do not indicate that the UE shall not perform any synchronisation procedure for timing maintained intra- or inter-frequency hard handover, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt1

Tinterrupt1=TIU+Tsync+20*KC+150*OC + 10*Fmax ms


TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

KC is the number of known target cells in the message, and

OC is the number of target cells that are not known in the message.

Fmax denotes the maximum number of radio frames within the transmission time intervals of all transport channels that are multiplexed into the same CCTrCH.

Tsync is the time required for measuring the downlink DPCCH channel as stated in TS 25.214 section In case higher layers indicate the usage of a post-verification period Tsync=0 ms. Otherwise Tsync=40 ms.

In the interruption requirement Tinterrupt1 a cell is known if it has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds and the SFN of the cell has been decoded by the UE.

If inter-frequency hard handover is commanded and the UE needs compressed mode to perform inter-frequency measurements and if higher layers do not indicate that the UE shall not perform any synchronisation procedure for timing maintained intra- or inter-frequency hard handover, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt2

Tinterrupt2 = TIU+Tsync+50*KC+150*OC + 10*Fmax ms

In the interruption requirement Tinterrupt2 a cell is known if the cell has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds.

If intra-frequency hard handover is commanded or if inter-frequency hard handover is commanded when the UE does not need compressed mode to perform inter-frequency measurements, and if higher layers do indicate that the UE shall not perform any synchronisation procedure for timing maintained intra- or inter-frequency hard handover, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt3

Tinterrupt3=20*KC+150*OC +10*Fmax ms

In the interruption requirement Tinterrupt3 a cell is known if the cell has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds or the timing of the cell is signalled from higher layers by the signal "Reference time difference to cell" in [16], with the signalled accuracy lower than or equal to 40 chips.

If inter-frequency hard handover is commanded and if higher layers do indicate that the UE shall not perform any synchronisation procedure for timing maintained intra- or inter-frequency hard handover, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt4

Tinterrupt4=50*KC+150*OC +10*Fmax ms

In the interruption requirement Tinterrupt4 a cell is known if the cell has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds or the timing of the cell is signalled from higher layers by the signal "Reference time difference to cell" in [16], with the signalled accuracy lower than or equal to 40 chips.

The phase reference is the primary CPICH.

The requirements in this section assume that N312 has the smallest possible value i.e. only one insync is required.

5.3 FDD/TDD Handover

5.3.1 Introduction

The purpose of FDD/TDD handover is to change the radio access mode from FDD to TDD. The FDD/TDD handover procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message that implies a hard handover as described in [16].

5.3.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and TDD. FDD/TDD handover delay

RRC procedure performance values for all RRC procedures, that can command a hard handover, are specified in [16].

When the UE receives a RRC message implying FDD/TDD handover with the activation time "now" or earlier than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink DPCH within Dhandover seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.

If the access is delayed to an indicated activation time later than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink DPCH at the designated activation time + interruption time.


– Dhandover equals the RRC procedure performance value as defined in [16] plus the interruption time stated in section Interruption time

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the end of the last TTI containing a transport block on the old DPDCH and the time the UE starts transmission of the new uplink DPCH, is dependent on whether the target cell is known for the UE or not.

If FDD/TDD handover is commanded, the interruption time shall be less than,

Tinterrupt= Toffset+TUL+30*FSFN+20*KC+180*UC+10*Fmax ms


Toffset Equal to 10 ms, the frame timing uncertainty between the old cell and the target cell and the time that can elapse until the appearance of a Beacon channel

TUL Equal to 10 ms, the time that can elapse until the appearance of the UL timeslot in the target cell

FSFN Equal to 1 if SFN decoding is required and equal to 0 otherwise

KC Equal to 1 if a known target cell is indicated in the RRC message implying FDD/TDD handover and equal to 0 otherwise

UC Equal to 1 if an unknown target cell is indicated in the RRC message implying FDD/TDD handover and equal to 0 otherwise

Fmax denotes the maximum number of radio frames within the transmission time intervals of all transport channels that are multiplexed into the same CCTrCH.

An inter-frequency TDD target cell shall be considered known by the UE, if the target cell has been measured by the UE during the last 5 seconds.

The interruption time requirements for an unknown target cell shall apply only if the signal quality of the unknown target cell is sufficient for successful synchronisation with one attempt.

5.4 FDD/GSM Handover

5.4.1 Introduction

The purpose of inter-RAT handover from UTRAN FDD to GSM is to transfer a connection between the UE and UTRAN FDD to GSM. The handover procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message (HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND). The procedure is described in TS25.331 section 8.3.7.

Compressed mode according to the UE Capability may be used to be able to make measurements on GSM.

5.4.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and GSM.

The requirements given below in Tables 5.2 and 5.3 for the case where the UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell before receiving the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND are valid when the signal quality of the GSM cell is sufficient for successful synchronisation with one attempt. If the UE is unable to synchronise to the GSM cell on the first attempt, it shall continue to search for synchronisation information for up to 800 ms. If after 800 ms the UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell it shall follow the handover failure procedure specified in [16]. Handover delay

When the UE receives a RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND with the activation time "now" or earlier than RRC procedure delay (see below) from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to transmit (as specified in TS 45.010) on the channel of the new RAT within the value in table 5.2 from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.

If the access is delayed to an indicated activation time later than RRC procedure delay from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to transmit (as specified in TS 45.010) on the channel of the new RAT at the designated activation time + interruption time.

The UE shall process the RRC procedures for the RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND within 50 ms, which is noted as RRC procedure delay. If the activation time is used, it corresponds to the CFN of the UTRAN channel.

Table 5.2: FDD/GSM handover -handover delay

UE synchronisation status

handover delay [ms]

The UE has synchronised to the GSM cell before the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received


The UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell before the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received

190 Interruption time

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the end of the last TTI containing a transport block on the old channel and the time the UE is ready to transmit on the new channel, shall be less than The value in table 5.3.

Table 5.3: FDD/GSM handover – interruption time

Synchronisation status

Interruption time [ms]

The UE has synchronised to the GSM cell before the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received


The UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell before the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received


5.4a FDD to E-UTRAN FDD Handover

5.4a.1 Introduction

The purpose of inter-RAT handover from UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN FDD is to transfer a connection between the UE and UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN FDD. The handover procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message (HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND). The procedure is described in TS 25.331.

Compressed mode according to the UE Capability may be used to be able to make measurements on E-UTRAN.

5.4a.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and E-UTRAN FDD.

5.4a.2.1 Handover delay

When the UE receives a RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND message, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink PRACH channel within Dhandover seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, where:

– Dhandover equals the maximum RRC procedure delay defined plus the interruption time stated in section 5.4a.2.2.

The UE shall process the RRC procedures for the RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND within 50 ms, which is noted as RRC procedure delay.

5.4a.2.2 Interruption time

The interruption time is the time between end of the last TTI containing the RRC command and the time the UE starts transmission of the PRACH in the new E-UTRA cell, excluding RRC procedure delay. This requirement applies when UE is not required to perform any synchronisation procedure before transmitting on the new PRACH.

When inter-RAT handover to E-UTRAN is commanded, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt:

Tinterrupt = Tsearch + TIU +20 ms


Tsearch is the time required to search the target cell when the target cell is not already known when the handover command is received by the UE. If the target cell is known, then Tsearch = 0 ms. If the target cell is unknown and signal quality is sufficient for successful cell detection on the first attempt, then Tsearch = 80 ms.

TIU TIU is the interruption uncertainty in acquiring the first available PRACH occasion in the new cell.TIU can be up to 30 ms.

NOTE: The actual value of TIU shall depend upon the PRACH configuration used in the target cell.

In the interruption requirement a cell is known if

– it has been meeting the relevant cell identification requirements during the last 5 seconds otherwise it is unknown. Relevant cell identification requirements are described in [24].

The interruption time requirements for an unknown target cell shall apply only if the signal quality of the unknown target cell is sufficient for successful synchronisation with one attempt.

5.4b FDD to E-UTRAN TDD Handover

5.4b.1 Introduction

The purpose of inter-RAT handover from UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN TDD is to transfer a connection between the UE from UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN TDD. The handover procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message (HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND). The procedure is described in TS 25.331 section 8.3.7.

Compressed mode according to the UE Capability may be used to be able to make measurements on E-UTRAN.

5.4b.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and E-UTRAN TDD.

5.4b.2.1 Handover delay

When the UE receives a RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND message, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink PRACH channel within Dhandover seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.


Dhandover equals the maximum RRC procedure delay defined plus the interruption time stated in section 5.4b.2.2.

The UE shall process the RRC procedures for the RRC HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND within 50 ms, which is noted as RRC procedure delay.

5.4b.2.2 Interruption time

The interruption time is the time between the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command on UTRA and the time the UE starts transmission of the new PRACH on E-UTRA cell, excluding the RRC procedure delay. This requirement applies when the UE is not required to perform any synchronisation procedure before transmitting on the new PRACH.

When inter-RAT handover to E-UTRAN is commanded, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt

Tinterrupt = Tsearch + TIU + 20 ms


Tsearch is the time required to search the target cell when the target cell is not already known when the handover command is received by the UE. If the target cell is known, then Tsearch = 0 ms. If the target cell is unknown and signal quality is sufficient for successful cell detection on the first attempt, then Tsearch = 80 ms.

TIU is the interruption uncertainty in acquiring the first available PRACH occasion in the new cell. TIU can be up to 30 ms.

NOTE: The actual value of TIU shall depend upon the PRACH configuration used in the target cell.

In the interruption requirement a cell is known if it has been meeting the relevant cell identification requirement during the last 5 seconds otherwise it is unknown. Relevant cell identification requirements are described in [24].

5.5 Cell Re-selection in CELL_FACH

5.5.1 Introduction

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria specified in TS 25.304, based on radio measurements, and if a better cell is found that cell is selected.

5.5.2 Requirements

The Cell reselection delays specified below are applicable when the RRC parameter Treselection is set to 0. Otherwise the Cell reselection delay is increased Treselection s.

The measurements CPICH Ec/Io and CPICH RSCP shall be used for cell reselection in Cell-FACH state to another FDD cell, P-CCPCH RSCP shall be used for cell re-selection to a TDD cell, GSM carrier RSSI shall be used for cell re-selection to a GSM cell and E-UTRA RSRP and RSRQ shall be used for cell re-selection to a E-UTRAN cell. The accuracies of the measurements used for a cell-reselection in an AWGN environment shall comply with the requirements in section 9. The measurements used for S-criteria and cell re-selection evaluation in CELL_FACH shall be performed according to section 8.4. Cell re-selection delay

For UTRA FDD the cell re-selection delay is defined as the time between the occurrence of an event which will trigger Cell Reselection process and the moment in time when the UE starts sending the the preambles on the PRACH for sending RRC CELL UPDATE message to the UTRAN.

For UTRA TDD, the cell re-selection delay is defined as the time between the occurrence of an event which will trigger the cell re-selection process and the moment in time when the UE starts sending the RRC CELL UPDATE message to the UTRAN on the RACH.

For GSM and E-UTRAN, the cell re-selection delay is defined as the time between the occurrence of an event which will trigger Cell Reselection process and the moment in time when the UE starts sending the random access in the target cell of the new RAT. Intra frequency cell reselection

The cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state to a cell in the same frequency shall be less than



Tidentify, intra is specified in

TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

TSI = The time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in 25.331 for a UTRAN cell..

TRA = The additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

If a cell has been detectable at least Tidentify,intra, the cell reselection delay in CELL_FACH state to a cell in the same frequency shall be less than



TMeasurement,Period Intra = Specified in

These requirements assume radio conditions to be sufficient, so reading of system information can be done without errors. Inter frequency cell reselection

The cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state to a FDD cell on a different frequency shall be less than



Tidentify, inter is specified in

TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

TSI = The time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in 25.331 for a UTRAN cell..

TRA = The additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

If a cell has been detectable at least Tidentify,inter, the cell reselection delay in CELL_FACH state to a FDD cell on a different frequency shall be less than



TMeasurement, inter = Specified in

These requirements assume radio conditions to be sufficient, so that reading of system information can be done without errors. FDD-TDD cell reselection

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and TDD.

The cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state in FDD to an inter frequency TDD cell shall be less than



Tidentify, TDD inter is specified in

TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in [16] for a UTRAN cell.

TRA is the additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

If a cell has been detectable at least Tidentify TDD inter, the cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state to an inter-frequency TDD cell shall be less than,



TMeasurement TDD inter is specified in

These requirements assume radio conditions to be sufficient, so that reading of system information can be done without errors. FDD-GSM Cell Reselection

The cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state to a GSM cell shall be less than


TBCCH = the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from GSM cell [21].

TRA = the additional delay caused by the random access procedure.


a) For UE requiring measurement occasions.

Tidentify, GSM is specified in


Ncarriers is the number of GSM carriers in the Inter-RAT cell info list

NGSM carrier RSSI is specified in

b) For UE not requiring measurement occasions

Tidentify, GSM = 150 ms

= 480 ms FDD-E-UTRAN Cell Reselection

The cell re-selection delay in CELL_FACH state to a E-UTRAN cell shall be less than


TBCCH = the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from a E-UTRAN cell [24].

TRA = the additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

If a cell has been detectable for at least Tidentify,E-UTRAN, the cell reselection delay in CELL_FACH state to a E-UTRAN cell on shall be less than



a) For UE requiring measurement occasions.

Tidentify, E-UTRAN and Tmeasurement, E-UTRAN are specified in

b) For UE not requiring measurement occasions

Tidentify, E-UTRAN = 480 ms

Tmeasurement, E-UTRAN = 60 ms Void Cell reselection delay to CSG cells

NOTE: The requirements in this section are minimum requirements defined to ensure the testability of autonomous CSG search, and are only applicable when the 2nd DRX cycle is configured, with a DRX cycle length of equal to or greater than 1280msec.

Reselection from non CSG to CSG cells may be performed using UE autonomous search as defined in [1] when at least one CSG ID is included in the UE’s CSG whitelist. The requirements in this section are valid for reselection to CSG cells previously visited by the UE when the radio configuration parameters, including the carrier frequency and physical cell identity of the CSG cell, non CSG cell and other neighbour cells are unchanged from the most recent previous visit.

NOTE: According to [1], the UE autonomous search function, per UE implementation, determines when and/or where to search for allowed CSG cells. Reselection from a non CSG FDD to an inter-frequency FDD CSG cell

The UE shall perform search and reselection to an allowed inter-frequency FDD CSG cell that has met CSG reselection criterion defined in [1] and that is in its whitelist, within 6 minutes in the conditions shown in table 5.3A. There is no need for statistical testing of this requirement. When performing autonomous CSG search or reselection to the CSG cell, the UE shall also meet the exsiting cell reselection requirements defined in section Where applicable, the interruption time requirement of section shall apply. This requirement is not applicable if the SIB3 repetition period in the CSG cell is the same length as the 2nd DRX cycle in the serving cell and SIB3 transmissions partially or wholly overlap periods in which the UE is expected to receive HS-SCCH in the serving cell.

Table 5.3A: Parameters for CSG inter-frequency FDD reselection



Cell 1

Cell 2


Channel 1

Channel 2

CSG indicator



Primary scrambling code Note1

Scrambling code 1

Scrambling code 2

CSG identity

Not sent


(Already stored in UE whitelist from previous visit)

Propagation conditions

Static, non multipath

CSG cell previously visited by UE






























dBm/3.84 MHz



Note 1: For this requirement to be applicable, the UARFCN and scrambling code for cell 1 and cell 2 shall be unchanged from when the CSG cell was visited previously.

Note 2: Chosen to ensure that CSG autonomous search has a high probability of success on every attempt made by UE. Reselection from a non CSG FDD to an inter-RAT E-UTRA CSG cell

The UE shall perform search and reselection to an allowed inter-RAT E-UTRA CSG cell that has met CSG reselection criterion defined in [1] and that is in its whitelist, within 6 minutes in the conditions shown in table 5.3B. There is no need for statistical testing of this requirement. When performing autonomous CSG search or reselection to the CSG cell, the UE shall also meet the exsiting cell reselection requirements defined in section Where applicable, the interruption time requirement of section shall apply.

Table 5.3B: Parameters for CSG inter-RAT E-UTRA reselection



Cell 1

Cell 2


Channel 1




Channel 2

CSG indicator



Primary scrambling code Note1

code 1


Physical cell identityNote1



CSG identity

Not sent


(Already stored in UE whitelist from previous visit)

Propagation conditions

Static, non multipath

CSG cell previously visited by UE
























dBm/3.84 MHz

































dBm/15 kHz


RSRP Note2

dBm/15 KHz


Note 1: For this requirement to be applicable, the UARFCN and scrambling code for cell 1 and the EARFCN and physical cell identity for cell 2 shall be unchanged from when the CSG cell was visited previously

Note 2: Chosen to ensure that CSG autonomous search has a high probability of success on every attempt made by UE Interruption time

The requirements on interruption time below are valid when the signal quality of the serving cell is good enough to allow decoding of the FACH channel during the cell reselection. FDD-FDD cell reselection

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the last TTI the UE monitors the FACH channel on the serving cell and the time the UE starts transmit the preambles on the PRACH for sending the RRC CELL UPDATE message in the target cell.

When intra-frequency cell reselection, or inter-frequency cell reselection when the UE does not need measurement occasion to perform inter-frequency measurements occurs, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt1

Tinterrupt1 = TIU+20+TRA ms


TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

TRA The additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

When inter-frequency cell reselection occurs and the UE needs measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency measurements, the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt2

Tinterrupt2 = TIU+20+TSI+TRA ms


TSI the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in 25.331.

In CELL_FACH state the MTCH interruption time due to intra-frequency cell reselection without soft combining during an MBMS session shall be less than TMTCH_interrupt as specified in section FDD-TDD cell reselection

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and TDD.

The interruption time, is defined as the time period between the last TTI the UE monitors the FACH on the serving cell and the time instant the UE starts to transmit the RRC CELL UPDATE message in the target inter-frequency TDD cell on the RACH.

In case of inter-frequency cell reselection to a TDD cell and when the UE needs measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency TDD measurements, the interruption time shall be less than

Tinterrupt1, TDD = TIU+20+TSI+TRA ms

In case of inter-frequency cell reselection to a TDD cell and when the UE does not need measurement occasions to perform inter-frequency TDD measurements, the interruption time shall be less than

Tinterrupt2, TDD = TIU+20+TRA ms


TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one frame (10 ms).

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in [16].

TRA is the additional delay caused by the random access procedure. FDD-GSM cell reselection

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the last TTI the UE monitors the FACH channel and the time the UE starts transmit a RACH in the target GSM cell.

When FDD-GSM cell reselection occurs the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt, GSM

Tinterrupt,GSM = 40 +TBCCH+TRA ms


TBCCH = the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from the GSM cell [21].

TRA = The additional delay caused by the random access procedure. Measurement and evaluation of cell selection criteria S of serving cell

The S-criteria detection delay is defined as the time between the occurrence of an event which leads to that the cell selection criteria S for serving cell is not fulfilled and the moment in time when the UE detects that the cell selection criteria S for serving cell is not fulfilled.

The UE shall filter the CPICH Ec/Io and CPICH RSCP measurements used for cell selection criteria S evaluation of the serving cell over at least 3 measurement periods TMeasurement_Period Intra.

The S-critera detection delay in CELL_FACH state shall be less than:



TMeasurement_Period Intra = Specified in

The UE is "out of service area" if the UE has evaluated for 4 s that that the serving cell does not fulfil the cell selection criterion S and if the UE has not found any new suitable cell based on searches and measurements of the neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information during these 4 s. When the UE is "out of service area" it shall initiate cell selection procedures for the selected PLMN as defined in [1].

On transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH, if a UE cannot find a suitable UTRA cell, then it is considered to be "out of service area" and shall perform actions according to [16].

If the S criterion of the serving cell is no longer fulfilled, the UE may suspend MBMS reception if necessary to improve the UE’s ability to find a suitable cell.

If the S criterion of the serving cell is fulfilled, the measurement requirements when a MBMS reception is active are specified in section 8.4. FDD-E-UTRA Cell Reselection

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the last TTI the UE monitors the FACH channel and the time the UE starts transmit a RACH in the target E-UTRAN cell.

When FDD-E-UTRAN cell reselection occurs the interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt, E-UTRAN.

Tinterrupt, E-UTRAN = 40 +TBCCH+TRA ms


TBCCH = The maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from the E-UTRAN cell [24].

TRA = The additional delay caused by the random access procedure.

5.6 Cell Re-selection in CELL_PCH

5.6.1 Introduction

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria specified in TS 25.304, based on radio measurements, and if a better cell is found that cell is selected.

5.6.2 Requirements

Requirements for cell re-selection in CELL_PCH are the same as for cell re-selection in idle mode, see section 4.2. UE shall support all DRX cycle lengths in table 4.1 and table 4.2, according to [16].

5.7 Cell Re-selection in URA_PCH

5.7.1 Introduction

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria specified in TS 25.304, based on radio measurements, and if a better cell is found that cell is selected.

5.7.2 Requirements

Requirements for cell re-selection in URA_PCH are the same as for cell re-selection in idle mode, see section 4.2. UE shall support all DRX cycle lengths in table 4.1 and table 4.2, according to [16].

5.8 RACH reporting

5.8.1 Introduction

The network may request the UE to report on RACH cell CPICH levels for the serving cell and up to 6 strongest monitored set cells and SFN-SFN observed time difference between the serving cell and up to 6 different monitored set cells.

5.8.2 Requirements

If all of the following conditions are true, the UE is allowed to have an additional delay of NRACH*50 ms in RACH transmission compared to the normal RACH transmission delay:

– SFN-SFN observed time difference measurement results are required to be reported on RACH;

– The set of cells on which the SFN-SFN observed time difference measurement is to be reported has changed since the previous RACH measurement report;

– The UE has not measured the SFN-SFN observed time differences for the cells to be reported on RACH in the CELL_FACH state according to the requirements defined in Section

If at least one of the previous conditions is false, the UE shall be able to report the requested measurement results on RACH within a normal RACH transmission delay.

NRACH is the number of cells requiring SFN decoding prior to the reporting of SFN-SFN observed time difference measurement results on RACH.

5.9 Inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN in CELL_DCH and CELL_FACH

5.9.1 Introduction

The purpose of inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN FDD to GSM is to transfer a connection between the UE and UTRAN FDD to GSM. This procedure may be used in CELL_DCH and CELL_FACH state. The cell change order procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message (CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN). The procedure is described in TS25.331 section 8.3.11.

NOTE: No procedure is defined for Inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN to E-UTRAN.

5.9.2 Requirements

The requirements in this section shall apply to UE supporting FDD and GSM. Delay

When the UE receives a RRC CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND with the activation time "now" or earlier than the value in table 5.4 from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall start transmit the random access in the target cell of the new RAT within the value in table 5.4 from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.

If the access is delayed to an indicated activation time later than the value in table 5.4 from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall start transmit the random access in the target cell of the new RAT at the designated activation time.

The UE shall process the RRC procedures for the RRC CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND within 50 ms. If the activation time is used, it corresponds to the CFN of the UTRAN channel.

Table 5.4: Inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN – delay

UE synchronisation status

delay [ms]

The UE has synchronised to the GSM cell before the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received


The UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell before the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received



TBCCH = the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from the GSM cell [21];

TRA = the additional delay caused by the random access procedure. Interruption time

The requirements on interruption time below is valid when the signal quality of the serving cell is good enough to allow decoding of the old channel during the inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN delay.

The interruption time, i.e. the time between the end of the last TTI containing a transport block that the UE is able to receive on the old channel and the time the UE starts transmit the random access in the target cell, shall be less than the value in table 5.5. The requirement in table 5.5 for the case, that UE is not synchronised to the GSM cell before the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received, is valid when the signal quality of the GSM cell is good enough for successful synchronisation with one attempt.

Table 5.5: Inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN – interruption time

Synchronisation status

Interruption time [ms]

The UE has synchronised to the GSM cell before the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received


The UE has not synchronised to the GSM cell before the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN COMMAND is received



TBCCH = the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from the GSM cell [21].

TRA = the additional delay caused by the random access procedure

5.10 Serving HS-DSCH cell change

5.10.3 Introduction

The serving HS-DSCH procedure is initiated from UTRAN with a RRC message that implies a change of the serving HS-DSCH cell, see TS 25.331 section 8.2.2

5.10.2 Requirements Serving HS-DSCH cell change delay

Procedure delay for all procedures, that can command a HS-DSCH cell change are specified in TS25.331 section 13.5.2.

When the UE receives a RRC message implying HS-DSCH cell change with the activation time "now" or earlier than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to receive the HS-SCCH channel from the new cell within Dcell_change seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command.

If the access is delayed to an indicated activation time later than RRC procedure delay seconds from the end of the last TTI containing the RRC command, the UE shall be ready to start the transmission of the new uplink HS-DPCCH at the designated activation time + interruption time.


Dcell_change equals the RRC procedure delay defined in TS25.331 Section 13.5.2 plus the interruption time of receiving HS-DSCH data stated in section Interruption time

The HS-DSCH interruption time is the time between the last received TTI that can contain a transport block on the old HS-PDSCH and the time when the UE is ready to transmit CQI reports based on the quality of the new cell and the UE have started to receive the HS-SCCH of the new cell. The interruption time is depending on whether the target cell is known for the UE or not.

If serving HS-DSCH cell change is commanded to a cell in the active set the HS-DSCH interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt1

Tinterrupt1=TIU+22 ms

If an active set update, which includes a cell into the active set where the cell is known, and serving HS-DSCH cell change is simultaneously commanded to the same cell the HS-DSCH interruption time shall be less than Tinterrupt2

Tinterrupt2=TIU+42 ms

where TIU is the interruption uncertainty when changing the timing from the old to the new cell. TIU can be up to one subframe (2 ms).

The phase reference is the primary CPICH.

5.11 Enhanced Serving HS-DSCH cell change

5.11.1 Introduction

The enhanced serving HS-DSCH cell change procedure is initiated from UTRAN either with a RRC message that implies a change of the serving HS-DSCH cell or through an HS-SCCH order sent on the target cell (target cell is the cell which becomes the serving cell after the enhanced serving HS-DSCH cell change procedure).

5.11.2 Requirements

When the UE receives a RRC message implying enhanced HS-DSCH cell change, the serving cell change delay and interruption time requirements are as defined in Section 5.10.

When the UE receives an HS-SCCH order from the target cell that implies enhanced HS-DSCH serving cell change:

– if the activation time is not equal to “now”, the UE shall be ready to receive the full configured HS-SCCH set from the target cell within MAX{40 ms, activation time – the end of the TTI containing the HS-SCCH order} from the end of the TTI containing the HS-SCCH order.

– if the activation time is set to “now”, the UE shall be ready to receive the full configured HS-SCCH set within 40 ms from the end of the TTI containing the HS-SCCH order.

5.12 Interruption on Primary Uplink Frequency in DC-HSUPA

5.12.1 Introduction

When the UE is configured with dual uplink carrier frequencies, the transmission interruption on the primary uplink frequency can occur due to the activation or deactivation of the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell or of the serving E-DCH cell on the secondary uplink frequency.

The activation or deactivation procedure for the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell or the serving E-DCH cell on the secondary uplink frequency, is initiated from UTRAN with an HS-SCCH order [18], which implies activation or deactivation of the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell or the serving E-DCH cell on the secondary uplink frequency.

5.12.2 Requirements

The interruption time on the primary uplink frequency, Tinterrupt, starts from the end of the last DPCCH slot which overlaps with the HS-DPCCH subframe containing the ACK corresponding to the HS-SCCH order for the activation or deactivation of the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell or the serving E-DCH cell on the secondary uplink frequency. The UE shall be ready to resume transmission of each physical channel on the primary uplink frequency at the next slot, subframe or frame after Tinterrupt =4 ms, depending on the channel timing relationship defined in [2] (next slot for DPCCH and next subframe for HS-DPCCH/2ms TTI E-DCH). This requirement applies when the UE is configured with dual uplink carrier frequencies.

5.13 System information acquisition for CSG cell

5.13.1 Introduction

The requirements in this section apply to a UE which supports system information acquisition of a CSG cell in preparation for handover. Both intra frequency and inter frequency system information reading can be configured, for the inter frequency case the UE may make autonomous gaps in both downlink reception and uplink transmission. For intrafrequency system information acquisition, interruption in downlink reception or uplink tranmission shall not be performed to aquire system information.

5.13.2 CSG SI acquisition delay

The CSG SI acquisition delay is defined as the time between any occurrences that will trigger a SI decoding until the UE starts to transmit over the Uu interface. This requirement assumes that the measurement report is not delayed by other RRC signalling on the DCCH. The measurement reporting delay also excludes any RRC procedure delay which is defined in [16] when SI reading is initiated by a measurement control message.

For intra frequency CSG cells, CSG SI decoding is typically triggered when a cell with primary scrambling code in a preconfigured range meets the criteria for measurement reporting. For inter frequency CSG cells, CSG SI decoding is explicitly requested by RRC signalling.

The CSG SI reporting delay shall not be more than TCSG-SI-Report where TCSG-SI-Report in ms is given by

TCSG-SI-Report = 630+ 40*SIB3_REP

SIB3_REP is the repetition period at which the CSG cell schedules SIB3 blocks in units of frames

This requirement is applicable for CSG target cell configurations where the information required to make the SI report can be determined from the MIB and SIB3 alone, and SIB3 is not segmented into multiple TTI. Additionally, for the requirement to be applicable, the reception conditions shall be such that the system frame number of the target CSG cell, the MIB and SIB3 can each be successfully decoded in no more than four attempts. According to the reception conditions:

A cell shall be considered detectable when:

– CPICH Ec/Io > -20 dB if DL_DRX_Active = 0, or CPICH Ec/Io ≥-17dB if DL_DRX_Active=1,

– SCH_Ec/Io > -20 dB if DL_DRX_Active = 0, or SCH Ec/Io ≥-17dB if DL_DRX_Active=1, for at least one channel tap and SCH_Ec/Ior is equally divided between primary synchronisation code and secondary synchronisation code. When L3 filtering is used an additional delay can be expected.

The system frame number, the MIB and SIB3 of the target CSG cell shall be considered decodable provided the BCH demodulation requirements are met according to [3].

5.13.3 Interfrequency CSG decoding interruption

When inter frequency CSG SI decoding of a neighbour cell is requested by UTRAN, the UE may interrupt ongoing downlink reception, and uplink transmission to perform the decoding on another frequency. The total of the gaps in reception and the total of the gaps in transmission during the period TCSG-SI-Report shall not exceed TCSG-SI-Interruption where TCSG-SI-Interruption = 600ms. This requirement is applicable for CSG target cell configurations where the information required to make the SI report can be determined from the MIB and SIB3 alone, and SIB3 is not segmented into multiple TTI. Additionally, for the requirement to be applicable, the reception conditions shall be such that the system frame number of the target CSG cell, the MIB and SIB3 can each be successfully decoded in no more than four attempts. According to the reception conditions:

A cell shall be considered detectable when:

– CPICH Ec/Io > -20 dB,

– SCH_Ec/Io > -17 dB for at least one channel tap and SCH_Ec/Ior is equally divided between primary synchronisation code and secondary synchronisation code. When L3 filtering is used an additional delay can be expected.

The system frame number, the MIB and SIB3 of the target CSG cell shall be considered decodable provided the BCH demodulation requirements are met according to [3].

5.13.4 CSG reporting delay

Reporting delay results from delay uncertainty when inserting the measurement report to the TTI of the uplink DCCH. The delay uncertainty is twice the TTI of the uplink DCCH.

5.14 System information acquisition for inter-RAT E-UTRA cell

5.14.1 Identification of a new CGI of inter-RAT E-UTRA FDD cell with autonomous gaps

The UE shall identify and report the CGI when requested by the UTRAN for the purpose of SI reading. To perform SI reading, the UE may make autonomous gaps in both downlink reception and uplink transmission for receiving MIB and SIB1 message of E-UTRAN cell [27] when the IE " E-UTRA SI Acquisition" is received by the UE [16]. If the autonomous gaps are used for the measurement with the purpose of SI reading, the UE shall be able to identify a new CGI of inter-RAT E-UTRA cell within:


Tbasic_identify_CGI, E-UTRAN = [300] ms. This is the time period used in the above equation where the maximum allowed time for the UE to identify a new CGI of E-UTRA cell is defined.

A E-UTRAN cell shall be considered identifiable following conditions are fulfilled:

– RSRP related side conditions given in Section 9.1of [24] are fulfilled for a corresponding Band,

– SCH_RP|dBm and SCH Ês/Iot according to Annex B.4.1 for a corresponding Band.

The MIB of an inter-RAT E-UTRA cell whose CGI is identified shall be considered decodable by the UE provided the PBCH demodulation requirements are met according to [28].

5.14.2 Identification of a new CGI of inter-RAT E-UTRA TDD cell with autonomous gaps

The UE shall identify and report the CGI when requested by the UTRAN for the purpose of SI reading. To perform SI reading, the UE may make autonomous gaps in both downlink reception and uplink transmission for receiving MIB and SIB1 message [27] when the IE " E-UTRA SI Acquisition" is received by the UE [16]. If the autonomous gaps are used for the measurement with the purpose of SI reading, the UE shall be able to identify a new CGI of inter-RAT E-UTRA cell within:


Tbasic_identify_CGI, E-UTRAN = [300] ms. This is the time period used in the above equation where the maximum allowed time for the UE to identify a new CGI of E-UTRA cell is defined.

A cell shall be considered identifiable following conditions are fulfilled:

– RSRP related side conditions given in Section 9.1 of [24] are fulfilled for a corresponding Band,

– SCH_RP and SCH Ês/Iot according to Annex B.4.1 for a corresponding Band.

The MIB of an inter-RAT E-UTRA cell whose CGI is identified shall be considered decodable by the UE provided the PBCH demodulation requirements are met according to [28].

5.14.3 ECGI reporting delay

Reporting delay results from delay uncertainty when inserting the measurement report to the TTI of the uplink DCCH and the RRC procedure delay. The delay uncertainty is twice the TTI of the uplink DCCH.

5.15 Packet Loss Rate on Serving HS-DSCH Cells in Multi-Carrier HSDPA

5.15.1 Introduction

A UE according to its measurement capability in the IE, “Inter-frequency measurements on configured carriers without compressed mode” defined in section of TS 25.331 [16] may reconfigure its receiver bandwidth when performing measurements on configured carrier frequencies corresponding to secondary serving HS-DSCH cells. This may cause loss of HS-DSCH reception from those primary and secondary serving HS-DSCH cells whose carrier frequencies belong to the same frequency band as that of the measured configured secondary carrier frequency.

5.15.2 Requirements

The probability of not sending ACK/NACK corresponding to HS-DSCH transmitted to a UE by its primary or secondary serving HS-DSCH cell shall not exceed 4% when the UE measures cells on any configured secondary carrier frequency which belongs to the same frequency band as that of the primary or secondary serving HS-DSCH cell.