3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

25.1333GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD)TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.

The main general definitions strictly related to the Transmission and Reception characteristics but important also for the present document can be found in [3] for UE FDD, in [4] for BS FDD, in [5] for UE TDD, in [6] for BS TDD.

Node B:A logical node responsible for radio transmission / reception in one or more cells to/from the User Equipment. Terminates the Iub interface towards the RNC

Power Spectral Density: The units of Power Spectral Density (PSD) are extensively used in this document. PSD is a function of power versus frequency and when integrated across a given bandwidth, the function represents the mean power in such a bandwidth. When the mean power is normalised to (divided by) the chip-rate it represents the mean energy per chip. Some signals are directly defined in terms of energy per chip, (DPCH_Ec, Ec, OCNS_Ec and S-CCPCH_Ec) and others defined in terms of PSD (Io, Ioc, Ior and Îor). There also exist quantities that are a ratio of energy per chip to PSD (DPCH_Ec/Ior, Ec/Ior etc.). This is the common practice of relating energy magnitudes in communication systems.
It can be seen that if both energy magnitudes in the ratio are divided by time, the ratio is converted from an energy ratio to a power ratio, which is more useful from a measurement point of view. It follows that an energy per chip of X dBm/3,84 MHz can be expressed as a mean power per chip of X dBm. Similarly, a signal PSD of Y dBm/3,84 MHz can be expressed as a signal power of Y dBm.

MBSFN cluster: Set of cells operating in MBSFN mode providing only MBMS service in PtM mode and seen as one cell by a UE.

Adjacent Frequency: A downlink frequency in the inter-frequency cell info list that is within 5 MHz from the intra frequency. It is explicitly indicated by UTRAN to UE via upper layer signaling.

Primary uplink frequency: If a single uplink frequency is configured for the UE, then it is the primary uplink frequency. In case more than one uplink frequency is configured for the UE, then the primary uplink frequency is the frequency on which the E-DCH corresponding to the serving E-DCH cell associated with the serving HS-DSCH cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplink and downlink frequencies is indicated by higher layers.

Secondary uplink frequency: A secondary uplink frequency is a frequency on which an E-DCH corresponding to a serving E-DCH cell associated with a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplink and downlink frequencies is indicated by higher layers.

Activated Uplink Frequency: For a specific UE, an uplink frequency is said to be activated if the UE is allowed to transmit on that frequency. The primary uplink frequency is always activated when configured while a secondary uplink frequency has to be activated by means of an HS-SCCH order in order to become activated.

Normal Performance Group: For UE which supports Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA or E-UTRA, the group of inter-frequency carriers or inter-RAT carriers is divided into two groups. The group which has a better delay performance compared to the other group is refered to as the normal performance group.

Reduced Performance Group: For UE which supports Increased UE carrier monitoring UTRA or E-UTRA the group of inter-frequency carriers or inter-RAT carriers is divided into two groups. The group which has worse delay performance compared to the other group is refered to as the reduced performance group.

eDRX cycles: eDRX cycles and associated parameters are defined in TS 24.008 [32].

3.2 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbol applies:

[…] Values included in square bracket must be considered for further studies, because it means that a decision about that value was not taken.

CPICH_Ec Average energy per PN chip for the CPICH

CPICH_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the CPICH to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

CPICH_Ec/Io The ratio of the received energy per PN chip for the CPICH to the total received power spectral density at the UE antenna connector. For a UE that is able to simultaneously receive signals from more than 1 carrier, CPICH_Ec/Io is defined for each carrier individually.

DPCH_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the DPCH to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

Ec Average energy per PN chip.

eDRX_IDLE eDRX cycles used in idle mode.

Ês Received energy per resource element (power normalized to the subcarrier spacing) during the useful part of the symbol, i.e. excluding the cyclic prefix, at the UE antenna connector and applicable to E-UTRA signals only.

Io The total received power density, including signal and interference, as measured at the UE antenna connector. For a UE that is able to simultaneously receive signals from more than 1 carrier, Io is defined for each carrier individually.

Iob The total received power density, including signal and interference, as measured at the BS antenna connector.

Ioc The power spectral density (integrated in a noise bandwidth equal to the chip rate and normalized to the chip rate)of a band limited noise source (simulating interference from cells, which are not defined in a test procedure) as measured at the UE antenna connector. For a UE that is able to simultaneously receive signals from more than 1 carrier, Ioc is defined for each carrier individually.

Ior The total transmit power spectral density (integrated in a bandwidth of (1+α) times the chip rate and normalized to the chip rate) of the downlink signal at the Node B antenna connector.

Îor The received power spectral density (integrated in a bandwidth of (1+α) times the chip rate and normalized to the chip rate) of the downlink signal as measured at the UE antenna connector. For a UE that is able to simultaneously receive signals from more than 1 carrier, Îor is defined for each carrier individually.

Iot The received power spectral density of the total noise and interference for a certain resource element (power integrated over the RE and normalized to the subcarrier spacing) as measured at the UE antenna connector and applicable to E-UTRA signals only.

OCNS_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the OCNS to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

PCCPCH_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the PCCPCH to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

PENALTY_TIME Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

PICH_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the PICH to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

Qhyst Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Qoffsets,n Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Qqualmin Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Qrxlevmin Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

SCH_Ec/Ior The ratio of the transmit energy per PN chip of the SCH to the total transmit power spectral density at the Node B antenna connector.

SCH_RP Received (linear) average power of the resource elements that carry E-UTRA synchronisation signal, measured at the UE antenna connector and applicable to E-UTRA signals only.

Sintersearch Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Sintrasearch Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

SsearchRAT Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

T1 Time period 1

T2 Time period 2

TEMP_OFFSET Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Threshserving_high Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Threshserving_low Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Threshx_high Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

Threshx_low Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

TRE-ESTABLISH-REQ The RRC Re-establishment delay requirement, the time between the moment when erroneous CRCs are applied, to when the UE starts to send preambles on the PRACH.

Treselection Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

TS Basic time unit, defined in TS 36.211, clause 4

UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH Defined in TS 25.304, subclause

3.3 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply

AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise

BCH Broadcast Channel

BER Bit Error Ratio

BLER Block Error Ratio

BS Base Station

CFN Connection Frame Number

CLTD Closed Loop Transmit Diversity

CPICH Common Pilot Channel

CSG Closed Subscriber Group

CGI Cell Global Identifier





DL Down link (forward link)

DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel

DPCH Dedicated Physical Channel

DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel

DRX Discontinuous Reception


eDRX Extended DRX cycles.

E-DCH Enhanced Dedicated Channel

E-DPCCH E-DCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel

E-DPDCH E-DCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel

E-UTRA Enhanced Universal Terrestrial Radio Access

E-UTRAN Enhanced Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

FDD Frequency Division Duplex

F-DPCH Fractional Dedicated Physical Channel

GERAN GSM EDGE Radio Access Network

GSM Global System for Mobile communication

HO Handover

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access

HS-DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel (uplink) for HS-DSCH

HS-DPCCH2 Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel (uplink) for HS-DSCH, when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is greater than 3

HS-DSCH High Speed Downlink Shared Channel

HS-PDSCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel

HS-SCCH Shared Control Physical Channel for HS-DSCH

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

MBSFN MBMS over a Single Frequency Network

MIB Master Information Block

MDT Minimization of Drive Tests

MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output

OCNS Orthogonal Channel Noise Simulator, a mechanism used to simulate the users or control signals on the other orthogonal channels of a downlink.

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access

PBCH Physical Broadcast Channel

PCCPCH Primary Common Control Physical Channel

PICH Paging Indicator Channel

PIN Personal Identification Number

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

PTW Paging Timing Window

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

RAT Radio Access Technology

RNC Radio Network ControllerRSCP Received Signal Code Power

RRC Radio Resource Control

RRM Radio Resource Management

RSRP Reference Signal Received Power

RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator

SCH Synchronisation Channel, power of SCH shall be divided equally between Primary and Secondary Synchronous channels.

S-DPCCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel

S-E-DPCCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel for E-DCH

S-E-DPDCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Data Channel for E-DCH

SFN System Frame Number

SIB System Information Block

SIR Signal to Interference ratio

TDD Time Division Duplex

TFC Transport Format Combination

TPC Transmit Power Control

TTI Transmission Time Interval

UTRA Universal Terrestrial Radio Access

UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

UE User Equipment

UL Up link (reverse link)

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module

UTRA Universal Terrestrial Radio Access

UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

WB-RSRQ Wide Bandwith RSRQ

3.4 Test tolerances

The requirements given in the present document make no allowance for measurement uncertainty. The test specification 34.121 and 25.141 define test tolerances. These test tolerances are individually calculated for each test. The test tolerances are then added to the limits in this specification to create test limits. The measurement results are compared against the test limits as defined by the shared risk principle.

Shared Risk is defined in ETR 273 Part 1 sub-part 2 section 6.5.

3.5 Additional notation

3.5.1 Groups of E-UTRA bands

The intention with the band grouping below is to increase the readability of the specification and to reduce impact on the specification if new E-UTRA bands are introduced.

Table 3.5.1-1: E-UTRA band groups




Band group notation

Operating bands

Band group notation

Operating bands



1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 32 Note 4, 67 Note 6, 69Note 7, 70Note 8


33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 50, 51, 53



65, 66 Note 5



74 Note 9



9, 30


42, 43, 48, 52



28, 68




2, 5, 7, 27


41, 44



26 Note 3




3, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 29 Note 2, 71, 85























31, 72, 73


NOTE 1: The bands within the same group have the same Io conditions in a corresponding requirement in this specification.

NOTE 2: Band 29 is used only for E-UTRA carrier aggregation with other E-UTRA bands.

NOTE 3: The minimum Io condition for Band 26 is reduced by 0.5 dB when the carrier frequency of the assigned E-UTRA channel bandwidth is within 865-894 MHz.

NOTE 4: Band 32 is used only for E-UTRA carrier aggregation with other E-UTRA bands.

NOTE 5: The 2180 – 2200 MHz part of Band 66 is used only for E-UTRA carrier aggregation with other E-UTRA bands.

NOTE 6: Band 67 is used only for E-UTRA carrier aggregation with other E-UTRA bands.

NOTE 7: Band 69 is used only for E-UTRA carrier aggregation with other E-UTRA bands.

NOTE 8: The range 2010-2020 MHz of the DL operating band is restricted to E-UTRA operation when carrier aggregation is configured and TX-RX separation is 300 MHz The range 2005-2020 MHz of the DL operating band is restricted to E-UTRA operation when carrier aggregation is configured and TX-RX separation is 295 MHz.

NOTE 9: The minimum Io condition for Band 74 is reduced by 0.5 dB when the carrier frequency of the assigned E-UTRA channel bandwidth is within 1475.9-1510.9 MHz.