4.3 Description of CAMEL Subscriber Data

23.0783GPPCustomised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase 4Release 17Stage 2TS

4.3.1 Originating CAMEL Subscription Information (O‑CSI)

This subclause defines the contents of the Originating CAMEL Subscription Information. TDP List

The TDP List indicates on which detection point triggering shall take place.

The following trigger detection points are possible: DP Collected_Info and DP Route_Select_Failure. gsmSCF address

The gsmSCF address indicates the address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used for routeing. Different gsmSCF addresses may be associated with different TDPs. Service Key

The Service Key indicates to the gsmSCF the service logic to be used. Different Service Keys may be associated with different TDPs. Default Call Handling

The Default Call Handling indicates whether the call shall be released or continued as requested if there is an error in the gsmSSF to gsmSCF dialogue or if the call is subject to call gapping in the gsmSSF. A default call handling shall be associated with each Service Key. DP criteria

The DP criteria indicate whether the gsmSSF shall request instructions from the gsmSCF. CAMEL Capability Handling

CAMEL Capability Handling indicates the phase of CAMEL which is requested by the gsmSCF for the service.

The HLR shall not include in a CSI which it sends to a VLR or GMSC any data for a CAMEL phase later than that which the CAMEL capability handling indicates. E.g. if the CAMEL Capability Handling indicates CAMEL phase 1 then the HLR shall not send triggering criteria to the VLR. Different CSIs may contain different values of CAMEL Capability Handling.

NOTE: If CAMEL is not supported or if a lower phase of CAMEL is supported in the VLR, the HLR can decide on a subscriber basis to apply ODB, perform normal call handling or perform operator specific handling (eventually support of a lower version of CSI). CSI state

The CSI state indicates whether the O‑CSI is active or not. Notification flag

The notification flag indicates whether the change of the O‑CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data.

4.3.2 Dialled Service CAMEL Subscription Information (D‑CSI)

This subclause defines the contents of the Dialled Service CAMEL Subscription Information. DP criteria

The DP criteria indicate whether the gsmSSF shall request instructions from the gsmSCF. gsmSCF address

The gsmSCF address indicates the address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used for routeing. A gsmSCF address shall be associated with each DP criterion. Service Key

The Service Key identifies to the gsmSCF the service logic to be used. A Service Key shall be associated with each DP criteria. Default Call Handling

The Default Call Handling indicates whether the call shall be released or continued as requested if there is an error in the gsmSSF to gsmSCF dialogue or if the call is submitted to call gapping in the gsmSSF. A default call handling shall be associated with each DP criteria. CAMEL Capability Handling

CAMEL Capability Handling indicates the phase of CAMEL which is requested by the gsmSCF for the service.

NOTE: If CAMEL is not supported or if a lower phase of CAMEL is supported in the VLR, the HLR can decide on a subscriber basis to apply ODB, perform normal call handling or perform operator specific handling (eventually support of a lower version of CSI). CSI state

The CSI state indicates whether the D‑CSI is active or not. Notification flag

The notification flag indicates whether changes of the D‑CSI shall trigger the Notification on Change of Subscriber Data.

4.3.3 Network CAMEL Service Information (N‑CSI)

The N‑CSI identifies services offered on a per-network basis by the serving PLMN operator for all subscribers and, if applicable, for all incoming trunk originated calls. This CSI shall be stored in the MSC.

4.3.4 Translation Information Flag CAMEL Subscription Information (TIF‑CSI) Translation Information Flag

The TIF‑CSI in the CAMEL Subscriber data indicates,

– when the subscriber registers a forwarded-to number, that the HLR shall not attempt to perform any translation, number format checks, prohibited FTN checks or call barring checks. (see 3GPP TS 23.082 [20]).

– when the subscriber invokes the Call Deflection supplementary service, that the VLR shall not attempt to perform any translation, number format checks, prohibited DTN checks, call barring checks. (see 3GPP TS 23.072 [16]). Notification flag

The notification flag indicates whether the change of the TIF‑CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data or not.

4.3.5 Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (in the GMSC) (T‑CSI)

This subclause defines the contents of the Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information. TDP List

The TDP List indicates on which detection point triggering shall take place.

The following trigger detection points are possible: DP Terminating_Attempt_Authorised, DP T_Busy, and DP T_No_Answer. gsmSCF address

The gsmSCF address indicates the address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used for routeing. Different gsmSCF addresses may be associated with different TDPs. Service Key

The Service Key indicates to the gsmSCF the service logic to be used. Different Service Keys may be associated with different TDPs. Default Call Handling

The Default Call Handling indicates whether the call shall be released or continued as requested if there is an error in the gsmSSF to gsmSCF dialogue or if the call is subject to call gapping in the gsmSSF. A default call handling shall be associated with each Service Key. DP criteria

The DP criteria indicate whether the gsmSSF shall request instructions from the gsmSCF. CAMEL Capability Handling

CAMEL Capability Handling indicates the phase of CAMEL which is requested by the gsmSCF for the service.

The HLR shall not include in a CSI which it sends to a GMSC any data for a CAMEL phase later than that which the CAMEL capability handling indicates. Different CSIs may contain different values of CAMEL Capability Handling.

NOTE: If CAMEL is not supported or if a lower phase of CAMEL is supported in the GMSC, the HLR can decide on a subscriber basis to apply ODB, perform normal call handling or perform operator specific handling (e.g. support of a lower version of CSI). CSI state

The CSI state indicates whether the T‑CSI is active or not. Notification flag

The notification flag indicates whether the change of the T‑CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data or not.

4.3.6 VMSC Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (VT‑CSI)

This subclause defines the contents of the Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information for the VMSC. TDP List

The TDP List indicates on which detection point triggering shall take place.

The following trigger detection points are possible: DP Terminating_Attempt_Authorised, DP T_Busy, and DP T_No_Answer. gsmSCF address

The gsmSCF address indicates the address to be used to access the gsmSCF for a particular subscriber. The address shall be an E.164 number to be used for routeing. Different gsmSCF addresses may be associated with different TDPs. Service Key

The Service Key indicates to the gsmSCF the service logic to be used. Different Service Keys may be associated with different TDPs. Default Call Handling

The Default Call Handling indicates whether the call shall be released or continued as requested if there is an error in the gsmSSF to gsmSCF dialogue or if the call is subject to call gapping in the gsmSSF. A default call handling shall be associated with each Service Key. DP criteria

The DP criteria indicate whether the gsmSSF shall request the gsmSCF for instructions. CAMEL Capability Handling

CAMEL Capability Handling indicates the phase of CAMEL which is requested by the gsmSCF for the service.

The HLR shall not include in a CSI which it sends to a VLR any data for a CAMEL phase later than that which the CAMEL capability handling indicates.

NOTE: If CAMEL is not supported or if a lower phase of CAMEL is supported in the VLR, the HLR can decide on a subscriber basis to apply ODB, perform normal call handling or perform operator specific handling (eventually support of a lower version of CSI). CSI state

The CSI state indicates whether the VT‑CSI is active or not. Notification flag

The notification flag indicates whether the change of the VT‑CSI shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data or not.

4.3.7 Other CAMEL data Location information/Subscriber state Interrogation

This data indicates whether additional subscriber information shall be sent to the GMSC as part of the terminating call handling.

– an indication that the HLR shall send the location information of the called subscriber.

– an indication that the HLR shall send the subscriber state of the called subscriber. gsmSCF address list for CSI

The gsmSCF address list for CSI indicates a list of gsmSCF addresses to which Notification on Change of Subscriber Data is to be sent. This list is common to all CSI.

4.3.8 Trunk Originated CAMEL Service Information (TO-CSI)

The TO‑CSI identifies services offered on a MSC basis by the serving PLMN operator for all incoming calls on a specific MSC trunk. This CSI shall be stored in the MSC. The contents of the TO-CSI is outside the scope of this specification.

When processing trunk originating calls requiring CAMEL support, the TO-CSI informs the MSC to request instructions from the gsmSSF. The MSC monitors on request the call states (events) and informs the gsmSSF of these states during processing, enabling the gsmSSF to control the execution of the call in the MSC.

Certain basic call events may be visible to the GSM Service Control Function (gsmSCF). The DPs are the points in call at which these events are detected. The DPs for Trunk Originated Calls are described in subclauses 4.4.2.

Dynamic arming/ disarming rules for TO calls are specified in subclause Static arming/ disarming of DP Collected_Info for TO calls shall use the following rules:

– A DP for trunk originating call is statically armed in the MSC as a result of TO‑CSI for the specific MSC trunk.

– A statically armed DP is disarmed when the TO‑CSI that caused the DP to be statically armed is withdrawn from the MSC.

TDP Criteria may be defined for the case when collection of dialled digits has been performed. Criteria may be based on the contents and/ or length of the dialled number, basic service, call type or other information at the discretion of the network operator, however this is outside the scope of this specification.

DP processing rules for TO calls are defined in subclause 4.2.2.