7 General on MAP services

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

7.1 Terminology and definitions

The term service is used in clauses 7 to 12 as defined in CCITT Recommendation X.200. The service definition conventions of CCITT Recommendation X.210 are also used.

MAP services that are defined for use between HLR and SGSN are also used in an Evolved Packet System (EPS) between two IWFs and between HSS and IWF, where the IWF is an Interworking Function that converts MAP messages to Diameter messages and vice versa.

MAP services that are defined for use between SGSN and EIR are also used in an Evolved Packet System (EPS) between IWF and EIR.

IWFs may be connected via Diameter to MMEs and HSSs and they may be connected via MAP to HSSs, IWFs, and EIRs.

7.2 Modelling principles

MAP provides its users with a specified set of services and can be viewed by its users as a "black box" or abstract machine representing the MAP service-provider. The service interface can then be depicted as shown in figure 7.2/1.

Figure 7.2/1: Modelling principles

The MAP service-users interact with the MAP service-provider by issuing or receiving MAP service-primitives at the service interface.

A MAP service-user may receive services from several instances of the MAP service-provider at the same time. In such cases the overall procedure is synchronised by the service-user.

The MAP service-primitives are named using the following notation:

MAP-ServicePrimitiveName type

where type can be any of: request (req), indication (ind), response (rsp) or confirm (cnf). (In the user arrow diagrams type is not indicated in the case of req/ind and indicated as "ack" in the case of rsp/cnf).

The services are further classified as unconfirmed-service, confirmed-service and provider-initiated-service where the first two categories refer to whether or not the service is confirmed by the service-provider. The confirmation may or may not correspond to a response provided by the other service-user.

MAP services are also classified as common MAP services that are available to all MAP service-users, and MAP service-user specific services, which are services available to one or several, but not all, MAP service-users.

A MAP dialogue is defined as an exchange of information between two MAP users in order to perform a common task. A MAP dialogue will consist of one or several MAP services.

7.3 Common MAP services

All MAP service-users require access to services for performing basic application layer functions:

– for establishing and clearing MAP dialogues between peer MAP service-users;

– for accessing functions supported by layers below the applications layer;

– for reporting abnormal situations;

– for handling of different MAP versions;

– for testing whether or not a persistent MAP dialogue is still active at each side.

For these purposes the following common services are defined:

– MAP-OPEN service;

– MAP-CLOSE service;

– MAP-DELIMITER service;

– MAP-U-ABORT service;

– MAP-P-ABORT service;

– MAP-NOTICE service.

In defining the service-primitives the following convention is used for categorising parameters:

M the inclusion of the parameter is mandatory. The M category can be used for any primitive type and specifies that the corresponding parameter must be present in the indicated primitive type;

O the inclusion of the parameter is a service-provider option. The O category can be used in indication and confirm type primitives and is used for parameters that may optionally be included by the service-provider;

U the inclusion of the parameter is a service-user option. The U category can be used in request and response type primitives. The inclusion of the corresponding parameter is the choice of the service-user;

C the inclusion of the parameter is conditional. The C category can be used for the following purposes:

– to indicate that if the parameter is received from another entity it must be included for the service being considered;

– to indicate that the service user must decide whether to include the parameter, based on the context on which the service is used;

– to indicate that one of a number of mutually exclusive parameters must be included (e.g. parameters indicating a positive result versus parameters indicating a negative result);

– to indicate that a service user optional parameter (marked "U") or a conditional parameter (marked "C") presented by the service user in a request or response type primitive is to be presented to the service user in the corresponding indication or confirm type primitive;

(=) when appended to one of the above, this symbol means that the parameter takes the same value as the parameter appearing immediately to its left;

blank the parameter is not present.

A primitive type may also be without parameters, i.e. no parameter is required with the primitive type; in this case the corresponding column of the table is empty.

7.3.1 MAP-OPEN service

This service is used for establishing a MAP dialogue between two MAP service-users. The service is a confirmed service with service primitives as shown in table 7.3/1.

Table 7.3/1: Service-primitives for the MAP-OPEN service






Application context name





Destination address



Destination reference



Originating address



Originating reference



Specific information





Responding address









Provider error


Application context name:

This parameter identifies the type of application context being established. If the dialogue is accepted the received application context name shall be echoed. In case of refusal of dialogue this parameter shall indicate the highest version supported.

Destination address:

A valid SCCP address identifying the destination peer entity (see also clause 6). As an implementation option, this parameter may also, in the indication, be implicitly associated with the service access point at which the primitive is issued.


This parameter is a reference that refines the identification of the called process. It may be identical to Destination address but its value is to be carried at MAP level. Table 7.3/2 describes the MAP services using this parameter. Only these services are allowed to use it.

Table 7.3/2: Use of the destination reference

MAP service

Reference type

Use of the parameter



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity


IMSI (note 1)

Subscriber identity


IMSI (note 2)

Subscriber identity


IMSI (note 2)

Subscriber identity


IMSI (note 3)

Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity



Subscriber identity

NOTE 1: On the HLR – HLR interface and on the HLR – gsmSCF interface the Destination reference shall be either IMSI or MSISDN.

NOTE 2: On the gsmSCF – HLR interface and on the HLR – HLR interface the Destination reference shall be either IMSI or MSISDN.

NOTE 3: Only when the IMSI and the LMSI are received together from the HLR in the mobile terminated short message transfer.

Originating address:

A valid SCCP address identifying the requestor of a MAP dialogue (see also clause 6). As an implementation option, this parameter may also, in the request, be implicitly associated with the service access point at which the primitive is issued.


This parameter is a reference that refines the identification of the calling process. It may be identical to the Originating address but its value is to be carried at MAP level. Table 7.3/3 describes the MAP services using the parameter. Only these services are allowed to use it. Processing of the Originating-reference shall be performed according to the supplementary service descriptions and other service descriptions, e.g. operator determined barring. Furthermore the receiving entity may be able to use the value of the Originating-reference to screen the service indication.

Table 7.3/3: Use of the originating reference

MAP service

Reference type

Use of the parameter



Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address


ISDN-Address-String (note)

Originated entity address


ISDN-Address-String (note)

Originated entity address



Originated entity address



Originated entity address

NOTE: The Originating reference may be omitted.

Specific information:

This parameter may be used for passing any user specific information. Establishment and processing of the Specific information is not specified by GSM and shall be performed according to operator specific requirements.

Responding address:

An address identifying the responding entity. The responding address is included if required by the context (e.g. if it is different from the destination address).


This parameter indicates whether the peer accepts the dialogue.

Refuse reason:

This parameter is present only if the Result parameter indicates that the dialogue is refused. It takes one of the following values:

– Application-context-not-supported;

– Invalid-destination-reference;

– Invalid-originating-reference;

– No-reason-given;

– Remote node not reachable;

– Potential version incompatibility.

7.3.2 MAP-CLOSE service

This service is used for releasing a previously established MAP dialogue. The service may be invoked by either MAP service-user depending on rules defined within the service-user. The service is an unconfirmed service with parameters as shown in table 7.3/4.

Table 7.3/4: Service-primitives for the MAP-CLOSE service




Release method


Specific Information



Release method:

This parameter can take the following two values:

– normal release; in this case the primitive is mapped onto the protocol and sent to the peer;

– prearranged end; in this case the primitive is not mapped onto the protocol. Prearranged end is managed independently by the two users, i.e. only the request type primitive is required in this case.

Specific information:

This parameter may be used for passing any user specific information. Establishment and processing of the Specific information is not specified by GSM GSM and shall be performed according to operator specific requirements.

7.3.3 MAP-DELIMITER service

This service is used to explicitly request the transfer of the MAP protocol data units to the peer entities.

See also clause 7.4 and 7.5 for the detailed use of the MAP-DELIMITER service.

The service is an unconfirmed service with service-primitives as shown in table 7.3/5.

Table 7.3/5: Service-primitives for the MAP-DELIMITER service




7.3.4 MAP-U-ABORT service

This service enables the service-user to request the MAP dialogue to be aborted. The service is an unconfirmed service with service-primitives as shown in table 7.3/6.

Table 7.3/6: Service-primitives for the MAP-U-ABORT service




User reason



Diagnostic information



Specific information



User reason:

This parameter can take the following values:

– resource limitation (congestion);

the requested user resource is unavailable due to congestion;

– resource unavailable;

the requested user resource is unavailable for reasons other than congestion;

– application procedure cancellation;

the procedure is cancelled for reasons detailed in the diagnostic information parameter;

– procedure error;

processing of the procedure is terminated for procedural reasons.

Diagnostic information:

This parameter may be used to give additional information for some of the values of the user-reason parameter:

Table 7.3/7: User reason and diagnostic information

User reason

Diagnostic information

Resource limitation (congestion)

Resource unavailable

Short term/long term problem

Application procedure cancellation

Handover cancellation/
Radio Channel release/
Network path release/
Call release/
Associated procedure failure/
Tandem dialogue released/
Remote operations failure

Procedure error

Specific information:

This parameter may be used for passing any user specific information. Establishment and processing of the Specific information is not specified by GSM and shall be performed according to operator specific requirements.

7.3.5 MAP-P-ABORT service

This service enables the MAP service-provider to abort a MAP dialogue. The service is a provider-initiated service with service-primitives as shown in table 7.3/8.

Table 7.3/8: Service-primitives for the MAP-P-ABORT service



Provider reason




Provider reason:

This parameter indicates the reason for aborting the MAP dialogue:

– provider malfunction;

– supporting dialogue/transaction released;

– resource limitation;

– maintenance activity;

– version incompatibility;

– abnormal MAP dialogue.


This parameter indicates the source of the abort. For Transaction Capabilities (TC) applications the parameter may take the following values:

– MAP problem;

– TC problem;

– network service problem.

Table 7.3/9: Values of provider reason and source parameters
and examples of corresponding events

Provider reason


Corresponding event



Malfunction at MAP level at peer entity



"Unrecognised message type" or

"Badly formatted transaction portion" or

"Incorrect transaction portion" received in TC-P-ABORT

"Abnormal dialogue"

Network service

Malfunction at network service level at peer entity

Supporting dialogue/ transaction released


"Unrecognised transaction ID" received in TC-ABORT



Congestion towards MAP peer service-user



"Resource limitation" received in TC-P-ABORT



Maintenance at MAP peer service-user


Network service

Maintenance at network peer service level

Abnormal MAP dialogue


MAP dialogue is not in accordance with specified application context

Version incompatibility


A Provider Abort indicating "No common dialogue portion" is received in the dialogue initiated state

7.3.6 MAP-NOTICE service

This service is used to notify the MAP service-user about protocol problems related to a MAP dialogue not affecting the state of the protocol machines.

The service is a provider-initiated service with service-primitive as shown in table 7.3/10.

Table 7.3/10: Service-primitive for the MAP-NOTICE service



Problem diagnostic


Problem diagnostic:

This parameter can take one of the following values:

– abnormal event detected by the peer;

– response rejected by the peer;

– abnormal event received from the peer;

– message cannot be delivered to the peer.

7.3.7 Void

7.3.8 Void

7.3.9 Void

7.3.10 Void

7.4 Sequencing of services

The sequencing of services is shown in figure 7.4/1 and is as follows:


The MAP-OPEN service is invoked before any user specific service-primitive is accepted. The sequence may contain none, one or several user specific service-primitives. If no user specific service-primitive is contained between the MAP-OPEN and the MAP-DELIMITER primitives, then this will correspond to sending an empty Begin message in TC. If more than one user specific service-primitive is included, all are to be sent in the same Begin message. The sequence ends with a MAP-DELIMITER primitive.


This sequence may not be present in some MAP dialogues. If it is present, it ends with a MAP-DELIMITER primitive. If more than one user specific service-primitive is included, all are to be included in the same Continue message.


The sequence can only appear after an opening sequence or a continuing sequence. The sequence may contain none, one or several user specific service-primitives if the MAP-CLOSE primitive specifies normal release. If no user specific service-primitive is included, then this will correspond to sending an empty End message in TC. If more than one user specific service-primitive is included, all are to be sent in the same End message. If prearranged end is specified, the sequence cannot contain any user specific service-primitive. The MAP-CLOSE primitive must be sent after all user specific service-primitives have been delivered to the MAP service-provider.


A MAP service-user can issue a MAP-U-ABORT primitive at any time after the MAP dialogue has been opened or as a response to an attempt to open a MAP dialogue.

The MAP service-provider may issue at any time a MAP-P-ABORT primitive towards a MAP service-user for which a MAP dialogue exists.

MAP-U-ABORT primitives and MAP-P-ABORT primitives terminate the MAP dialogue.

a) Opening

b) Continuing

c) Closing

d) Aborting

Figure 7.4/1: Sequencing of services

If the reason "resource unavailable (short term problem)" is indicated in the MAP-U-ABORT indication primitive, the MAP service-user may decide to attempt a new MAP dialogue establishment immediately.

Sequencing of user specific service-primitives is done by the MAP service-user and based on rules applicable for each MAP service-user instance.

A MAP-NOTICE indication primitive may be received at any time during the active period of a MAP dialogue.

7.5 General rules for mapping of services onto TC

7.5.1 Mapping of common services

Table 7.5/1 gives an overview of the mapping rules for mapping of common services onto TC-services. Table 7.5/2 gives the mapping rules for mapping of TC-services onto common services.

Protocol machine description is given in clauses 14 to 17.

Table 7.5/1: Mapping of common services onto TC services

MAP service-primitive

TC service-primitive

MAP-OPEN request
(+ any user specific service primitives)

TC-BEGIN request
(+ component handling primitives)

MAP-OPEN response
(+ any user specific service primitives)

TC-CONTINUE request (note)
(+ component handling primitives)

(any user specific service primitives)

(+ component handling primitives)

(any user specific service primitives)
+ MAP-CLOSE request

TC-END request
(+ component handling primitives)

MAP-U-ABORT request

TC-U-ABORT request

NOTE: Or TC-END if the MAP-CLOSE request has been received before the MAP-DELIMITER request.

Table 7.5/2: Mapping of TC services onto common service

TC service-primitive

MAP service-primitive

TC-BEGIN indication
(+ component handling primitives)

MAP-OPEN indication
(+ user specific service primitives)
+ MAP-DELIMITER indication (note 1)

TC-CONTINUE indication
(+ component handling primitives)

First time:
MAP-OPEN confirm
(+ user specific service primitives)
+ MAP-DELIMITER indication (note 1)

Subsequent times:
(user specific service primitives)
+ MAP-DELIMITER indication (note 1)

TC-END indication
(+ component handling primitives)

MAP-OPEN confirm (note 6)
(user specific service primitives)
+ MAP-CLOSE indication

TC-U-ABORT indication

MAP-U-ABORT indication or
MAP-P-ABORT indication (note 2)
MAP-OPEN confirmation (note 3)

TC-P-ABORT indication

MAP-P-ABORT indication (note 4)
MAP-OPEN confirmation (note 5)

NOTE 1: It may not be necessary to present this primitive to the user for MAP version 2 applications.

NOTE 2: The mapping depends on whether the TC-U-ABORT indication primitive contains a MAP‑abort‑PDU from the remote MAP service-provider or a MAP-user-abort-PDU from the remote MAP service-user.

NOTE 3: Only if the opening sequence is pending and if the "Abort Reason" in the TC-U-ABORT indication is set to "Application Context Not Supported".

NOTE 4: If the "Abort Reason" in the TC-P-ABORT indication is set to a value different from "Incorrect Transaction Portion".

NOTE 5: Only if the opening sequence is pending and if the "Abort Reason" in the TC-P-ABORT indication is set to "Incorrect Transaction Portion".

NOTE 6: Only if opening sequence is pending.

7.5.2 Mapping of user specific services

Table 7.5/3 gives the general mapping rules which apply to mapping of MAP user specific services onto TC services and table 7.5/4 gives the similar rules for mapping of TC services onto MAP user specific services. Detailed mapping is given in clauses 14 to 17.

Table 7.5/3: Mapping of MAP user specific services onto TC services

MAP service-primitive


MAP-xx request

TC-INVOKE request

MAP-xx response

TC-RESULT-L request

(note 1)

TC-U-ERROR request

TC-U-REJECT request

TC-INVOKE request (note 2)

Table 7.5/4: Mapping of TC services onto MAP user specific services


MAP service-primitive

TC-INVOKE indication

MAP-xx indication

TC-RESULT-L indication (note 4)

MAP-xx confirm

TC-U-ERROR indication

TC-INVOKE indication (note 2)

TC-L-CANCEL indication

TC-U-REJECT indication

MAP-xx confirm or

TC-L-REJECT indication

MAP-NOTICE indication (note 3)

TC-R-REJECT indication

Notes to tables 7.5/3 and 7.5/4:

NOTE 1: The mapping is determined by parameters contained in the MAP-xx response primitive.

NOTE 2: This applies only to TC class 4 operations where the operation is used to pass a result of another class 2 or class 4 operation.

NOTE 3: The detailed mapping rules are given in clause 16.

NOTE 4: If RESULT-NL components are present they are mapped onto the same MAP-xx confirm.

7.6 Definition of parameters

7.6.1 Common parameters

The following set of parameters is used in several MAP service-primitives. Invoke Id

This parameter identifies corresponding service primitives. The parameter is supplied by the MAP service-user and must be unique over each service-user/service-provider interface. Linked Id

This parameter is used for linked services and it takes the value of the invoke Id of the service linked to. Provider error

This parameter is used to indicate a protocol related type of error:

– duplicated invoke Id;

– not supported service;

– mistyped parameter;

– resource limitation;

– initiating release, i.e. the peer has already initiated release of the dialogue and the service has to be released;

– unexpected response from the peer;

– service completion failure;

– no response from the peer;

– invalid response received. User error

This parameter can take values as follows:

NOTE: The values are grouped in order to improve readability; the grouping has no other significance.

a) Generic error:

– system failure, i.e. a task cannot be performed because of a problem in the entity reporting the error or in another entity. The type of entity or network resource may be indicated by use of the network resource parameter or additional network resource parameter. If and only if the problem is in the entity reporting the error, a cause of failure (FailureCauseParam) shall be included;

– data missing, i.e. an optional parameter required by the context is missing;

– unexpected data value, i.e. the data type is formally correct but its value or presence is unexpected in the current context;

– resource limitation;

– initiating release, i.e. the receiving entity has started the release procedure;

– facility not supported, i.e. the requested facility is not supported by the PLMN with detailed reasons as follows:

– Shape of location estimate not supported;

– Needed LCS capability not supported in serving node;

– incompatible terminal, i.e. the requested facility is not supported by the terminal.

b) Identification or numbering problem:

– unknown subscriber, i.e. no such subscription exists;

– number changed, i.e. the subscription does not exist for that number any more;

– unknown MSC;

– unidentified subscriber, i.e. if the subscriber is not contained in the database and it has not or cannot be established whether or not a subscription exists;

– unallocated roaming number;

– unknown equipment;

– unknown location area.

c) Subscription problem:

– roaming not allowed, i.e. a location updating attempt is made in an area not covered by the subscription;

– illegal subscriber, i.e. illegality of the access has been established by use of authentication procedure;

– bearer service not provisioned;

– teleservice not provisioned;

– illegal equipment, i.e. the IMEI check procedure has shown that the IMEI is prohibited-listed or not permitted-listed.

d) Handover problem:

– no handover number available, i.e. the VLR cannot allocate a number for handover or cannot allocate the required amount of numbers for relocation;

– subsequent handover failure, i.e. handover to a third MSC failed for some reason;

– target cell outside group call area.

e) Operation and maintenance problem:

– tracing buffer full, i.e. tracing cannot be performed because the tracing capacity is exceeded.

f) Call set-up problem:

– no roaming number available, i.e. a roaming number cannot be allocated because all available numbers are in use;

– absent subscriber, i.e. the subscriber has activated the detach service or the system detects the absence condition. This error may be qualified to indicate whether the subscriber was IMSI detached, in a restricted area or did not respond to paging;

– busy subscriber. This error may be qualified to indicate that the subscriber was busy due to CCBS and that CCBS is possible;

– no subscriber reply;

– forwarding violation, i.e. the call has already been forwarded the maximum number of times that is allowed;

– CUG reject, i.e. the call does not pass a CUG check; additional information may also be given in order to indicate rejection due to e.g. incoming call barred or non-CUG membership;

– call barred. Optionally, additional information may be included for indicating either that the call meets a barring condition set by the subscriber or that the call is barred for operator reasons. In the case of barring of Mobile Terminating Short Message, the additional information may indicate a barring condition due to "Unauthorised Message Originator"; if the call is rejected due to the application of the ACR supplementary service, the additional information shall indicate a barring condition due to "Anonymous Call Rejection";

– optimal routeing not allowed, i.e. the entity which sends the error does not support optimal routeing, or the HLR will not accept an optimal routeing interrogation from the GMSC, or the call cannot be optimally routed because it would contravene optimal routeing constraints;

– forwarding failed, i.e. the GMSC interrogated the HLR for forwarding information but the HLR returned an error.

g) Supplementary services problem:

– call barred;

– illegal SS operation;

– SS error status;

– SS not available;

– SS subscription violation;

– SS incompatibility;

– negative password check;

– password registration failure;

– Number of Password Attempts;

– USSD Busy;

– Unknown Alphabet;

– short term denial;

– long term denial.

For definition of these errors see 3GPP TS 24.080 [38].

h) Short message problem:

– SM delivery failure with detailed reason as follows:

– memory capacity exceeded;

– MS protocol error;

– MS not equipped;

– unknown service centre (SC);

– SC congestion;

– invalid SME address;

– subscriber is not an SC subscriber;

– and possibly detailed diagnostic information, coded as specified in 3GPP TS 23.040, under SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT and SMS-DELIVERY-REPORT. If the SM entity that returns the SM Delivery Failure error includes detailed diagnostic information, it shall be forwarded in the MAP_MO_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE and in the MAP_MT_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE response.

– message waiting list full, i.e. no further SC address can be added to the message waiting list.

– Subscriber busy for MT SMS, i.e. the mobile terminated short message transfer cannot be completed because:

– another mobile terminated short message transfer is going on and the delivery node does not support message buffering; or

– another mobile terminated short message transfer is going on and it is not possible to buffer the message for later delivery; or

– the message was buffered but it is not possible to deliver the message before the expiry of the buffering time defined in 3GPP TS 23.040;

– Absent Subscriber SM, i.e. the mobile terminated short message transfer cannot be completed because the network cannot contact the subscriber. Diagnostic information regarding the reason for the subscriber’s absence may be included with this error.

i) Location services problem:

– Unauthorised Requesting Network

– Unauthorised LCS Client with detailed reasons as follows:

– NoAdditional Information

– Client not in MS Privacy Exception List

– Call to Client not setup

– Disallowed by Local Regulatory Requirements

– Unauthorised Privacy Class

– Unauthorised Call/Session Unrelated External Client

– Unauthorised Call/Session Related External Client

– Privacy override not applicable

– Position method failure with detailed reasons as follows:

– Congestion

– Insufficient resources

– Insufficient Measurement Data

– Inconsistent Measurement Data

– Location procedure not completed

– QoS not attainable

– Position Method Not Available in Network

– Position Method Not Available in Location Area

– Unknown or unreachable LCS Client. All Information Sent

This parameter indicates to the receiving entity when the sending entity has sent all necessary information.

7.6.2 Numbering and identification parameters IMSI

This parameter is the International Mobile Subscriber Identity defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. TMSI

This parameter is the Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. IMEI

This parameter is the International Mobile Equipment Identity defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. IMEISV

This parameter is the International Mobile Equipment Identity and Software Version Number defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. Previous location area Id

This parameter refers to the identity of the location area from which the subscriber has roamed. Stored location area Id

This parameter refers to the location area where the subscriber is assumed to be located. Current location area Id

This parameter is used to indicate the location area in which the subscriber is currently located. Target location area Id

This parameter refers to the location area into which the subscriber intends to roam. Target cell Id

This parameter refers to the identity of the cell to which a call has to be handed over. Target RNC Id

This parameter refers to the identity of the RNC to which a call has to be relocated. Void Originating entity number

This parameter refers to an application layer identification of a system component in terms of its associated ISDN number. MSC number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of an MSC. Target MSC number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of an MSC to which a call has to be handed over. HLR number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of an HLR. VLR number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of a VLR. HLR Id

This parameter refers to the identity of an HLR derived from the IMSI defined in CCITT Recommendation E.212. LMSI

This parameter refers to a local identity allocated by the VLR to a given subscriber for internal management of data in the VLR. LMSI shall not be sent to the SGSN. MS ISDN

This parameter refers to one of the ISDN numbers assigned to a mobile subscriber in accordance with CCITT Recommendation E.213. Additional MSISDN

This parameter refers to an ISDN number assigned on top of the existing MSISDN, to a user with a connection to the PS domain (see 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]). If the Additional MSISDN is available its value shall be used as C‑MSISDN on the Sv interface. OMC Id

This parameter refers to the identity of an Operation and Maintenance Centre. Roaming number

This parameter refers to the roaming number as defined in CCITT Recommendation E.213. Relocation Number List

This parameter refers to the number(s) used for routing one call or several calls between MSCs during relocation. Void Handover number

This parameter refers to the number used for routing a call between MSCs during handover. Forwarded-to number

This parameter refers to the address to which a call is to be forwarded. A subaddress may be appended. For subscribers having an originating CAMEL Phase 2 or higher subscription, this address need not be in E.164 international format. Long forwarded-to number

This parameter refers to the address to which a call is to be forwarded. A subaddress may be appended. For subscribers having an originating CAMEL Phase 2 or higher subscription this address need not be in international format. Long FTN Supported

This parameter indicates that the sending entity supports Long Forwarded-to Numbers. Forwarded-to subaddress

This parameter refers to the sub-address attached to the address to which a call is to be forwarded. Called number

This parameter refers to a called party number as defined in CCITT Recommendation Q.767. Calling number

This parameter refers to a calling party number as defined in CCITT Recommendation Q.767. Originally dialled number

This parameter refers to the number dialled by the calling party in order to reach a mobile subscriber. Service centre address

This parameter represents the address of a Short Message Service Centre. Zone Code

This parameter is used to define location areas into which the subscriber is allowed or not allowed to roam (regional subscription). With a complete list of Zone Codes the VLR or the SGSN or MME is able to determine for all its location areas, routing areas or tracking areas whether roaming is allowed or not. MSIsdn-Alert

This parameter refers to the MSISDN stored in a Message Waiting Data File in the HLR. It is used to alert the Service Centre when the MS is again attainable. Location Information

The VLR indicates in this parameter the location of the served subscriber as defined in 3GPP TS 23.018 [97]. Location Information for GPRS

The SGSN indicates in this parameter the location of the served subscriber as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078 [98]. Location Information for EPS

The MME (via an IWF) indicates in this parameter the location of the served subscriber. GMSC Address

This parameter refers to the E.164 address of a GMSC. VMSC Address

This parameter refers to the E.164 address of a VMSC. Group Id

This parameter is used to describe groups a subscriber can be a member of. A subscriber can partake in all group calls (VBS/VGCS) where he subscribed to the respective groups. North American Equal Access preferred Carrier Id

This parameter refers to the carrier identity preferred by the subscriber for calls requiring routing via an inter-exchange carrier. This identity is used at:

– outgoing calls: when the subscriber does not specify at call set-up a carrier identity;

– forwarded calls: when a call is forwarded by the subscriber;

– incoming calls: applicable to the roaming leg of the call. Void Void Serving cell Id

This parameter indicates the cell currently being used by the served subscriber. SGSN number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of a SGSN. SGSN address

This parameter refers to the IP-address of a SGSN. This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. GGSN address

This parameter refers to the IP-address of a GGSN. This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. GGSN number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of a GGSN or the ISDN number of the protocol-converter if a protocol‑converting GSN is used between the GGSN and the HLR. APN

This parameter refers to the DNS name of a GGSN. This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. Network Node number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of an MT-SMS target node (MSC or MME, SGSN, or IP-SM-GW) or of an SMS Router. Network Node Diameter Address

This parameter refers to the Diameter Name and Realm of the same MT-SMS target node or SMS Router of which the ISDN number is within the Network Node number parameter. PDP-Type

This parameter indicates which type of protocol is used by the MS as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. The allowed values are one of IPv4 encoded as HEX (21) or IPv6 encoded as HEX (57), or Non-IP encoded as HEX (02).

NOTE: To indicate both IPv4 and IPv6 PDP types are allowed, but not IPv4v6, two PDP contexts need to be present in the subscription for the same APN, one indicating IPv4 PDP type and one indicating IPv6 PDP type. Extension PDP-Type

This parameter indicates the support of the dual-stack PDP-type (IPv4v6) encoded as HEX (8D) by a certain PDP, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104], and it is an extension to PDP-Type. PDP-Address

This parameter indicates the address of the data protocol as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. Extension PDP-Address

This parameter indicates an additional address of the data protocol, and it is included when the PDP supports dual-stack (IPv4v6).

It is an extension to PDP-Address and it is encoded in the same way. IPv4 or IPv6 address types can be used in this parameter but, when both parameters are present, each of them shall contain different address types. Additional number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of an additional MT-SMS target node (MSC or MME or SGSN) or of an SMS Router. Additional Network Node Diameter Address

This parameter refers to an additional Diameter Name and Realm of the same MT-SMS target node or SMS Router of which the ISDN number is within the Additional number parameter. Third Number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of a third MT-SMS target node (MSC or MME or SGSN). Third Network Node Diameter Address

This parameter refers to the third Diameter Name and Realm of the same MT-SMS target node of which the ISDN number is within the Third number parameter. P-TMSI

This parameter is the Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. B-subscriber number

This parameter refers to the number of the destination B dialled by the A user. This may include a subaddress. B-subscriber subaddress

This parameter refers to the sub-address attached to the destination B dialled by the A user. LMU Number

This parameter refers to a local number assigned to an LMU by an SMLC. MLC Number

This parameter refers to the ISDN (E.164) number of an MLC. Multicall Bearer Information

This parameter refers to the number of simultaneous bearers supported per user by the serving network. Multiple Bearer Requested

This parameter indicates whether multiple bearers are requested for a relocation. Multiple Bearer Not Supported

This parameter indicates whether multiple bearers are supported. PDP-Charging Characteristics

This parameter indicates the charging characteristics associated with a specific PDP context as defined in 3GPP TS 32.215. Selected RAB ID

The selected radio access bearer to be kept at subsequent inter-MSC handover from UMTS to GSM. RAB ID

This parameter indicates the radio access bearer identifier as defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. This parameter is used to relate the radio resources with the radio access bearers. gsmSCF Address

This parameter refers to the ISDN number assigned to the gsmSCF address. In an IP Multimedia Core Network, the gsmSCF-address shall contain the IM-SSF address when the IM-SSF takes the role of the gsmSCF. V-GMLC Address

This parameter refers to the IP address of a V-GMLC. Void H-GMLC Address

This parameter refers to the IP address of a H-GMLC. PPR Address

This parameter refers to the IP address of a Privacy Profile Register. Routeing Number

This parameter refers to a number used for routeing purpose and identifying a network operator. See 3GPP TS 23.066 [108]. Additional V-GMLC Address

This parameter refers to the IP address of a V-GMLC. MME Name

This parameter refers to the Diameter Identity of an MME as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. 3GPP AAA Server Name

This parameter refers to the Diameter Identity of a 3GPP AAA server as defined in 3GPP TS 29.273 [151]. CSS number

This parameter refers to the ISDN number of a CSS as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003[17]. SGSN Name

This parameter refers to the Diameter Identity of an SGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. SGSN Realm

This parameter refers to the Diameter Identity of an SGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [17].

7.6.3 Subscriber management parameters Category

This parameter refers to the calling party category as defined in CCITT Recommendation Q.767. Equipment status

This parameter refers to the status of the mobile equipment as defined in 3GPP TS 22.016 [7]. BMUEF

This parameter refers to the Bit Map of UE Faults and corresponds to the UESBI-Iu parameter defined in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120]. Extensible Bearer service

This parameter may refer to a single bearer service, a set of bearer services or to all bearer services as defined in 3GPP TS 22.002 [3]. This parameter is used only for subscriber profile management. Extensible Bearer service values include all values defined for a Bearer service parameter ( Extensible Teleservice

This parameter may refer to a single teleservice, a set of teleservices or to all teleservices as defined in 3GPP TS 22.003 [4]. This parameter is used only for subscriber profile management. Extensible Teleservice values include all values defined for a Teleservice parameter ( Extensible Basic Service Group

This parameter refers to the Basic Service Group either as an extensible bearer service (see clause or an extensible teleservice (see clause This parameter is used only for subscriber profile management. The null value (i.e. neither extensible bearer service nor extensible teleservice) is used to denote the group containing all extensible bearer services and all extensible teleservices. GSM bearer capability

This parameter refers to the GSM bearer capability information element defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Subscriber Status

This parameter refers to the barring status of the subscriber:

– service granted;

– Operator Determined Barring. CUG Outgoing Access indicator

This parameter represents the Outgoing Access as defined in ETS 300 136. Operator Determined Barring General Data

This parameter refers to the set of subscriber features that the network operator or the service provider can regulate. This set only includes those limitations that can be

a) controlled in the VLR,
b) controlled in the SGSN or MME,
c) controlled in the SGSN applied for short message transfer only,
d) interrogated or modified by the gsmSCF:

ODB category

Controlled in the VLR

Controlled in the SGSN or MME

Controlled in the SGSN applied for short message transfer only

Interrogatable and modifyable by the gsmSCF

All outgoing calls barred




International outgoing calls barred




International outgoing calls except those to the home PLMN country barred




Interzonal outgoing calls barred




Interzonal outgoing calls except those to the home PLMN country barred




Interzonal outgoing calls AND international outgoing calls except those directed to the home PLMN country barred




Premium rate (information) outgoing calls barred



Premium rate (entertainment) outgoing calls barred



Supplementary service access barred



Invocation of call transfer barred



Invocation of chargeable call transfer barred



Invocation of internationally chargeable call transfer barred



Invocation of interzonally chargeable call transfer barred



Invocation of call transfer where both legs are chargeable barred



Invocation of call transfer if there is already an ongoing transferred call for the served subscriber in the serving MSC/VLR barred



All packet Oriented Services barred



Roamer Access to HPLMN-AP barred



Roamer Access to VPLMN-AP barred



Outgoing calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country


All incoming calls


Incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country


Incoming calls when roaming outside the zone of the home PLMN country


Roaming outside the home PLMN


Roaming outside the home PLMN country


Registration of any call forwarded-to number


Registration of any international call forwarded-to number


Registration of any international call forwarded-to number except to a number within the HPLMN country


Registration of any inter-zone call forwarded-to number


Registration of any inter-zone call forwarded-to number except to a number within the HPLMN country

X ODB HPLMN Specific Data

This parameter refers to the set of subscriber features that the network operator or the service provider can regulate only when the subscriber is registered in the HPLMN. This set only includes those limitations that can be controlled in the VLR or in the SGSN or MME:

– Operator Determined Barring Type 1;

– Operator Determined Barring Type 2;

– Operator Determined Barring Type 3;

– Operator Determined Barring Type 4. Regional Subscription Data

This parameter defines the regional subscription area in which the subscriber is allowed to roam. It consists of a list of Zone Codes (see clause Regional Subscription Response

This parameter indicates either that the regional subscription data cannot be handled or that the current MSC or SGSN or MME area is entirely restricted because of regional subscription. Roaming Restriction Due To Unsupported Feature

This parameter defines that a subscriber is not allowed to roam in the current MSC area. It may be used by the HLR if a feature or service is indicated as unsupported by the VLR. Extensible SS-Info

This parameter refers to all the information related to a supplementary service and is a choice between:

– extensible forwarding information (see clause;

– extensible call barring information (see clause;

– CUG info (see clause;

– extensible SS-Data (see clause Extensible forwarding information

This parameter represents the information related to each call forwarding service:

– the SS-Code of the relevant call forwarding service (see clause;

– if required, a list of extensible forwarding feature parameters (see clause

The list may contain one item per Basic Service Group. Extensible forwarding feature

This parameter applies to each combination of call forwarding service and Basic Service Group and contains the following information, as required:

– extensible Basic Service Group (see clause;

– extensible SS-Status (see clause;

– forwarded-to number (see clause;

– forwarded-to subaddress (see clause;

– extensible forwarding options (see clause;

– extensible no reply condition timer (see clause;

– long forwarded-to number (see clause

If a number is required to define the forwarded-to destination then:

– If the VLR supports Long Forwarded-to Numbers then the long forwarded-to number shall be present and the forwarded-to number shall be absent;

– If the VLR does not support Long Forwarded-to Numbers then the forwarded-to number shall be present and the long forwarded-to number shall be absent. Extensible SS-Status

This parameter refers to the state information of individual supplementary services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.011 [22]. Extensible Forwarding Options

This parameter refers to a set of forwarding options attached to a supplementary service. It contains the following information:

– notification to forwarding party (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– redirection notification to the forwarded-to party (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– notification to calling party (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– redirecting presentation (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– forwarding reason (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter). Extensible No reply condition timer

This parameter refers to the extensible no reply condition timer for call forwarding on no reply. Extensible Call barring information

This parameter contains for each call barring service:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– a list of extensible call barring feature parameters (see clause

The list may contain one item per Basic Service Group. Extensible Call barring feature

This parameter gives the status of call barring services as applicable to each Basic Service Group. The parameter contains the following information:

– Extensible Basic Service Group (see clause;

– provisioned SS-Status (see clause CUG info

This parameter refers to the overall information required for operation for each CUG:

– CUG subscriptionList;

– CUG featureList. CUG subscription

This parameter refers to the set of basic information for each CUG defined in that subscription. The following information is stored:

– CUG index;

– CUG interlock;

– Intra CUG restrictions;

– Basic Service Group List. CUG interlock

This parameter represents the CUG interlock code defined in ETS 300 138. CUG index

This parameter represents the CUG index defined in ETS 300 138. CUG feature

This parameter contains two parameters that are associated with the Basic Service Group. If the Basic Service Group Code is not present the feature applies to all Basic Services. The following parameters are included:

– Preferential CUG indicator:

– indicates which CUG index is to be used at outgoing call set-up using the associated Basic Service Group;

– Inter CUG Option:

– describes whether it for the associated Basic Service Group is allowed to make calls outside the CUG and whether incoming calls are allowed;

– Basic Service Group.

See 3GPP TS 22.085 [13] for meaning of this parameter. Inter CUG options

This parameter indicates the subscribers’ ability to make and receive calls outside a specific closed user group. It takes any of the following values:

– CUG only facility (only calls within CUG are allowed);

– CUG with outgoing access (calls outside CUG allowed);

– CUG with incoming access (calls from outside CUG into CUG allowed);

– CUG with both incoming and outgoing access (all calls allowed). Intra CUG restrictions

This parameter describes whether or not the subscriber is allowed to originate calls to or to receive calls from within the CUG. It can take any of the following values:

– no CUG restrictions;

– CUG incoming calls barred;

– CUG outgoing calls barred. Extensible SS-Data

This parameter refers to the necessary set of information required in order to characterise one supplementary service:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– Extensible SS-Status (if applicable) (see clause;

– Extensible Override subscription option (if applicable) (see clause;

– Extensible CLI Restriction (if applicable) (see clause;

– Extensible Basic Service Group Code (see clause Subscriber State

This parameter indicates the state of the MS as defined in 3GPP TS 23.018 [97]. Requested Info

This parameter indicates the subscriber information being requested as defined in 3GPP TS 23.018 [97] and 3GPP TS 23.078 [98]. Requested Domain

This parameter indicates the domain (circuit switched, i.e. from the MSC/VLR, or packet switched, i.e. from the SGSN) from which the requested information should be retrieved. Suppression of Announcement

This parameter indicates if the announcement or tones shall be suppressed as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078 [98]. Suppress T-CSI

This parameter is used to suppress the invocation of terminating CAMEL services. GMSC CAMEL Subscription Info

This parameter contains CAMEL subscription information, i.e. O-CSI and/or D-CSI and/or T-CSI, which indicates to the GMSC that originating and/or terminating CAMEL services shall be invoked for the incoming call. VLR CAMEL Subscription Info

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having CAMEL services that are invoked in the MSC or VLR. Supported CAMEL Phases in the VLR

This parameter indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported in the VLR. Supported CAMEL Phases in the SGSN

This parameter indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported in the SGSN. Offered CAMEL4 CSIs in the VLR

This parameter indicates which CSIs of CAMEL phase 4 are offered in the VLR as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Offered CAMEL4 CSIs in the SGSN

This parameter indicates which CSIs of CAMEL phase 4 are offered in the SGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Offered CAMEL4 CSIs

This parameter indicates which CSIs of CAMEL phase 4 are offered as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Offered CAMEL4 CSIs in interrogating node

This parameter indicates which CSIs of CAMEL phase 4 are offered in the GMSC or in the gsmSCF as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Offered CAMEL4 CSIs in VMSC

This parameter indicates which CSIs of CAMEL phase 4 are offered in the VMSC as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Offered CAMEL4 Functionalities Supported CAMEL Phases

This parameter indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. Supported CAMEL Phases in interrogating node

This parameter indicates which phases of CAMEL are supported as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. The interrogating node may be a GMSC or a gsmSCF.

This parameter indicates which functionalities of CAMEL phase 4 are offered as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. CUG Subscription Flag

This parameter indicates that a subscriber with a T-CSI also has a CUG subscription. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. CAMEL Subscription Info Withdraw

This parameter indicates that CAMEL Subscription Info shall be deleted from the VLR or SGSN. Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) Data

This parameter refers to one or more groups a subscriber may be a member of for voice group calls. Voice Broadcast Service (VBS) Data

This parameter refers to one or more groups a subscriber may be a member of for the voice broadcast service. Per group it is further indicated whether the subscriber is only allowed to listen to respective group calls or whether he is in addition entitled to initiate respective voice broadcast calls. ISDN bearer capability

This parameter refers to the ISDN bearer capability information element defined in 3GPP TS 29.007 [56]. Lower layer Compatibility

This parameter refers to the lower layer compatibility information element defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. High Layer Compatibility

This parameter refers to the high layer compatibility information element defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Alerting Pattern

This parameter is an indication that can be used by the MS to alert the user in a specific manner in case of mobile terminating traffic (switched call or USSD). That indication can be an alerting level or an alerting category. GPRS Subscription Data Withdraw

This parameter indicates that GPRS Subscription Data shall be deleted from the SGSN. EPS Subscription Data Withdraw

This parameter indicates that EPS Subscription Data shall be deleted from the MME. GPRS Subscription Data

This parameter refers to the list of PDP-Contexts the subscriber has subscribed to. EPS Subscription Data

This parameter refers to the list of APN-Configurations the subscriber has subscribed to. QoS-Subscribed

This parameter indicates the quality of service subscribed for a certain service. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. VPLMN address allowed

This parameter specifies whether the MS is allowed to use a dynamic address allocated in the VPLMN. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. Roaming Restricted In SGSN/MME Due To Unsupported Feature

This parameter defines that a subscriber is not allowed to roam in the current SGSN or MME area. It may be used by the HLR if a feature or service is indicated as unsupported by the SGSN or MME. Network Access Mode

This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.008 [20]. Mobile Not Reachable Reason

This parameter stores the reason for the MS being absent when an attempt to deliver a short message to an MS fails at the MSC, SGSN or both. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.040. Cancellation Type

This parameter indicates the reason of location cancellation. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [104]. The HLR shall not send Cancel Location with a Cancellation Type of "initialAttachProcedure" to the SGSN unless the SGSN has indicated support of this cancellation type within UpdateGprsLocation or the HLR has enough knowledge that the SGSN supports "initialAttachProcedure". If the HLR needs to send a cancellation type of "initialAttachProcedure" but cannot do so due to non-support by the SGSN, the HLR shall send Cancel Location with a Cancellation Type of "updateProcedure" and delete the stored SGSN-Number. All GPRS Data

This parameter indicates to the SGSN that all GPRS Subscription Data shall be deleted for the subscriber. Complete Data List Included

This parameter indicates to the SGSN or MME that the complete GPRS Subscription Data/EPS Subscription Data stored for the Subscriber shall be replaced with the GPRS Subscription Data/EPS Subscription Data received. PDP Context Identifier

This parameter is used to identify a PDP context for the subscriber. LSA Information

This parameter refers to one or more localised service areas a subscriber may be a member of, together with the priority, the preferential access indicator, the active mode support indicator and active mode indication of each localised service area. The access right outside these localised service areas is also indicated. SoLSA support indicator

This parameter indicates that the VLR or the SGSN supports SoLSA subscription. LSA Information Withdraw

This parameter indicates that LSA information shall be deleted from the VLR or the SGSN. LMU Indicator

This parameter indicates the presence of an LMU. LCS Information

This parameter defines the LCS related information for an MS subscriber and contains the following components:

– GMLC List (see clause

– LCS Privacy Exception List (see clause

– MO-LR List (see clause

– Additional LCS Privacy Exception List (see clause GMLC List

This parameter contains the addresses of all GMLCs that are permitted to issue a call/session unrelated or call/session related MT-LR location request for this MS. Usage of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.271. LCS Privacy Exception List

This parameter defines the classes of LCS Client that are allowed to locate any target MS. For each class, the following information is provided:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– a list of LCS privacy exception parameters (see clause Additional LCS Privacy Exception List

This parameter defines the classes of LCS Client that are allowed to locate any target MS. For each class, the following information is provided:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– a list of LCS privacy exception parameters (see clause

The Additional LCS Privacy Exception List shall be present only if the LCS Privacy Exception List is present and contains LCS privacy exception parameters for 4 privacy exception classes. LCS Privacy Exception Parameters

This parameter gives the status of each LCS privacy exception class and any additional parameters relevant to this class. The parameter contains the following information:

– provisioned SS-Status (see clause;

– privacy notification to MS user (see clause;

– external client List (see clause;

– internal client List (see clause

– service type List (see clause; External Client List

This parameter is only applicable to the call/session unrelated privacy class and call/session related privacy class, and gives the identities of the external clients that are allowed to locate a target MS for a MT-LR. Each identity is an international (e.g.E.164) address. For each identified external client, GMLC restrictions may be defined. It may also be indicated if the MS shall be notified of a non-restricted MT-LR from each identified LCS client and, if so, whether notification only or notification with privacy verification shall apply. Usage of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.271. Internal Client List

This parameter is only applicable to the PLMN operator privacy class and gives the identities of the internal PLMN operator clients that are allowed to locate a target MS for an NI-LR or MT-LR. Usage of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.271. MO-LR List

This parameter defines the classes of MO-LR for which a subscription exists for a particular MS. For each class, the following information is provided:

– SS-Code (see clause Privacy Notification to MS User

This parameter is applicable to the call/session unrelated privacy class and call/session related privacy class. For non-call/call related privacy class it indicates whether the MS user shall be notified for that class MT-LR from any value added LCS client when the MT-LR is restricted and be enabled to accept or override the restriction. Usage of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.271. GMLC List Withdraw

This parameter indicates whether the subscriber’s LCS GMLC list shall be deleted from the VLR or SGSN. Service Type List

This parameter is only applicable to the Service type privacy class and gives the identities of the service type of the clients that are allowed to locate a target MS for an MT-LR. Usage of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 23.271. IST Alert Timer

This parameter indicates the IST Alert Timer value that must be used in the MSC to inform the HLR about the call activities that the subscriber performs. Units are minutes. Call Termination Indicator

This parameter indicates whether the MSC shall terminate a specific ongoing call, or all the call activities related to a specified subscriber. IST Information Withdraw

This parameter indicates that IST information shall be deleted from the VMSC. IST Support Indicator

This parameter indicates the degree of IST functionality supported by the MSC (Visited MSC or Gateway MSC). It can take one of the following values:

– Basic IST functionality;

– IST command service (in addition to the basic IST functionality and including the ability to terminate all calls being carried for the identified subscriber). Super-Charger Supported In HLR

This parameter is used by the HLR to indicate support of the Super-Charger functionality and an indication of the age of the subscription data stored in the HLR. Super-Charger Supported In Serving Network Entity

This parameter is used to indicate support of the Super-Charger functionality by the originating entity and to indicate either that subscription data is required or the date and time of the last know subscriber data modification. Age Indicator

This parameter is used by the HLR to determine the validity of the subscription data retained by the serving network entity in a Super-Charged network. GPRS enhancements support indicator

This parameter indicates to the HLR that the SGSN supports GPRS enhancements. Extension QoS-Subscribed

This parameter indicates the enhanced QoS subscribed for a certain service. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.060. This parameter is an extension to QoS-Subscribed. SGSN CAMEL Subscription Info

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having CAMEL services that are invoked in the SGSN. Extension-2 QoS-Subscribed

This parameter indicates the additional QoS information to the Extension QoS-subscribed parameter. It is a further extension to Extension QoS-Subscribed. This parameter shall be used when the maximum bit rate exceeds 8640 kbps. For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Extension-3 QoS-Subscribed

This parameter indicates the additional QoS information to the Extension QoS-subscribed parameter. It is a further extension to Extension QoS-Subscribed. This parameter shall be used when the maximum/guaranteed bit rate for uplink exceeds 8640 kbps. For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Extension-4 QoS-Subscribed

This parameter indicates the additional QoS information to the Extension QoS-subscribed parameter. It is a further extension to Extension QoS-Subscribed. This parameter shall be used to define the Evolved Allocation/Retention Priority parameter, which includes the Priority Level, the Preemption Capability value and the Preemption vulnerability value, as described in 3GPP TS 29.060 [105]. MO-SMS-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having mobile originating SMS CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. For the CAMEL phase 3 the MO-SMS-CSI is the same as the SMS-CSI. MT-SMS-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having mobile terminating SMS CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. GPRS-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having GPRS CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. CAMEL subscription info

This parameter indicates the CSI that can be controlled by CSE. Extensible Call barring information for CSE

This parameter contains for each call barring service for CSE:

– SS-Code;

– a list of extensible call barring feature parameters.

The list may contain one item per Basic Service Group.

– password;

– wrong password attempt counter;

– notification-to-CSE flag. Extensible Forwarding information for CSE

This parameter represents the information for CSE related to each call forwarding service:

– the SS-Code of the relevant call forwarding service;

– if required, a list of extensible forwarding feature parameters;

– the list may contain one item per Basic Service Group;

– notification-to-CSE flag. Modification Request for CSI

This parameter indicates the CAMEL subscription information to be modified by CSE. Modification Request for ODB data

This parameter indicates the operator determined barring data to be modified by CSE. Modification Request for SS Information

This parameter indicates the call forwarding, call barring, call hold, call waiting, explicit call transfer, calling line identification presentation and calling line identification restriction supplementary service data to be modified by CSE. Call Barring Data

This parameter contains the extensible call barring feature list (see clause and Notification to CSE flag. Call Forwarding Data

This parameter contains the extensible call forwarding feature list (see clause and Notification to CSE flag. ODB Data

This parameter contains the ODB general data, ODB HPLMN specific data. Requested Subscription Info

This parameter indicates the subscription information being requested. CS Allocation/Retention priority

This parameter indicates the allocation/retention priority for Circuit Switched (CS). It corresponds to the allocation/retention priority that is defined in 3GPP TS 23.107 [154]. ODB Info

This parameter contains the ODB data and Notification to CSE flag. Suppress VT-CSI

This parameter is used to suppress the invocation of terminating CAMEL services at the VMSC. Suppress Incoming Call Barring

This parameter is used to suppress the invocation of Incoming Call Barrings. gsmSCF Initiated Call

This parameter is used to indicate that the call was initiated by the gsmSCF. SuppressMTSS

This parameter is used to suppress the invocation of terminating supplementary services Call barring support indicator

This parameter is used to indicate that the SGSN supports the call barring services for SMS. MNP Info Result

This parameter refers to the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) information result (see 3GPP TS 23.078 [98] and 3GPP TS 23.066 [108]). This parameter may contain the following information:

– Routeing Number (see clause

– IMSI (see 3GPP TS 23.078[98], see also clause

– MSISDN (see clause

– Number Portability Status (see clause Allowed Services

This parameter is used by the HLR to indicate which service is available for a call when two services have been requested, for the SCUDIF feature described in 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]. Unavailability Cause

This parameter is used to indicate the reason for the unavailability of one of the services as indicated by the Allowed Services IE (see when two services have been requested, for the SCUDIF feature described in 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]. MNP Requested Info

This parameter indicates by its presence that Mobile Number Portability (MNP) information is requested for the subscriber, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078 [98]. Access Restriction Data

This parameter refers to the radio access technologies that are possibly restricted to a subscriber via subscription data. For the use of the parameter, see 3GPP TS 23.012 [23] for the CS domain and 3GPP TS 23.060[104], 3GPP TS 29.060 [105] clause 7.5.3 and 3GPP TS 29.274 [149] clause 7.3.6 for the PS domain. Supported RAT types indicator

This parameter indicates which RAT types are supported/served by the MSC/VLR or SGSN or MME UE SRVCC Capability

This parameter indicates, if present, the support of SRVCC capability by the UE. Temporary Empty CSG Subscription data Indicator

This parameter indicates that the CSS has currently no CSG subscription data for this roaming user but registers the VLR or SGSN, so to inform them if later changes in CSG subscription data occur. WLAN-offloadability

This parameter refers to the WLAN offloadability for E-UTRAN or UTRAN. This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 29.272 [144]. IMSI-Group-Id

This parameter refers to the IMSI-Group identifier. This parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 29.272 [144].

7.6.4 Supplementary services parameters SS-Code

This parameter may refer to one supplementary service or a set of supplementary services as defined in 3GPP TS 22.004. For MAP this includes:

– Calling Line Identification Presentation service (CLIP);

– Calling Line Identification Restriction service (CLIR);

– Connected Line Identification Presentation service (COLP);

– Connected Line Identification Restriction service (COLR);

– Calling Name Presentation (CNAP);

– All Call Forwarding services, including Call Deflection;

– Call Waiting (CW);

– Call Hold (HOLD);

– Multi-Party service (MPTY);

– Closed User Group (CUG);

– All Charging services;

– All Call Restriction services;

– Explicit Call Transfer service (ECT);

– enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption service (eMLPP);

– Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber, originating side (CCBS-A);

– Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber, destination side (CCBS-B);

All LCS privacy exceptions (see clause;

Mobile Originating Location Request (MO-LR) (see clause;

Multicall (MC). SS-Code 2

This parameter is used to refer to one or a set of supplementary services (as "SS-Code") related to Network Signal Info 2 for SCUDIF calls (see 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]). SS-Status

This parameter refers to the state information of individual supplementary services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.011. SS-Data

This parameter refers to the necessary set of information required in order to characterise one supplementary service:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– SS-Status (if applicable) (see clause;

– Override subscription option (see clause;

– CLI Restriction (see clause;

– Basic Service Group Code (see clause Override Category

This parameter refers to the subscription option Override Category attached to a supplementary service. It can take the following two values:

– Enabled;

– Disabled. CLI Restriction Option

This parameter refers to the subscription option Restriction mode attached to the CLIR supplementary service. It can take the following three values:

– Permanent;

– Temporary (Default Restricted);

– Temporary (Default Allowed). Forwarding Options

This parameter refers to a forwarding option attached to a supplementary service. It can take one of the following values:

– notification to forwarding party (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– notification to calling party (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– redirecting presentation (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter);

– Forwarding reason (see 3GPP TS 22.082 [10] for the meaning of this parameter). No reply condition timer

This parameter refers to the no reply condition timer for call forwarding on no reply. – Void Forwarding information

This parameter represents the information related to each call forwarding service:

– the SS-Code of the relevant call forwarding service (see clause;

– if required, a list of forwarding feature parameters (see clause

the list may contain one item per Basic Service Group. Forwarding feature

This parameter applies to each combination of call forwarding service and Basic Service Group and contains the following information, as required:

– Basic Service Group (see clause;

– SS-Status (see clause;

– forwarded-to number (see clause;

– forwarded-to subaddress (see clause;

– forwarding options (see clause;

– no reply condition timer (see clause;

– long forwarded-to number (see clause

If a number is required to define the forwarded-to destination then:

– If the VLR supports Long Forwarded-to Numbers then the long forwarded-to number shall be present and the forwarded-to number shall be absent.

– If the VLR does not support Long Forwarded-to Numbers then the forwarded-to number shall be present and the long forwarded-to number shall be absent. Void Call barring information

This parameter contains for each call barring service:

– SS-Code (see clause;

– a list of call barring feature parameters (see clause

The list may contain one item per Basic Service Group. Call barring feature

This parameter gives the status of call barring services as applicable to each Basic Service Group. The parameter contains the following information:

– Basic Service Group (see clause;

– SS-Status (see clause New password

This parameter refers to the password which the subscriber just registered in the network.

This parameter refers to a password used by the subscriber for supplementary service control. Current password

This parameter refers to a password used by the subscriber for supplementary service control. Guidance information

This parameter refers to guidance information given to a subscriber who is requested to provide a password. One of the following information may be given:

– "enter password";

this information is used for checking of the old password;

– "enter new password";

this information is used during password registration for the request of the first new password;

– "enter new password again";

this information is used during password registration for the request of the new password again for verification. Void SS-Info

This parameter refers to all the information related to a supplementary service and is a choice between:

– forwarding information (see clause;

– call barring information (see clause;

– CUG info (see clause;

– SS-Data (see clause

– eMLPP information (see clause – Void USSD Data Coding Scheme

This parameter contains the information of the alphabet and the language used for the unstructured information in an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data operation. The coding of this parameter is according to the Cell Broadcast Data Coding Scheme as specified in 3GPP TS 23.038 [25]. USSD String

This parameter contains a string of unstructured information in an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data operation. The string is sent either by the mobile user or the network. The contents of a string sent by the MS are interpreted by the network as specified in 3GPP TS 22.090 [16]. Bearer service

This parameter may refer to a single bearer service, a set of bearer services or to all bearer services as defined in 3GPP TS 22.002 [3]. This parameter is used only for supplementary service management.

7,6,4.38A Bearer Service 2

This parameter is used to indicate the bearer service or set of bearer services (as "Bearer service") related to Network Signal Info 2 for SCUDIF calls (see 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]). Teleservice

This parameter may refer to a single teleservice, a set of teleservices or to all teleservices as defined in 3GPP TS 22.003 [4]. This parameter is used only for supplementary service management. Teleservice 2

This parameter is used to indicate the teleservice or set of teleservices (as "Teleservice") related to Network Signal Info 2 for SCUDIF calls (see 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]). Basic Service Group

This parameter refers to the Basic Service Group either as a bearer service (see clause or a teleservice (see clause This parameter is used only for supplementary service management. The null value (i.e. neither bearer service nor teleservice) is used to denote the group containing all bearer services and all teleservices. eMLPP information

This parameter contains two parameters which are associated with the eMLPP service. The following two parameters are included:

– maximum entitled priority:

– indicates the highest priority level the subscriber is allowed to apply for an outgoing call set-up;

– default priority:

– defines the priority level which shall be assigned to a call if no explicit priority is indicated during call set-up. SS-event

This parameter indicates the Supplementary Service for which an invocation notification is sent towards the gsmSCF. It can indicate one of the following services:

– Explicit Call Transfer (ECT)

– Call Deflection (CD)

– Multi-Party call (MPTY)

– Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) SS-event data

This parameter contains additional information related to Supplementary Service invocation. Depending on the service invoked it can contain the following information:

ECT A list with all Called Party Numbers involved.

CD The called Party number involved. LCS Privacy Exceptions

Distinct SS codes are assigned to the following classes of LCS client in a target MS subscriber’s privacy exception list.

– Universal Class;

– Call/session related value added class;

– Call/session unrelated value added class;

– PLMN operator class.

– Service type class. Mobile Originating Location Request (MO-LR)

Distinct SS codes are assigned to the following classes of MO-LR:

– Basic Self Location;

– Autonomous Self Location;

– Transfer to Third Party. NbrUser

This parameter indicates the maximum number of parallel bearers that may be used as defined by the user at registration of the MC SS. MC Subscription Data

This parameter contains two parameters which are associated with the MC service. The following two parameters are included:

– NbrUser:

indicates the maximum number of parallel bearers that may be used as defined by the user at registration of the MC SS

– NbrSB:

indicates the maximum number of parallel bearers that may be used as defined by the user’s subscription. MC Information

This parameter contains three parameters which are associated with the MC service. The following parameters are included:

– NbrSB;

– NbrUser;

– NbrSN.

Definitions of these parameters are provided in 3GPP TS 23.135. CCBS Request State

This parameter indicates the current state of the CCBS request. It can take one of seven values:

– request;

– recall;

– active;

– completed;

– suspended;

– frozen;

– deleted. Basic Service Group 2

This parameter refers to the Basic Service Group either as a bearer service (see clause or a teleservice (see clause This parameter is used only for supplementary service management.

7.6.5 Call parameters Call reference number

This parameter refers to a call reference number allocated by a call control MSC. Interrogation type

This parameter refers to the type of interrogation for routing information which is sent from a GMSC to an HLR. It can take either of two values:

– basic call (for information to route a call before the call has been extended to the VMSC of the called party);

– forwarding (for information to route the call to the forwarded-to destination after the VMSC of the forwarding party has requested the GMSC to resume handling of the call. OR interrogation

This parameter indicates that the GMSC which interrogated the HLR for routeing information is not in the same PLMN as the HLR, and therefore that the call will potentially be optimally routed. OR capability

This parameter indicates the phase of OR which the GMSC supports. Forwarding reason

This parameter indicates the reason for which the call is to be forwarded. It can take one of three values:

– busy subscriber;

– mobile subscriber not reachable;

– no subscriber reply. Forwarding interrogation required

This parameter indicates that if the VMSC of the forwarding subscriber requests the GMSC to resume handling of the call the GMSC shall interrogate the HLR for forwarding information. O-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having originating CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. D-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having originating CAMEL dialled services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. T-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having terminating CAMEL services in the GMSC, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. VT-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having terminating CAMEL services in the VMSC, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.078. O-IM-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having originating IP Multimedia Core Network CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.278. D-IM-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having originating IP Multimedia Core Network CAMEL dialled services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.278. VT-IM-CSI

This parameter identifies the subscriber as having terminating IP Multimedia Core Network CAMEL services as defined in 3GPP TS 23.278. Void Void Void CCBS Feature

This parameter corresponds to the ‘CCBS Description’ parameter in 3GPP TS 23.093. It refers to the necessary set of information required in order to characterise a certain CCBS request. The parameter may contain the following information:

– CCBS Index (see 3GPP TS 23.093 for the use of this parameter);

– B-subscriber number (see clause;

– B-subscriber subaddress (see clause;

– Basic Service Group Code (see clause UU Data

This parameter includes User-To-User Data. It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.087. UUS CF Interaction

This parameter indicates if the call forwarding or call deflection has been activated after UUS1 request has been accepted . It is defined in 3GPP TS 23.087. Number Portability Status

This parameter indicates the number portability status of subscriber. See 3GPP TS 23.066 [108]. Pre-paging supported

This parameter indicates that the entity which sent it supports pre-paging. MT Roaming Retry Supported

The parameter indicates that the entity which sent it supports MT Roaming Retry. When sent by the HLR, it further indicates that the GMSC also supports MT Roaming Retry. MT Roaming Retry

The parameter indicates that the GMSC receiving the IE shall start MT roaming retry (see 3GPP TS 23.018 [97] and 3GPP TS 23.012 [23]). Paging Area

The parameter indicates the paging area where the MS is currently located (see 3GPP TS 23.012 [23] and 3GPP TS 23.018 [97]). Call Priority

The parameter indicates the eMLPP priority of the call (see 3GPP TS 23.067 [136]). MTRF Supported

The parameter indicates that the entity which sends it supports MT Roaming Forwarding. LCLS Global Call Reference (LCLS GCR)

This parameter refers to a globally unique call identifier for the duration of the call (see 3GPP TS 29.205 [146]). This parameter is used to identify a call and to correlate the call legs of a call to determine if the call is a local call within the BSS. LCLS-Negotiation

This parameter is used to request MSC-B to indicate LCLS, see 3GPP TS 29.205 [146] clause B.2.1.4 LCLS Negotiation Request. LCLS-Configuration-Preference

This parameter contains information to indicate the negotiated LCLS configuration preference, see 3GPP TS 29.205 [146] clause B.2.1.10 LCLS Configuration Preference.

7.6.6 Radio parameters – Void GERAN Classmark

This information element is sent from one MSC to the other MSC in the signalling for inter MSC handover. It is used to convey information related to cell capabilities, as defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. BSSMAP Service Handover

This parameter refers to the Service Handover information element defined in 3GPP TS 48.008 BSSMAP Service Handover List

This parameter refers to the list of Service Handover information elements defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. This parameter shall be used when there are multiple bearers and at least one of the bearers has an associated BSSMAP Service Handover parameter. RANAP Service Handover

This parameter refers to the Service Handover information element defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. HO-Number Not Required

This parameter indicates that no handover or relocation number allocation is necessary. Integrity Protection Information

This parameter refers to the Integrity Protection Information element defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Encryption Information

This parameter refers to the Encryption Information element defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Radio Resource Information

This parameter refers to the Channel Type information element defined in 3GPP TS 48.008 [49]. Radio Resource List

This parameter refers to list of RAB-id’s and their associated Channel Type information elements defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. This parameter shall be used when there are multiple bearers and at least one of the bearers has an associated Radio Resource Information parameter. Chosen Radio Resource Information

This parameter refers to the Chosen Channel and Speech Version information elements defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. Key Status

This parameter refers to the Key Status element defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Selected UMTS Algorithms

This parameters identifies the UMTS integrity and optionally encryption algorithms selected by MSC-B. Coding of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Allowed GSM Algorithms

This parameters identifies the allowed GSM algorithms in MSC-B. Coding of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. Allowed UMTS Algorithms

This parameters identifies the allowed UMTS algorithms in MSC-B. Coding of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Selected GSM Algorithm

This parameter identifies the GSM algorithm selected by GSM BSC controlled by MSC-B. Coding of this parameter is defined in 3GPP TS 48.008. Iu-Currently Used Codec

This parameter indicates the codec used at the Iu interface before handover. Iu-Supported Codecs List

This parameter indicates the codecs supported by the UE and by MSC-A and the associated modes in priority order (the first entry being the highest priority codec). MSC-B uses this information to select the associated transcoder resources. Iu-Available Codecs List

This parameter indicates the codecs available at the Iu interface in MSC-B and the associated modes. MSC-A uses this information to decide whether a change to a different codec at the Iu interface is possible. Iu-Selected Codec

When sent by MSC-B, this parameter indicates the codec selected by MSC-B for the Iu interface. When sent by MSC-A, this parameter indicates the codec to be used by MSC-B at the Iu interface. RAB Configuration Indicator

This parameter indicates by its presence that MSC-A (or MSC-B in case of subsequent handover) has generated the RAB parameters according to the preferred codec (first entry in the Iu-Supported Codecs List). UESBI-Iu

This parameter refers to the UESBI-Iu (UE Specific Behaviour Information over the Iu interface) information element defined in 3GPP TS 25.413. Alternative Channel Type

This parameter refers to the Channel Type information element defined in 3GPP TS 48.008 [49] for the alternative radio access bearer. This parameter is used for SCUDIF calls (see 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]). AoIP-Supported Codecs List Anchor

This parameter is used for inter-MSC handover with AoIP access and the procedures and contents of the parameter are as defined in AoIP-Supported Codecs List (Anchor) in 3GPP TS 23.009 [21]. AoIP-Available Codecs List Map

This parameter is used for inter-MSC handover with AoIP access and the procedures and contents of the parameter are as defined in AoIP-Available Codecs List (Map) in 3GPP TS 23.009 [21]. AoIP-Selected Codec Target

This parameter is used for inter-MSC handover with AoIP access and the procedures and contents of the parameter are as defined in AoIP-Selected Codec (Target) in 3GPP TS 23.009 [21].

7.6.7 Authentication parameters Authentication set list

This parameter represents a list of sets of authentication parameters for a given subscriber.

The list either contains Authentication Triplets (Rand, Sres, Kc) or Authentication Quintuplets (Rand, Xres, Ck, Ik, Autn). If the list contains Authentication Quintuplets, the order of sequence in this list is chronological, the first quintuplet in the list is the oldest one. Rand

This parameter represents a random number used for authentication. Sres

This parameter represents the response to an authentication request. Kc

This parameter refers to a key used for ciphering purposes. Xres

This parameter represents the response to an UMTS authentication request. Ck

This parameter refers to a key used for UMTS ciphering purposes. Ik

This parameter refers to the Integrity Key. Autn

This parameter refers to the Authentication Token. KASME

This parameter refers to the Key for the Access Security Management Entity. Cksn

This parameter refers to a ciphering key sequence number. Ksi

This parameter refers to a key set identifier. Auts

This parameter refers to the resynchronisation token. Ciphering mode

This parameter refers to the ciphering mode which is associated with a radio channel. It may take values as follows:

– no encryption;

– identification of specific ciphering algorithm. Current Security Context

This parameter represents a list of security context parameters for a given subscriber.

The list either contains GSM Security Context data (Kc, Cksn) or UMTS Security Context Data (Ck, Ik, Ksi). Failure cause

This parameter refers to an authentication failure which has occurred. It may take values as follows:

– wrong user response;

– wrong network signature. Re-attempt

It indicates whether the failure ocurred in a normal authentication attempt or in an authentication reattempt (there was a previous unsuccessful authentication). Access Type

It indicates whether the authentication procedure was initiated due to a call, an emergency call, a location updating, a supplementary service procedure, a short message transfer, a GPRS attach procedure, a routing area updating, a service request, a MS initiated Detach in GPRS, a PDP context activation or a PDP context deactivation procedure.

7.6.8 Short message parameters SM-RP-DA

This parameter represents the destination address used by the short message service relay sub-layer protocol. It can be either of the following:

– IMSI (see clause;

– LMSI (see clause;

– MS-ISDN (see clause;

– roaming number (see clause;

– service centre address (see clause SM-RP-OA

This parameter refers to the originating address used by the short message service relay sub-layer protocol. It can be either of the following:

– MS-ISDN (see clause;

– service centre address (see clause MWD status

This parameter indicates whether or not the address of the originator service centre is already contained in the Message Waiting Data file. In addition, it contains the status of the Memory Capacity Exceeded Flag (MCEF), the status of the Mobile subscriber Not Reachable Flag (MNRF), the status of the Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flag (MNRG), the status of the Mobile station Not Reachable for 5G-3GPP access flag (MNR5G) and the status of the Mobile station Not Reachable for 5G-Non-3GPP access flag (MNR5GN3G). SM-RP-UI

This parameter represents the user data field carried by the short message service relay sub-layer protocol. SM-RP-PRI

This parameter is used to indicate whether or not delivery of the short message shall be attempted when a service centre address is already contained in the Message Waiting Data file. SM Delivery Outcome

This parameter indicates the cause for setting the message waiting data. It can take one of the following values:

– Absent subscriber;

– MS memory capacity exceeded;

– Successful transfer. More Messages To Send

This parameter is used to indicate whether or not the service centre has more short messages to send. Alert Reason

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the service centre is alerted. It can take one of the following values:

– MS present;

– Memory Available. Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the subscriber is absent. For the values for this parameter see 3GPP TS 23.040. Alert Reason Indicator

This parameter indicates that the alert reason is sent to the HLR due to GPRS activity. Additional Alert Reason Indicator

This parameter indicates that the alert reason is sent to the HLR due to IMS activity. Additional SM Delivery Outcome

This parameter is used to indicate the GPRS delivery outcome in case a combination between delivery outcome for GPRS and non-GPRS are sent to the HLR. Additional Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter indicates the reason of the additional SM Delivery Outcome. Delivery Outcome Indicator

This parameter indicates that the delivery outcome sent to the HLR is for GPRS. GPRS Node Indicator

This parameter indicates by its presence that the Network Node Number sent by the HLR, SMS-Router or IP-SM-GW is to be considered as the SGSN number (although it may actually be an SMS-Router Number or IP-SM-GW Number). IMS Node Indicator

This parameter indicates by its presence that the Network Node Number sent by the HLR is an IP-SM-GW number. GPRS Support Indicator

This parameter indicates that the SMS-GMSC supports GPRS specific procedure of combine delivery of Short Message via MSC and/or via the SGSN. SM-RP-MTI

This parameter represents the RP-Message Type Indicator of the Short Message. It is used to distinguish a SM sent to the mobile station in order to acknowledge an MO-SM initiated by the mobile from a normal MT-SM. This parameter is formatted according to the formatting rules of address fields as described in 3GPP TS 23.040. SM-RP-SMEA

This parameter represents the RP-Originating SME-address of the Short Message Entity that has originated the SM. This parameter is used by the short message service relay sub-layer protocol and is formatted according to the formatting rules of address fields as described in 3GPP TS 23.040. IP-SM-GW SM Delivery Outcome

This parameter is used to indicate the delivery outcome for the IMS domain. IP-SM-GW Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter indicates the reason of the IP-SM-GW SM Delivery Outcome. IP-SM-GW Indicator

This parameter indicates by its presence that sm-deliveryOutcome is for delivery via IMS. SM Delivery Timer

This parameter indicates the SM Delivery Timer value set in the SMS-GMSC to the IP-SM-GW, SGSN or MSC/VLR. It may be taken into account by the domain selection procedure in the IP-SM-GW. Units are in seconds. SM Delivery Start Time

This parameter indicates the timestamp (in UTC) at which the SM Delivery Supervision Timer was started in the SMS-GMSC. Maximum Retransmission Time

This parameter indicates the maximum retransmission time (in UTC) until which the SMS-GMSC is capable to retransmit the MT Short Message. Requested Retransmission Time

This parameter indicates the retransmission time (in UTC) at which the SMS-GMSC is requested to retransmit the MT Short Message. Maximum UE Availability Time

This parameter indicates the timestamp (in UTC) until which a UE using a power saving mechanism (such as extended idle mode DRX) is expected to be reachable for SM Delivery.

This information may be used by the SMS Center to prioritize the retransmission of Short Message to UEs using a power saving mechanism. SMS-GMSC Alert Event

This parameter indicates the event that causes the MME (via an IWF) or the SGSN to alert the SMS-GMSC for retransmitting an MT Short Message. SMS-GMSC Address

This parameter contains the E.164 number of the SMS-GMSC or SMS Router, in international number format as described in ITU-T Recommendation E.164 [67]. SMS-GMSC Diameter Address

This parameter contains the Diameter Identity of the SMS-GMSC or SMS Router. New SGSN Number

This parameter contains the E.164 number of the new SGSN serving the MS. New MME Number

This parameter contains the E.164 number of the new MME serving the MS. New SGSN Diameter Address

This parameter contains the Diameter Identity of the new SGSN serving the MS. New MME Diameter Address

This parameter contains the Diameter Identity of the new MME serving the MS. New MSC Number

This parameter contains the E.164 number of the new MSC serving the MS. SMSF 3GPP Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the subscriber is absent for 5G 3GPP access. For the values for this parameter see 3GPP TS 23.040. SMSF Non 3GPP Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the subscriber is absent for 5G Non 3GPP access. For the values for this parameter see 3GPP TS 23.040. SMSF 3GPP Delivery Outcome Indicator

This parameter indicates that the delivery outcome IE is associated to the SM delivery via the SMSF for 3GPP access. SMSF Non-3GPP Delivery Outcome Indicator

This parameter indicates that the delivery outcome IE is associated to the SM delivery via the SMSF for Non-3GPP access. SMSF 3GPP SM Delivery Outcome

This parameter is used to indicate the delivery outcome at the SMSF for 3GPP access. SMSF Non-3GPP SM Delivery Outcome

This parameter is used to indicate the delivery outcome at the SMSF for non-3GPP access. SMSF 3GPP Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the subscriber is absent for 5G 3GPP access. For the values for this parameter see 3GPP TS 23.040. SMSF Non 3GPP Absent Subscriber Diagnostic SM

This parameter is used to indicate the reason why the subscriber is absent for 5G Non 3GPP access. For the values for this parameter see 3GPP TS 23.040.

7.6.9 Access and signalling system related parameters AN-apdu

This parameter includes one or two concatenated complete 3GPP TS 25.413 or 3GPP TS 48.006 [48] messages, as described in 3GPP TS 23.009 and 3GPP TS 29.010. The access network protocol ID indicates that the message or messages are according to either 3GPP TS 48.006 [48] or 3GPP TS 25.413. For the coding of the messages see 3GPP TS 25.413, 3GPP TS 48.006 [48] and 3GPP TS 48.008 [49]. CM service type

This parameter identifies the service category being requested by the subscriber:

– mobile originating call;

– emergency call establishment;

– short message service;

– mobile originating call re-establishment;

– mobile terminating call;

– SS request;

– Voice group call set-up;

– Voice broadcast set-up. Access connection status

This parameter represents the following access connection status information:

– RR-connection status (established/not established);

– ciphering mode (on/off);

– authentication status (authenticated/not authenticated). External Signal Information

This parameter contains concatenated information elements (including tag and length) which are defined by a common protocol version, preceded by the associated protocol ID. It is used to transport information of the indicated protocol via MAP interfaces. Access signalling information

This parameter refers to any set of information elements imported from 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Location update type

This parameter refers to the location update type (normal, periodic or IMSI attach) contained in the 3GPP TS 24.008 [35] LOCATION REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Protocol ID

This parameter refers to the protocol to which the coding of the content of the associated External Signal Information conforms.

The following values are defined:

– 04.08;

– 08.06;

– ETS 300 102-1.

This value indicates the protocol defined by ETS 300 102-1 (EDSS1). Network signal information

This parameter is transported as external signal information. The protocol ID shall be set to "ETS 300 102-1".

The network signal information may include the following information elements as defined in 3GPP TS 29.007 [56]:

– ISDN BC; the tag and length are defined by ETS 300 102-1.

For the content, see 3GPP TS 29.007 [56].

– HLC; the tag and length are defined by ETS 300 102-1.

For the content, see 3GPP TS 29.007 [56].

– LLC; the tag and length are defined by ETS 300 102-1.

For the content, see 3GPP TS 29.007 [56].

They are contained in the Signal Information parameter according to figure 7.6/1 (irrespective of the order):

Figure 7.6/1: Network signal information parameter Network signal information 2

This parameter is transported as additional external signal information for SCUDIF calls, described in 3GPP TS 23.172 [126]. The protocol ID and possibly included information elements are identical to Network Signal Information, defined in, "Network signal information". Call Info

This parameter is transported as external signal information. The protocol ID shall be set to "3GPP TS 24.008 [35]".

The Call Info includes the set of information elements from the original SETUP message and is imported from 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]. Additional signal info

This parameter is transported as external signal information. The protocol ID shall be set to "ETS 300 356".

The additional signal information may include the following information elements:

– Calling Party Number as defined by ETS 300 356.

– Generic Number as defined by ETS 300 356.

They are contained in the Signal Information parameter according to figure 7.6/2 (irrespective of the order):

Figure 7.6/2: Additional signal information parameter

7.6.10 System operations parameters Network resources

This parameter refers to a class or type of network resource:


– HLR;

– VLR (current or previous);

– MSC (controlling or current);

– EIR;

– radio sub-system. Trace reference

This parameter represents a reference associated with a GSM only tracing request as defined in 3GPP TS 52.008 [61]. The parameter is managed by OMC/EM. Trace reference 2

This parameter represents a reference associated with a tracing request as defined in 3GPP TS 32.421 [131] and 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. The parameter is managed by EM. Trace type

This parameter identifies the type of trace for GSM only tracing request. Trace types are fully defined in 3GPP TS 52.008 [61]. If the activation of the tracing is requested only for UMTS, then this parameter shall contain value "No MSC Trace" for MSC Record Type and value "No BSS Trace" for BSS Record Type. Additional network resources

This parameter refers to a class or type of network resource:




– gsmSCF;


– AuC. Trace depth list

This parameter identifies the list of depths of trace per network element. See 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. Trace NE type list

This parameter identifies the list of network elements to be traced. See 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. Trace interface list

This parameter identifies the list of interfaces or protocols per network element to be traced. See 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. Trace event list

This parameter identifies the list of events per network element, which trigger a Trace Recording Session. See 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. Trace support indicator

This parameter indicates that UMTS trace parameters are supported in the VLR or in the SGSN. Trace Propagation List

This parameter indicates UMTS trace propagation parameters sent from one MSC to the other MSC in the signalling for inter MSC handover/relocation. See 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. MDT-Configuration

This parameter contains Minimization of Drive Test Configuration Data as defined in 3GPP TS 32.422 [132]. MDT User Consent

This parameter contains an indicator whether user consent for MDT activation is available or not as defined in 3GPP TS 32.422 [132].

7.6.11 Location Service Parameters Age of Location Estimate

This parameter indicates how long ago the location estimate was obtained. Deferred MT-LR Response Indicator

This parameter shows that this is a response to a deferred mt-lr request. Deferred MT-LR Data

This parameter is used to report the deferred location event type, the location information and reason why the serving node aborted monitoring the event to the GMLC. The termination cause mt-lrRestart shall be used to trigger the GMLC to restart the location procedure in all the cases where the sending node detects that the location procedure cannot be successfully performed anymore by the sending node and that it could be successfully performed by another node (as for example when. Cancel Location or Send Identification has been received). The location information shall be included only if the termination cause is mt-lrRestart. The network node number contained in the location information refers to the node where the MS/UE has moved to and shall be included if available, like in case Send Identification has been received. LCS Client ID

This parameter provides information related to the identity of an LCS client. LCS Event

This parameter identifies an event associated with the triggering of a location estimate. Void LCS Priority

This parameter gives the priority of the location request. LCS QoS

This parameter defines the Quality of Service (QoS) for any location request. It is composed of the following elements.

1) Response Time

Indicates the category of response time – "low delay" or "delay tolerant".

2) Horizontal Accuracy

Indicates the required horizontal accuracy of the location estimate.

3) Vertical Coordinate

Indicates if a vertical coordinate is required (in addition to horizontal coordinates).

4) Vertical Accuracy

Indicates the required vertical accuracy of the location estimate (inclusion is optional).

5) Velocity Request

Indicates that velocity should be returned if available (inclusion is optional). CS LCS Not Supported by UE

This parameter is used by the VLR to indicate to the HLR that the UE does not support neither UE Based nor UE Assisted positioning metheds for Circuit Switched Location Services. VLR defines the presence of this parameter on the basis of the Classmark 3 information. PS LCS Not Supported by UE

This parameter is used by the SGSN to indicate to the HLR that the UE does not support neither UE Based nor UE Assisted positioning metheds for Packet Switched Location Services. SGSN defines the presence of this parameter on the basis of the UE capability information and the access technology supported by the SGSN. Location Estimate

This parameter gives an estimate of the location of an MS in universal coordinates and the accuracy of the estimate. The estimate is expressed in terms of the geographical shapes defined by 3GPP TS 23.032. and is composed of the type of shape plus the encoding of the shape itself. Any type of shape defined in 3GPP TS 23.032 can be filled in in the Location Estimate parameter, but only the encoding of the following shapes shall be carried by Location Estimate:

– Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle

– Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse

– Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid

– Ellipsoid arc

– Ellipsoid point

The encoding for the remaining types of shape, defined in the 3GPP TS 23.032, shall be filled in in the Additional Location Estimate parameter. GERAN Positioning Data

This parameter provides positioning data associated with a successful or unsuccessful location attempt for a target MS described in 3GPP TS 49.031 [59a]. UTRAN Positioning Data

This parameter provides positioning data associated with a successful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120]. It contains the positioningDataDiscriminator and positioningDataSet parts of the RANAP PositionData element only. GERAN GANSS Positioning Data

This parameter provides GANSS positioning data associated with a successful or unsuccessful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 49.031 [59a] if GANSS has been used. UTRAN GANSS Positioning Data

This parameter provides GANSS positioning data associated with a successful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120] if GANSS has been used. It contains the GANSS-PositioningDataSet part of the RANAP PositionData element only. UTRAN Additional Positioning Data

This parameter provides additional positioning data associated with a successful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120] if Additional Positioning has been used. It contains the Additional-PositioningDataSet part of the RANAP PositionData element only. UTRAN Barometric Pressure Measurement

This parameter provides barometric pressure measurement associated with a successful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120]. UTRAN Civic Address

This parameter provides civic address associated with a successful location attempt for a target MS as described in 3GPP TS 25.413 [120]. Location Type

This parameter indicates the type of location estimate required by the LCS client. Possible location estimate types include:

– current location;

– current or last known location;

– initial location for an emergency services call;

– deferred location event type;

– notification verification only. NA-ESRD

This parameter only applies to location for an emergency services call in North America and gives the North American Emergency Services Routing Digits. NA-ESRK

This parameter only applies to location for an emergency services call in North America and gives the North American Emergency Services Routing Key. LCS Service Type Id

This parameter defines the LCS Service Type of the current positioning request. The possible values are defined in 3GPP TS 22.071 [123] Privacy Override

This parameter indicates if MS privacy is overridden by the LCS client when the GMLC and VMSC/SGSN for an MT-LR are in the same country. Supported LCS Capability Sets

This parameter indicates which capability sets of LCS are supported in the VLR or SGSN. LCS Codeword

This parameter contains the codeword associated to current positioning request as described in 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. NA-ESRK Request

This parameter allows the MSC to indicate that it requires the GMLC to allocate a NA-ESRK based on the target MS location estimate. This parameter only applies to emergency services calls in North America. Supported GAD Shapes

This parameter indicates which of the shapes defined in 3GPP TS 23.032 are supported. If the parameter is not provided then the receiving node shall assume that the sending entity supports the following shapes:

– Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle

– Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse

– Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid

– Ellipsoid arc

– Ellipsoid point Additional Location Estimate

This parameter gives an estimate of the location of an MS/UE in universal coordinates and the accuracy of the estimate. This parameter allows the location estimate to be expressed in any of the geographical shapes defined in 3GPP TS 23.032 Cell Id Or SAI

For GERAN access, this parameter contains the Global Cell Identifier for the cell that the subscriber is currently attached to. For UTRAN access, this parameter contains the Service Area Identifier for the cell that the subscriber is currently attached to. LCS-Reference Number

This parameter represents a reference between a request and a responce of a deferred mt-lr procedure as deccribed in 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. LCS Privacy Check

This parameter refers to the requested privacy check related actions (call/session unrelated and/or call/session related) from MSC or SGSN provided by H-GMLC. Possible requested actions are:

– positioning allowed without notifying the UE user;

– positioning allowed with notification to the UE user;

– positioning requires notification and verification by the UE user; positioning is allowed only if granted by the UE user or if there is no response to the notification;

– positioning requires notification and verification by the UE user; positioning is allowed only if granted by the UE user;

– positioning not allowed. Additional LCS Capability Sets

This parameter indicates which capability sets of LCS are supported in the VLR or SGSN. Area Event Info

This parameter defines the requested deferred MT-LR area event information. The parameter consists of area definition, type of area event, occurrence info and minimum interval time. Velocity Estimate

This parameter gives an estimate of the velocity of an MS and the accuracy of the estimate. The estimate is expressed in terms of speed and bearing as defined by 3GPP TS 23.032 [122], and is composed of the velocity terms plus the encoding of the velocity itself. Only the encoding of the following velocity definitions shall be carried by the Velocity Estimate:

– Horizontal Velocity

– Horizontal with Vertical Velocity

– Horizontal Velocity with Uncertainty

– Horizontal with Vertical Velocity and Uncertainty Accuracy Fulfilment Indicator

This parameter indicates the fulfilled accuracy of the positioning procedure. For details see 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. MO-LR Short Circuit Indicator

This parameter indicates whether MO-LR short circuit feature is permitted. For details see 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. Reporting PLMN List

This parameter provides a list of PLMNs in which subsequent periodic MO-LR TTTP requests will be made. For details see 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. Periodic LDR information

This parameter refers to the periodic reporting interval and reporting amount of the deferred periodic location. For details see 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a]. Sequence Number

This parameter refers to the number of the periodic location reports completed. The sequence number would be set to 1 in the first location report and increment by 1 for each new report. When the number reaches the reporting amount value, the H-GMLC (for a periodic MT-LR or a periodic MO-LR transfer to third party) will know the procedure is complete. For details see 3GPP TS 23.271 [26a].

7.6.12 Void

7.7 Representation of a list of a basic parameter in service-primitives

In some service-primitives several instances of a basic parameter of clause 7.6 are required. In the service descriptions such cases will be represented as


in the tables where ParameterName refers to one of the parameters defined in clause 7.6. This corresponds to the following construction rule:

Figure 7.7/1: Construction of Lists