25.7.3 Process Insert_Subs_Data_Stand_Alone_HLR

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

This process is used by HLR to transfer subscriber data to the VLR in a stand alone mode, i.e. in a separate dialogue. This is done whenever a change of subscriber data is performed either by the operator or by the subscriber and this change has to be reported to the VLR.

Sheet 1: The HLR may wait for each MAP_INSERT_SUBSCRIBER_DATA request to be acknowledged before it sends the next request, or it may handle the requests and the confirmations in parallel.

Sheet 1, sheet 2: If the VLR has indicated that it does not support a service or feature (e.g. Closed User Group or Advice Of Charge Charging Level) which the HLR operator regards as essential for the subscriber, the macro Wait_for_Insert_Subs_Data_Cnf takes the Replace_Service exit; the HLR sets the Roaming Restriction Due To Unsupported Feature flag to roaming restricted and sends Roaming Restriction Due To Unsupported Feature in a subsequent MAP_INSERT_SUBSCRIBER_DATA request.

Sheet 1, sheet 2: If the HLR operator does not regard the unsupported service or feature as essential for the subscriber but the macro Wait_for_Insert_Subs_Data_Cnf takes the Replace_Service exit, the HLR sends the data for a replacement service in a subsequent MAP_INSERT_SUBSCRIBER_DATA request.

Sheet 2: It is an operator option whether to repeat the download of subscriber data if the VLR returns an error response. The number of repeat attempts and the interval between them is also an operator option, depending on the error response from the VLR.

If subscriber data for CAMEL Phase 2 or later services are sent to a VLR which does not support the appropriate phase of CAMEL, the service behaviour may be unpredictable or incorrect. The HLR should therefore ensure that at the conclusion of a stand alone Insert Subscriber data procedure the data in the VLR do not require a capability that the VLR does not have. Possible mechanisms to ensure this are described in 3GPP TS 23.078 [98].

The HLR should send a Forwarded-to number which is not in E.164 international format to the VLR only when the HLR has ascertained that the VLR supports CAMEL Phase 2 or later. Thus, the ISD message containing the Forwarded-to number which is not in E.164 international format shall be sent to the VLR only if the HLR previously received confirmation from the VLR at Location Update that CAMEL Phase 2 or later is supported.