25.3 The page and search macros

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

25.3.1 Macro PAGE_MSC

This macro is called if an unstructured SS notification, a network-initiated unstructured SS request or a mobile terminating short message is to be delivered to the MS and the current location area identity of the MS is known in the VLR.

If an MM-connection over the radio link already exists for the given IMSI, the MSC sets the access connection status according to the characteristics of the existing connection (i.e. RR-connection established, ciphering mode on/off, MM-connection existing and authenticated or not).

If the MSC pages the MS and the VLR provided the TMSI, the MSC uses it to identify the MS at the radio interface; otherwise the MSC uses the IMSI. The MSC also uses the IMSI to determine the page group (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]).

If the MS responds with a channel request containing an establishment cause which is not "answer to paging" the MSC sends a MAP_PAGE response primitive with user error Busy Subscriber. This gives priority to the mobile originating request. Alternatively, as an implementation option, the MSC may treat this as a response to paging, which gives priority to the mobile terminating request.

If the paging is for MT SMS delivery and the VLR aborts the transaction before the MSC receives a response from the MS, the MSC aborts the transaction with the SMS-GMSC.

25.3.2 Macro Search_For_MS_MSC

This macro is called if an unstructured SS notification, a network-initiated unstructured SS request or a mobile terminating short message is to be delivered to the MS and the current location area identity of the MS is not known in VLR.

If an MM-connection over the radio link already exists for the given IMSI, the MSC returns a MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS response containing the IMSI and current location area identification of the called MS to the VLR and sets the access connection status according to the characteristics of the existing connection (i.e. RR-connection established, ciphering mode on/off, MM-connection existing and authenticated or not).

If the MSC pages the MS, the MSC uses the IMSI to identify the subscriber and the page group (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [35]).

If the MS responds with a channel request containing an establishment cause which is not "answer to paging" the MSC sends a MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS response with user error Busy Subscriber. This gives priority to the mobile originating request. Alternatively, as an implementation option, the MSC may treat this as a response to paging, which gives priority to the mobile terminating request.

If the paging is for MT SMS delivery and the VLR aborts the transaction before the MSC receives a response from the MS, the MSC aborts the transaction with the SMS-GMSC.

Figure 25.3/1: Macro Page_MSC

Figure 25.3/2: Macro Search_for_MS_MSC