25.10 Short Message Alert procedures

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

25.10.1 Process Subscriber_Present_VLR

The VLR invokes the process Subscriber_Present_VLR when the mobile subscriber becomes active. The general description of the short message alert procedures is in clause 23.4 of the present document.

25.10.2 Process SubscriberPresent_SGSN

The SGSN invokes the process Subscriber_Present_SGSN when it receives a Page response, a GPRS Attach request or a Routing area update request message (3GPP TS 24.008 [35]). The general description of the short message alert procedures is in clause 23.4 of the present document.

25.10.3 Macro Alert_Service_Centre_HLR

The HLR invokes the macro Alert_Service_Centre_HLR when Service Centre(s) are to be alerted.

25.10.4 Process Alert_SC_HLR

It is an operator option to resend the MAP_ALERT_SERVICE_CENTRE request to the SMS-IWMSC if the alert is unsuccessful. The number of repeat attempts and the interval between them is also an operator option. The service centre address should be purged from the MWD list if the alert is consistently unsuccessful.

Figure 25.10/1: Process Subscriber_Present_VLR

Figure 25.10/2: Process Subscriber_Present_SGSN

Figure 25.10/3: Macro Alert_Service_Centre_HLR

Figure 25.10/4: Process Alert_SC_HLR

Annex A (informative):
ASN.1 Cross-reference listing and fully expanded sources

The ASN.1 Cross-reference listing and the fully expanded ASN.1 sources of the MAP protocol are provided for information at http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/29_series/29.002/ASN.1/

Annex B (informative): Void

Annex C (informative):
Message Segmentation Mechanisms

Various segmentation mechanisms are in use to overcome the problem where a MAP parameter carried in an Invoke, Result (or Error) component is too long to fit into a single SCCP UDT message. These mechanisms are: