24A.3 Any Time Modification procedure

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

24A.3.1 General

The message flow for successful modification of subscription information related to an any time modification request from the CAMEL server is shown in figure 24A.3/1

Figure 24A.3/1: Message flow for any time modification

The following MAP service is used to modify subscription information:

MAP_ANY_TIME_MODIFICATION see clause 8.11.4.

24A.3.2 Process in the gsmSCF

The MAP process in the gsmSCF to modify subscription information in response to a request from the application process in the gsmSCF is shown in figure 24A.3/2. The MAP process invokes macros not defined in this clause; the definitions of these macros can be found as follows:

Receive_Open_Cnf see clause 25.1.2;

Check_Confirmation see clause 25.2.2

24A.3.3 Process in the HLR

The MAP process in the HLR to modify subscriber information in response to a modification request from the CAMEL server is shown in figure 24A.3/3. The MAP process invokes a macro and a process not defined in this clause; the definitions of these can be found as follows:

Check_Indication see clause 25.2.2;

Insert_Subs_Data_Stand_Alone_HLR see clause 25.7.3;

If the macro takes the OK exit, the MAP process waits for a service indication.

If the MAP_ANY_TIME_MODIFICATION service response cannot be carried in a single TC-Result component, it is carried in one or more TC-Result-NL components (each sent in a TC-CONTINUE), followed by a TC-Result-L component in a TC-END message.

If the serving node (VLR or SGSN) is to be updated after the modification, the MAP process creates an instance of the appropriate process (Insert_Subs_Data_Stand_Alone_HLR for VLR update, Insert_GPRS_Subs_Data_Stand_Alone_HLR for SGSN update).

Figure 24A.3/2: Process ATM_gsmSCF

Figure 24A.3/3: Process ATM_HLR