23.4.2 Procedures in the VLR

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS The Mobile Subscriber is present

If the VLR successfully handles a MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST indication or a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA indication while the MS Not Reachable Flag (MNRF) is set, the VLR sends a MAP_READY_FOR_SM request to the HLR. The Alert Reason is set to indicate that the mobile subscriber is present for non GPRS. If authentication fails during the handling of a MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST indication or a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA indication, the VLR shall not send a MAP_READY_FOR_SM request to the HLR. The process in the VLR is described in detail in clause 25.10.1. The MS has memory available

The process starts when the VLR receives dialogue opening request followed by a MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST indication including a CM service type Short Message Service. The MAP process invokes macros not defined in this clause; the definitions of these macros can be found as follows:

Receive_Open_Ind see clause 25.1.1;

Receive_Open_Cnf see clause 25.1.2;

Check_Indication see clause 25.2.1;

Check_Confirmation see clause 25.2.2.

The short message alert process in the VLR for the MS memory capacity available case is shown in figure 23.4/5.