23.3.4 Procedure in the VLR

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

Any CAMEL-specific handling defined in this clause is omitted if the VLR does not support CAMEL control of MT SMS.

The process starts when the VLR receives a dialogue opening request from the MSC. The process invokes macros not defined in this clause; the definitions of these macros can be found as follows:

Receive_Open_Ind see clause 25.1.1;

Check_Indication see clause 25.2.1;

Check_Confirmation see clause 25.2.2;

Process_Access_Request_VLR see clause 25.4.2.

The mobile terminated short message transfer process in the VLR is shown in figure 23.3/9.

If the VLR has no IMSI record, or if the record is marked "Subscriber Data Not Confirmed by HLR", the VLR may perform the data restoration procedure as specified in clause 4.2.2 in 3GPP TS 23.007 [19].