22.4.4 Procedure in the HLR

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

The MAP process invokes a macro and a process not defined in this clause; the definitions of the macro and process can be found as follows:

Check_Indication see clause 25.2.1;

Insert_Subs_Data_Stand_Alone_HLR see clause 25.7.3.

The supplementary service request shall be processed according to 3GPP TS 23.011 [22] and the 23.08x and 23.09x-series of technical specifications. This handling may lead to a successful result, a partially successful result or an error being returned.

For call independent SS operations, each message shall contain only a single component. Messages which contain more than one component will be stopped at the air interface (as specified in 3GPP TS 29.011 [59]):

The activation process in the HLR is shown in figure 22.4.4/1.

Figure 22.4.2/1: Process Activate_SS_MSC

Figure 22.4.3/1 (sheet 1 of 2): Process Activate_SS_VLR

Figure 22.4.3/1 (sheet 2 of 2): Process Activate_SS_VLR

Figure 22.4.4/1 (sheet 1 of 2): Process Activate_SS_HLR

Figure 22.4.4/1 (sheet 2 of 2): Process Activate_SS_HLR