22.11 Common macros for clause 22

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

The following macros are used for the description of more than one of the supplementary service processes described in clause 22.

22.11.1 SS Password handling macros

Macro Get_Password_MSC

This macro is used by the MSC to relay a request for password from the VLR to the MS, and to relay a response from the MS back to the VLR. The macro is shown in figure 22.11.1/1.

Macro Get_Password_VLR

This macro is used by the VLR to relay a request for password from the HLR to the MSC, and to relay a response from the MSC back to the HLR. The macro invokes a macro not defined in this clause; the definition of this macro can be found as follows:

Check_Indication see clause 25.2.1.

The macro is shown in figure 22.11.1/2.

22.11.2 Void

Figure 22.11.1/1: Macro Get_Password_MSC

Figure 22.11.1/2: Macro Get_Password_VLR

Figure 22.11.2/1 void

Figure 22.11.2/2 void

Figure 22.11.2/3 void

Figure 22.11.2/4 void

Figure 22.11.2/5 void