15.6 SDL descriptions

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

The following SDL specification describes a system which includes three blocks: MAP-user, MAP-provider and TC.

Such a system resides in each network component supporting MAP and communicates with its peers via the lower layers of the signalling network which are part of the environment.

Only the MAP-provider is fully described in this clause. The various types of processes which form the MAP-User block and the TC block are described respectively in clauses 18 to 25 of the present document and in CCITT Recommendation Q.774.

The MAP-Provider block communicates with the MAP_USER via two channels U1 and U2. Via U1 the MAP-provider receives the MAP request and response primitives. Via U2 it sends the MAP indication and confirm primitives.

The MAP-Provider block communicates with TC via two channels P1 and P2. Via P1 the MAP-Provider sends all the TC request primitives. Via P2 it receives all the TC indication primitives.

The MAP-Provider block is composed of the four following types of process:

a) MAP_DSM: This type of process handles a dialogue for transport of MAP messages. There exists one process instance per MAP dialogue.

b) Load_Ctrl: This type of process is in charge of load control. There is only one instance of this process in each system.

c) Requesting_MAP_SSM: This type of process handles a MAP service requested during a dialogue. An instance of this process is created by the instance of the MAP_DSM process for each requested MAP service.

d) Performing_MAP_SSM: This type of process handles a MAP service performed during a dialogue. An instance of this process is created by the instance of the MAP_DSM process for each MAP service to be performed.

A process MAP_DSM exchanges external signals with other blocks as well as internal signals with the other processes of the MAP-Provider block. The external signals are either MAP service primitives or TC service primitives.

The signal routes used by the various processes are organised as follows:

a) A process MAP_DSM receives and sends events from/to the MAP_user via signal route User1/User2. These routes use channels U1 and U2 respectively.

b) A process MAP_DSM receives and sends events from/to the TCAP via signal route TC1/TC2. These routes use channels P1 and P2 respectively.

c) A process MAP_DSM receives and sends events from/to the LOAD_CTRL process via signal route Load1/Load2. These routes are internal.

d) A process MAP_DSM sends events to the Performing_MAP_SSM processes via signal route Intern1. This route is internal.

e) A process MAP_DSM sends events to the Requesting_MAP_SSM processes via signal route Intern2. This route is internal.

f) A process Performing_MAP_SSM sends events to the MAP_USER via signal route User3. This route uses channel U2.

g) A process Performing_MAP_SSM sends events to the TCAP via signal route TC3. This route uses channel P1.

h) A process Requesting_MAP_SSM sends events to the MAP_USER via signal route User4. This route uses channel U2.

i) A process Requesting_MAP_SSM sends events to the TCAP via signal route TC4. This route uses channel P1.

Figure 15.6/1: System MAP_Stack

Figure 15.6/2: Block MAP_Provider

Figure 15.6/3a: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 1)

Figure 15.6/3b: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 2)

Figure 15.6/3c: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 3)

Figure 15.6/3d: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 4)

Figure 15.6/3e: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 5)

Figure 15.6/3f: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 6)

Figure 15.6/3g: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 7)

Figure 15.6/3h: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 8)

Figure 15.6/3i: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 9)

Figure 15.6/3j: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 10)

Figure 15.6/3k: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 11)

Figure 15.6/3l: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 12)

Figure 15.6/3m: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 13)

Figure 15.6/3n: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 14)

Figure 15.6/30: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 15)

Figure 15.6/3p: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 16)

Figure 15.6/3q: Process MAP_DSM (sheet 17)

Figure 15.6/4a: Procedure Process_Components (sheet 1)

Figure 15.6/4b: Procedure Process_Components (sheet 2)

Figure 15.6/4c: Procedure Process_Components (sheet 3)

Figure 15.6/4d: Procedure Process_Components (sheet 4)

Figure 15.6/4e: Procedure Process_Components (sheet 5)

Figure 15.6/5: Process Load_Ctrl

Figure 15.6/6a: Process Requesting_MAP_SSM (sheet 1)

Figure 15.6/6b: Process Requesting_MAP_SSM (sheet 2)

Figure 15.6/6c: Process Requesting_MAP_SSM (sheet 3)

Figure 15.6/6d: Process Requesting_MAP_SSM (sheet 4)

Figure 15.6/8a: Process Performing_MAP_SSM (sheet 1)

Figure 15.6/8b: Process Performing_MAP_SSM (sheet 2)