15.5 Procedures for MAP specific services

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

This clause describes the MAP procedures for MAP specific services. These procedures are driven by the following types of event:

– a MAP specific request or a MAP specific response primitive;

– a component handling primitive from TC.

A Service State Machine is activated when of one of the following signals is received:

– a MAP request primitive, which activates a requesting SSM;

– a TC-INVOKE indication primitive without a linked identifier, which activates a performing SSM.

For component handling primitives there are two types of event:

– events which activate a Service State Machine or which can be related to an existing one;

– events which cannot be related to a Service State Machine.

15.5.1 Service invocation

The behaviour of the requesting SSM which handles a service is defined by the SDL for the process Requesting_MAP_SSM. The requesting SSM receives a MAP service request from the MAP-Service User via the MAP dialogue state machine and sends a TC-INVOKE request to TCAP. When a confirm is received from TCAP via the MAP dialogue state machine, the requesting SSM forwards a MAP service confirm to the MAP-Service User.

The response to a MAP service invocation may come in the form of a linked request. If the linked request corresponds to a class 4 operation, this is handled by the requesting SSM. If the linked request corresponds to a class 1, 2 or 3 operation, the MAP dialogue state machine sends a notification to the requesting SSM and creates an instance of a performing SSM to handle the linked request. The test "Linked_Operation_Allowed" on sheet 3 of the process Requesting_MAP_SSM takes the (TRUE) exit if the definition of the parent operation includes the received linked operation as a permitted linked operation; otherwise the test takes the (FALSE) exit.

The mapping of MAP specific services on to remote operations is given in table 16.2/1.

15.5.2 Void

15.5.3 Service invocation receipt

The behaviour of the performing SSM which handles a service is defined by the SDL for the process Performing_MAP_SSM. The performing SSM receives a TC-INVOKE component from TCAP via the MAP dialogue state machine and sends a MAP service indication to the MAP-Service User. When a MAP service response is received from the MAP-Service User via the MAP dialogue state machine, the performing SSM forwards a TC-RESULT or TC-U-ERROR component to TCAP.

15.5.4 Void

15.5.5 Handling of components received from TC

The procedure Process_Components shows the handling of components received in a TC-BEGIN, TC-CONTINUE or TC-END message.

Sheet 2: If a linked invoke component corresponds to a class 4 operation, the MAP dialogue state machine sends it to the requesting SSM instance identified by the linked invoke ID. If a linked invoke component corresponds to any other class of operation, the MAP dialogue state machine sends a notification to the requesting SSM instance identified by the linked invoke ID, creates an instance of a performing SSM and sends the invoke component to it.