14 General

29.0023GPPMobile Application Part (MAP) specificationRelease 17TS

14.1 Overview

Clauses 14 to 17 specify the protocol elements to be used to provide the MAP services described in clause 7.

Clause 15 specifies the elements of procedures for the MAP protocol. Clause 16 specifies the mapping onto TC service primitives. Clause 17 specifies the application contexts, operation packages and abstract syntaxes for the MAP protocol as well as the encoding rules to be applied.

14.2 Underlying services

The MAP protocol relies on the services provided by the Transaction Capabilities (TC) of Signalling System Number No. 7, as referenced in clause 6.

14.3 Model

The MAP Protocol Machine (MAP PM) can be modelled as a collection of service state machines (SSMs) – one per MAP specific service invoked – coordinated by a MAP dialogue control function with its one state machine: MAP dialogue state machine (DSM). There are two types of Service State Machines: Requesting Service State Machines (RSM) and Performing Service State Machines (PSM).

A new invocation of a MAP PM is employed on the receipt of a MAP-OPEN request primitive or a TC-BEGIN indication primitive. Each invocation controls exactly one MAP dialogue. For each MAP specific service invoked during a dialogue, a MAP RSM is created at the requestor’s side and a MAP PSM is created at the performer’s side.

This modelling is used only to facilitate understanding and the MAP behaviour descriptions and is not intended to suggest any implementation. SDL descriptions are organised according to this model.

How the MAP-service-user and the MAP refer to a MAP dialogue (i.e. a MAP PM invocation) is a local implementation matter.

How TC dialogue identifiers are assigned to a MAP PM invocation is also a local implementation matter.

14.4 Conventions

The behaviour of the MAP PM depends on the application-context-name associated with the dialogue. One major difference is that the MAP requests the transfer of the application-context-name by TC only for those contexts which do not belong to the so-called "version one context set".

The "version one context set" is a set of application-contexts which model the behaviour of a MAP V1 implementation according to the latest phase 1 version of GSM 09.02. This set is defined in clause 15.

The procedures described in clause 15 are used when the application-context-name does not refer to a dialogue between an MSC and its VLR. When the application-context-name refers to a dialogue between an MSC and its VLR the MAP PM procedures are a local implementation matter.