O.3 Procedure to characterize the spurious emissions quality of the quiet zone for the permitted far field methods
38.521-23GPPNRPart 2: Range 2 StandaloneRadio transmission and receptionRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification
This procedure is mandatory before the spurious emissions test system is commissioned for certification tests and characterizes the quiet zone performance of the anechoic chamber, specifically the effect of reflections within the anechoic chamber including any positioners and support structures. Additionally, it includes the effect of offsetting the directive antenna array inside a DUT from the centre of the quiet zone, i.e., the centre of rotation of the DUT and measurement antenna positioning systems.
The quiet zone is illustrated in Figure O.2-1 which includes the definitions of centre of quiet zone range, i.e., the geometric centre of the positioning systems, and the range length, i.e., the distance between the centre of the quiet zone and the aperture of the measurement antenna.
The outcome of the procedures can be used to predict the variation of the TRP measurements, spherical surface integrals of EIRP, when the DUT is placed anywhere within the quiet zone and with the beam formed in any arbitrary direction inside the chamber
The reference coordinate system defined in Annex N applies to this procedure.