O.2.1 Equipment used
38.521-23GPPNRPart 2: Range 2 StandaloneRadio transmission and receptionRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification
The reference antenna under test (AUT) that is placed at various locations within the quiet zone shall be a directive antenna with similar properties of typical antenna arrays integrated in DUTs. The characteristics in terms of Directivity and Half Power Beamwidth (HPBW) of the reference AUT are shown in Figure O.2.1-1, O.2.1-2, and O.2.1-3.
Figure O.2.1-1: Directivity mask
Figure O.2.1-2: 2xHPBW-E mask
Figure O.2.1-3: 2xHPBW-H mask
AUT shall be symmetric on E and H planes.
The above masks for the reference antenna are met based on antenna vendors’ calibration report.
For the measurement, a combination of signal generator and spectrum analyser or a network analyser can be used. The multi-port (with three ports) network analyser is most suitable to reduce test time as both polarizations of the measurement antenna can be measured simultaneously, and multiple frequencies can be measured in a sweep.