M.4.5 TRP Grids for Spurious Emissions
38.521-23GPPNRPart 2: Range 2 StandaloneRadio transmission and receptionRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification
The worst antenna array assumptions for the MU simulations are outlined in Tables M.4.5-1 and M.4.5-2.
Table M.4.5-1: Single Antenna Element Radiation Pattern for spurious emission measurements
Antenna element horizontal radiation pattern |
, Am =30 dB |
Horizontal half-power beam width of single element |
260o |
Antenna element vertical radiation pattern |
, SLAv =30 dB |
Vertical half-power beam width of single array element |
130o |
Array element radiation pattern |
Element gain without antenna losses |
GE,max = 1.5 dBi |
Table M.4.5-2: Composite Antenna Array Radiation Pattern for spurious emission measurements
Composite array radiation pattern in dB |
the super position vector is given by: the weighting is given by: |
Antenna array configuration (Row×Column) |
8 x 2 |
Horizontal radiating element spacing, dh/λ |
1 |
Vertical radiating element spacing, dv/λ |
1 |
The TRP measurement grid selection for spurious emissions is up to test system implementation but shall meet the criteria shown in Table M.4.5-3.
Table M.4.5-3: TRP measurement grid requirement for spurious emission measurements
Level of Grid |
Grid Type |
Standard Deviation of MU Element ‘Influence of TRP Measurement’ |
Systematic error due to TRP calculation/quadrature |
Number of unique grid points |
Coarse |
Constant Density |
N/A |
N/A |
35 |
Constant-Step Size |
N/A |
N/A |
62 (==30o) |
Fine |
Constant Density |
0.32dB |
0dB |
135 |
Constant-Step Size |
0.31dB |
0dB |
==15o) |
For spurious emissions, TRP measurements with measurement antennas displaced up to 10o from the focal point (based on electrical switching) in an IFF (based on CATR) test system, alternate TRP approaches for constant-step size grids are allowed for the coarse and fine grids:
interpolation to the non-offset system coordinate system that allows the use of Clenshaw-Curtis or classical sin() quadratures
use of the advanced Jacobian matrix quadrature approach that uses triangulations of the sphere
Annex N (normative):
UE coordinate system