K.4 Near field to far field transform (NFTF)

38.521-23GPPNRPart 2: Range 2 StandaloneRadio transmission and receptionRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification

K.4.1 TX beam peak direction search

The TX beam peak direction is found with a 3D EIRP scan (separately for each orthogonal polarization) with a grid that is TBD. The TX beam peak direction is where the maximum total component of EIRP is found.


K.4.2 RX beam peak direction search

Not applicable for NFTF method.

K.4.3 Peak EIRP measurement procedure

1) Connect the SS (System Simulator) to the DUT through the measurement antenna with polarization reference PolMeas to form the TX beam towards the previously determined TX beam peak direction and respective polarization.

2) Lock the beam toward that direction for the entire duration of the test.

3) Perform a 3D pattern measurement (amplitude and phase) with the DUT sending a modulated signal.

4) Determine the EIRP for both polarization towards the TX beam peak direction by using a Near Field to Far Field transform.

5) Calculate total EIRP = EIRP + EIRP

K.4.4 Peak EIS measurement procedure

Not applicable for NFTF method.

K.4.5 EIRP spherical coverage

Same measurement procedure as in clause K.1.5.

K.4.6 EIS spherical coverage

Not applicable for NFTF method.

K.4.7 TRP measurement procedure

The minimum number of measurement points for TRP measurement grid is outlined in Annex M.4.

The measurement procedure includes the following steps:

1) Connect the SS to the DUT through the measurement antenna with polarization reference PolMeas to form the TX beam towards the previously determined TX beam peak direction and respective polarization.

2) Lock the beam toward that direction for the entire duration of the test.

3) Perform a 3D pattern measurement (amplitude and phase) with the DUT sending a modulated signal.

4) For each measurement point on the grid, determine the EIRP for both polarization by using a Near Field to Far Field transform.

5) The TRP value for the constant step size measurement grids are calculated using the TRP integration approaches outlined in Annex M.4.2. The TRP value for the constant density grid is calculated using the TRP integration formula in Annex M.4.3.

K.4.8 Blocking measurement procedure

Not applicable for NFTF method.

Annex L (normative): Void

Annex M:(normative)
Measurement grids

This appendix describes the assumptions and definition of the minimum number of measurement grid points for various grid types. Further details can be found in [5].

A total of three measurement grids are considered:

– Beam Peak Search Grid: using this grid, the TX and RX beam peak direction will be determined. 3D EIRP scans are used to determine the TX beam peak direction and 3D Throughput/RSRP/EIS scans for RX beam peak directions.

– Spherical Coverage Grid: using this grid, the CDF of the EIRP/EIS distribution in 3D is calculated to determine the spherical coverage performance.

– TRP Measurement Grid: using this grid, the total power radiated by the DUT in the TX beam peak direction is determined by integrating the EIRP measurements taken on the sampling grid.