5 Specification Level Requirements

28.3123GPPIntent driven management services for mobile networksManagement and orchestrationRelease 17TS

5.1 Use cases

5.1.1 Intent containing an expectation for delivering radio network Introduction

This use case describes a scenario where a MnS consumer express intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio network in the specified area to a MnS producer. In this scenario, MnS consumer expresses its intent expectation for delivering a radio network to MnS producer, which may include coverage area information (e.g. geographical areas), radio setting parameter sets (e.g. frequency information, range of gNB Id, range of PCI, range of Cell Id, range of nRTAC), transport setting parameters (including OM transport information (e.g. OMlocalIPaddress, OMremoteIPaddress, OMNextHopInfo) and NG transport information (e.g. list of NGlocalIPaddress, list of NGremoteIPaddress)), and supported network capacity information (e.g. maximum UE number) and network performance information (e.g. UL/DL throughput).

Based on the intent containing an expectation for radio network provisioning received, MnS producer identifies corresponding RAN NEs discovered in the specified coverage area, analyses and generates the configuration parameters (including radio configuration parameters and transport configuration parameters) for each identified RAN NE and corresponding Cells, creates MOI(s) for each RAN NEs and Cells and configure the created MOI(s), and performs verification for configured RAN NEs to enable the radio network in the specified area is successfully delivered and satisfy the received intent.

MnS producer notifies MnS consumer about the fulfilment information of the intent containing an expectation for delivering radio network after the verification is finished. Requirements

REQ-Intent_Deploy_Net-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to express intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio network for the specified area to MnS producer.

REQ-Intent_Deploy_Net-CON-2 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to obtain fulfilment information of the intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio network.

5.1.2 Intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio service Introduction

This use case describes a scenario where a MnS consumer express intent containing an expectation for delivering radio service (radio network as service) in the specified area to a MnS producer.

In this scenario, MnS consumer expresses its intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio service to MnS producer, which may include coverage area information (e.g. geographical areas), and supported service capacity information (e.g. maxNumberofUEs, activityFactor) and service performance information (e.g. serviceType, dLThptPerUEPerSubnet, uLThptPerUEPerSubnet).

Note: The slice agnostic parameters in RAN SliceProfile can be used for service capacity information and service performance information.

Based on the intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio service received, MnS producer decides to use radio network with slicing or radio network without slicing to support the intent:

– In case of using radio network with slicing, the use case for network slice subnet creation defined in 3GPP TS 28.531 [2] can be reused.

– In case of using radio network without slicing, MnS producer identifies corresponding RAN NEs and cells in the specified coverage area to support the intent, analyses and configure the service specific configuration parameters for corresponding RAN NE and Cells (e.g. RRM policies, supported services).

MnS producer notifies MnS consumer about the fulfilment information of the intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio service after the service configuration is finished. Requirements

REQ-Intent_Deploy_Sev-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to express intent containing an expectation for delivering a radio service for the specified area to MnS producer.

REQ-Intent_Deploy_Sev-CON-2 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to obtain fulfilment information of the intent containing an expectation for a service.

5.1.3 Intent containing an expectation for delivering a service Introduction

This use case describe a scenario where the MnS consumer, express the intent containing an expectation for delivering a service (e.g. at the edge of the network). The intent expectation for a service includes service type (URLLC, eMBB), service requirements (number of concurrent subscribers and number of concurrent sessions), service availability and the target location. Requirements

REQ-Intent_Deploy_Net-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling authorized MnS consumer to express intent containing an expectation for delivering a service (e.g. at the edge of the network) to MnS producer.

5.1.4 Intent containing an expectation on coverage performance to be assured Introduction

In this scenario, MnS consumer expresses its intent containing an expectation on coverage performances to be assured in the specified areas to NEP, which may include area information (e.g. geographical area), RATs (e.g. NR only, EUTRAN only, or all RATs), coverage targets (e.g. target average RSRP, target weak coverage ratio).

Based on the intent containing an expectation on coverage performance to be assured received, MnS producer collects and analyses corresponding coverage related data (e.g. RSRPs of the serving cell and neighbour cells reported by each UE with anonymous id (e.g. C-RNTI) and location information in the MDT reports)) of corresponding RAN NEs in the specified areas, identifies the potential coverage issues which will impact the coverage targets satisfaction, analyses the identified coverage issue and corresponding solutions, evaluates, decides and adjusts the coverage configuration parameters. The Artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies may be used in above workflow to satisfy the intent, for example, online iteration optimization technologies may be used to selecting the best coverage configuration parameters rapidly.

MnS producer continuously monitors the coverage performance (e.g. weak coverage ratio, average RSRP) for the specified area, and decides whether coverage targets described in the intent is satisfied. If not satisfied, NEP iteratively executes above workflows (including collect, identification, analysis, evaluation, decision and adjustment) to fulfil the coverage targets.

MnS producer may notify MnS consumer about the intent fulfilment information, including coverage performance for the specified area (e.g. weak coverage ratio, coverage hole ratio, average RSRP) which enables MnS consumer to monitor the intent containing an expectation on coverage performance to be assured. Requirements

REQ-Intent_Opt_Cov-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to express intent containing an expectation on coverage performance to be assured for the specified area to MnS producer.

REQ-Intent_Opt_Cov-CON-2 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to obtain fulfilment information of the intent containing an expectation on coverage performance to be assured.

5.1.5 Intent containing an expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured Introduction

In this scenario, MnS consumer expresses its intent containing an intent expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured to MnS producer, which may include area information (e.g. geographical area), RATs (e.g. NR only, EUTRAN only, or all RATs), RAN UE throughput targets (e.g. target average UL/DL RAN UE throughput, target percentage of UE with low UL/DL RAN UE throughput (e.g. < 5 Mbps), target percentage of UE with high UL/DL RAN UE throughput (e.g. > 50 Mbps)), optional performance scope (e.g. specific service type, specific UE groups).

Based on the intent containing expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured received, MnS producer collects and analyses corresponding RAN UE throughput related data in the specified areas, identifies the potential RAN UE throughput issues (e.g. low RAN UE throughput for certain areas, high load for certain areas, frequent handover), which will impact RAN UE throughput intent satisfaction, analyses, evaluates, decides and adjusts the radio feature configuration parameters for impacted RAN NEs/Cells in the specified areas. The Artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies may be used to select the optimal radio feature configuration parameters set rapidly to satisfy RAN UE throughput target.

MnS producer continuously monitors the RAN UE throughput performance (e.g. average UL/DL RAN UE throughput, percentage of UE with low UL/DL RAN UE throughput (e.g. < 5 Mbps), percentage of UE with high UL/DL RAN UE throughput (e.g. > 50 Mbps)) for the specified area, and decides whether RAN UE throughput target is satisfied.

MnS producer may notify MnS consumer about the intent fulfilment information, including the RAN UE throughput performance (e.g. average UL/DL RAN UE throughput, percentage of UE with low UL/DL RAN UE throughput) for the specified area which enables MnS consumer to monitor the intent containing an expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured. Requirements

REQ-Intent_Opt_Thp-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to express intent containing an expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured for specified area to MnS producer.

REQ-Intent_Opt_Thp-CON-2 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to obtain fulfilment information of intent containing an expectation on RAN UE throughput performance to be assured.

5.2 Generic requirements for intent driven MnS

REQ-Intent_Driven_MnS-CON-1 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to request MnS producer to create a new Intent instance.

REQ-Intent_Driven_MnS-CON-2 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to request MnS producer to remove an Intent instance.

REQ-Intent_Driven_MnS-CON-3 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS producer to report intent fulfilment information.

REQ-Intent_Driven_MnS-CON-4 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to request MnS producer to modify an existing Intent instance.

REQ-Intent_Driven_MnS-CON-5 The intent driven MnS shall have capability enabling MnS consumer to query intent instance information from MnS producer.