7 Frequency stability

25.1533GPPRelease 17TSUTRA repeater conformance testing (LCR TDD)

Frequency error is the measure of the difference between the frequency of the received signal and the frequency of the re-transmitted signal.

7.1 Definition and applicability

The frequency stability is a measure of the frequency deviation of the output signal with respect to the input signal. The test shall address the uplink and the downlink path of the Repeater.

7.2 Minimum Requirement

In normal conditions as specified in section 5.4.1 the frequency deviation shall be within ± 0,01 ppm.

7.3 Test purpose

To verify that the Frequency Error is within the limit specified in 7.2.

7.4 Method of test

7.4.1 Initial conditions

1) Set-up the equipment as shown in annex A.

2) Connect the signal generator equipment to the Repeater input port.

3) Connect the signal analyser to the Repeater output port..

7.4.2 Procedure

1) Set the signal generator to transmit one signal according to table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Parameters of the transmitted signal for Frequency stability test



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 6:

transmit, if i is 0, 4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

Number of DPCH in eachtime slot under test


BS output power setting


Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

2) Adjust the input power to the Repeater to create the maximum nominal Repeater output power at maximum gain.

3) Measure the frequency error for both paths uplink and downlink of the Repeater.

7.5 Test requirements

The measurement result of 7.4.2 shall not exceed:

| f IN – f out |  (f out * 0,01 ppm) + 12 Hz