5 General test conditions and declarations

25.1533GPPRelease 17TSUTRA repeater conformance testing (LCR TDD)

This specification applies only to LCR TDD Repeater.

The requirements of this clause apply to all applicable tests in this specification. Many of the tests in this specification measure a parameter relative to a value, that is not fully specified in the LCR TDD specifications. For these tests, the Minimum Requirement is determined relative to a nominal value specified by the manufacturer.

Some requirements for the Repeater may be regional as listed in subClause 5.6.

When specified in a test, the manufacturer shall declare the nominal value of a parameter, or whether an option is supported.

Schematic drawings for the individual measurement set-up can be found in the Annex A.

5.1 Acceptable uncertainty of Test System

The maximum acceptable uncertainty of the Test System is specified below for each test, where appropriate. The Test System shall enable the stimulus signals in the test case to be adjusted to within the specified tolerance, and the equipment under test to be measured with an uncertainty not exceeding the specified values. All tolerances and uncertainties are absolute values, and are valid for a confidence level of 95 %, unless otherwise stated.

A confidence level of 95% is the measurement uncertainty tolerance interval for a specific measurement that contains 95% of the performance of a population of test equipment.

For RF test it should be noted that the uncertainties in subClause 5.1 apply to the Test System operating into a nominal 50 ohm load and do not include system effects due to mismatch between the DUT and the Test System.

5.1.1 Measurements of test environments

The measurement accuracy of the Repeater test environments defined in SubClause 5.4, Test environments shall be.

Pressure: ± 5 kPa.

Temperature: ± 2 degrees.

Relative Humidity: ± 5 %.

DC Voltage: ± 1,0 %.

AC Voltage: ± 1,5 %.

Vibration: 10 %.

Vibration frequency: 0,1 Hz.

The above values shall apply unless the test environment is otherwise controlled and the specification for the control of the test environment specifies the uncertainty for the parameter.

5.1.2 Measurements of Repeater

Table 5.1: Maximum Test System Uncertainty


Maximum Test System Uncertainty

Range over which Test System Uncertainty applies

6 Maximum output power

0,7 dB

7 Frequency error

±12 Hz

Measurement results of  500 Hz

8 Out of band gain

±0,5 dB

Calibration of test set-up shall be made without D.U.T. in order to achieve the accuracy

9.1 Spectrum emission mask

1,5 dB

9.2 Spurious emissions

I 2,0 dB for BS and coexistence bands for results

> -60 dBm

 3,0 dB for results < -60 dBm

Outside above range:

f  2,2 GHz: ± 1,5 dB

2,2 GHz < f  4 GHz: ± 2,0 dB

f > 4 GHz: ± 4,0 dB

10.1 Error vector magnitude

± 2,5 % (single code applied)

(±2,5 % measurement error for single code).

5,0 % EVM in the stimulus signal (single code) will shift the EVM maximum value 0,7% to 18,2%. (RSS repeater EVM and Stimulus EVM.)

Measurement results from 12,5% to 22,5% at signal power = P_max – 3dB to P_max – 18 dB

10.2 Peak code domain error


Formula: RSS measurement error and impedance mismatch error

(using ±1,0 dB measurement error and ±0,5 dB impedance mismatch error (stimulus side) assuming 14 dB return loss)

Measurement results from – 36 dB to – 30 dB, at signal power = P_max – 3 dB to P_max – 18 dB

11 Input intermodulation Characteristics

±1,2 dB

Formula: RSS CW1 level error, 2 x CW2 level error, and measurement error (using all errors = ±0,5 dB)

12 Output Intermodulation

The value below applies to the setting of the interference signal level only and is unrelated to the measurement uncertainty of the tests (9.1and 9.2) which have to be carried out in the presence of the interference signal.

 1 dB

The uncertainty of the interferer has double the effect on the result due to the frequency offset.

13 Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio

0,7 dB

5.2 Repeater test tolerances (informative)

The Test Tolerances defined in this subclause have been used to relax the Minimum Requirements in this specification to derive the Test Requirements.

The Test Tolerances are derived from Test System uncertainties, regulatory requirements and criticality to system performance. As a result, the Test Tolerances may sometimes be set to zero.

The test tolerances should not be modified for any reason e.g. to take account of commonly known test system errors (such as mismatch, cable loss, etc.)

Table 5.2: Test Tolerance


Test Tolerance (Note 1)


6 Maximum output power

0,7 dB

9.1 Spectrum emission mask

1,5 dB

0 dB test tolerance for the additional Band II, IV and V requirements

9.2 Spurious emissions

0 dB

7 Frequency error

12 Hz

10.1 Error vector magnitude

0 %

Target value is shifted due to stimulus EVM

10.2 Peak code domain error

1,1 dB

8 Out of band gain


11 Input intermodulation Characteristics


12 Output intermodulation

1,5 dB for spectrum emission

0 dB for spurious emission

13 Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio

0,7 dB

NOTE 1: Unless otherwise stated, The Test Tolerances are applied to the DUT Minimum Requirement. See Annex B.

5.3 Interpretation of measurement results

The measurement results returned by the Test System are compared – without any modification – against the Test Requirements as defined by the shared risk principle.

The Shared Risk principle is defined in ETR 273 Part 1 sub-part 2 section 6.5.

The actual measurement uncertainty of the Test System for the measurement of each parameter shall be included in the test report.

The recorded value for the Test System uncertainty shall be, for each measurement, equal to or lower than the appropriate figure in subClause 5.1 of this specification.

If the Test System for a test is known to have a measurement uncertainty greater than that specified in subClause 5.1, it is still permitted to use this equipment provided that an adjustment is made as follows:

Any additional uncertainty in the Test System over and above that specified in subClause 5.1 shall be used to tighten the Test Requirement – making the test harder to pass.

This procedure will ensure that a Test System not compliant with subClause 4.1 does not increase the chance of passing a device under test where that device would otherwise have failed the test if a Test System compliant with subClause 4.1 had been used.

5.4 Test Environment

For each test in the present document, the environmental conditions under which the Repeater is to be tested are defined.

5.4.1 Normal test environment

When a normal test environment is specified for a test, the test should be performed under any combination of conditions between the minimum and maximum limits stated in table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Limits of conditions for Normal Test Environment




Barometric pressure

86 kPa

106 kPa




Relative Humidity

20 %

85 %

Power supply

Nominal, as declared by the manufacturer



The ranges of barometric pressure, temperature and humidity represent the maximum variation expected in the uncontrolled environment of a test laboratory. If it is not possible to maintain these parameters within the specified limits, the actual values shall be recorded in the test report.

NOTE: This may, for instance, be the case for measurements of radiated emissions performed on an open field test site.

5.4.2 Extreme test environment

The manufacturer shall declare one of the following:

a) The equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in IEC 60721-3-3 [2].

b) The equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in IEC 60721-3-4 [3].

c) For equipment that does not comply to the mentioned classes, the relevant classes from IEC 60 721 documentation for Temperature, Humidity and Vibration shall be declared.

NOTE: Reduced functionality for conditions that fall out side of the standard operational conditions are not tested in this TS. These may be stated and tested separately. Extreme temperature

When an extreme temperature test environment is specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard minimum and maximum operating temperatures defined by the manufacturer’s declaration for the equipment under test.

Minimum temperature:

– The test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4], Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Tests A: Cold. The equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.

Maximum temperature:

– The test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena in to the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] (Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Tests Bd Dry heat). The equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.

NOTE: It is recommended that the equipment is made fully operational prior to the equipment being taken to its lower operating temperature.

5.4.3 Vibration

When vibration conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed while the equipment is subjected to a vibration sequence as defined by the manufacturers declaration for the equipment under test. This shall use the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena in to the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑6 [8], Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Test Fc and guidance: Vibration (Sinusoidal). Other environmental conditions shall be within the ranges specified in subClause 4.4.1, Normal test environment.

NOTE: The higher levels of vibration may induce undue physical stress in to equipment after a prolonged series of tests. The testing body should only vibrate the equipment during the RF measurement process.

5.4.4 Power supply

When extreme power supply conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard upper and lower limits of operating voltage defined by the manufacturer’s declaration for the equipment under test.

Upper voltage limit

– The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the upper limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at a steady state minimum and maximum limit declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4] Test Ab/Ad: Cold and IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

Lower voltage limit

– The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the lower limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at a steady state minimum and maximum limit declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4] Test Ab/Ad: Cold and IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

5.5 Selection of configurations for testing

Measurements shall be performed within the time slots under test as specified individually for each test within the subclause " Procedure ".

Most tests in this TS are only performed for a subset of the possible combinations of test conditions. For instance:

‑ Only one RF channel may be specified to be tested.

‑ Only one timeslot may be specified to be tested.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the choice of which combinations are to be tested shall be specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

When a test is performed by a manufacturer, the choice of which combinations are to be tested may be specified by an operator.

5.6 Regional requirements

Some requirements in TS 25.153 may only apply in certain regions. Table 5.4 lists all requirements that may be applied differently in different regions.

Table 5.4: List of regional requirements

Sub-clause number




Frequency bands

Some bands may be applied regionally.


Up-link to down-link frequency separation

The requirement is applied according to what frequency bands in clause 5.1 that are supported by the Repeater.


Channel arrangement

The requirement is applied according to what frequency bands in clause 5.1 that are supported by the Repeater.


Maximum output power

In certain regions, the minimum requirement for normal conditions may apply also for some conditions outside the ranges of conditions defined as normal.


Spectrum emission mask

The mask specified may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied.

Spurious emissions (Category A)

These requirements shall be met in cases where Category A limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], are applied.

Spurious emissions (Category B)

These requirements shall be met in cases where Category B limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], are applied.

Co-existence with GSM900 -Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of GSM 900 MS and GSM 900 BTS in geographic areas in which both GSM 900 and UTRA are deployed.

Co-existence with GSM900 –
Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of GSM 900 BTS receivers when GSM 900 BTS and UTRA BS are co-located.

Co-existence with DCS1800 -Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of DCS 1800 MS and DCS 1800 BTS in geographic areas in which both DCS 1800 and UTRA are deployed.

Co-existence with DCS1800 –
Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of DCS 1800 BTS receivers when DCS 1800 BTS and UTRA BS are co-located.

Co-existence with UTRA FDD –
Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied to geographic areas in which both UTRA-TDD and UTRA-FDD are deployed.

Co-existence with UTRA FDD –
Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of UTRA-FDD BS receivers when UTRA-TDD BS and UTRA FDD BS are co-located.

Co-existence with unsynchronised TDD – Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers in geographic areas in which unsynchronised TDD is deployed.

Co-existence with unsynchronised TDD – Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers when unsynchronised TDD BS are co-located.


Input intermodulation: Co-location with other systems

The requirement may be applied when GSM 900, DCS 1800, PCS1900, GSM850 and/or UTRA FDD BS operating in another frequency band and LCR TDD Repeaters are co-located.


Input Intermodulation: Co-existence with other systems

These requirements may apply in geographic areas in which both LCR TDD Repeater and GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, GSM850 and/or UTRA FDD operating in another frequency band are deployed.

5.7 Format and interpretation of tests

Each test in the following clauses has a standard format:

X Title

All tests are applicable to all equipment within the scope of the present document, unless otherwise stated.

X.1 Definition and applicability

This subclause gives the general definition of the parameter under consideration and specifies whether the test is applicable to all equipment or only to a certain subset.

X.2 Minimum Requirements

This subclause is an informative copy of the Minimum Requirement defined by the core specification.

In addition, this subclause contains the reference to the subclause to the 3GPP reference (or core) specification which defines the Minimum Requirement.

X.3 Test purpose

This subclause defines the purpose of the test.

X.4 Method of test

X.4.1 Initial conditions

This subclause defines the initial conditions for each test, including the basic measurement set-up.

X.4.2 Procedure

This subclause describes the steps necessary to perform the test and provides further details of the test definition like point of access (e.g. antenna port), domain (e.g. frequency-span), range, weighting (e.g. bandwidth), and algorithms (e.g. averaging).

X.5 Test Requirements

This subclause defines the pass/fail criteria for the equipment under test. See subClause 4.3 Interpretation of measurement results.

5.8 Repeater configurations

5.8.1 Power supply options

If the repeater is supplied with a number of different power supply configurations, it may not be necessary to test RF parameters for each of the power supply options, provided that it can be demonstrated that the range of conditions over which the equipment is tested is at least as great as the range of conditions due to any of the power supply configurations.

5.8.2 Combining of Repeaters

If the repeater is intended for combination with additional apparatus connected to a repeater port and this combination is supplied as a system, the combination of repeater together with the additional apparatus shall also fulfil the repeater requirements. E.g. if the repeater is intended for combination such that multiple repeaters amplify the same signals into the same ports the combination shall also fulfil the repeater requirements.

An example of such a configuration is shown in figure 5.1

Figure 5.1: Example of repeater configuration