H.2 EPC-based cdma2000 HRPD Access

23.2033GPPPolicy and charging control architectureRelease 17TS

In case of EPC-based cdma2000 HRPD access the BBERF is located in the HRPD Serving Gateway (HSGW) defined in 3GPP2 X.S0057 [20].

The HSGW of an EPC-based cdma2000 HRPD access that supports a Gxa interface shall support all the Gxa procedures defined in this specification.

NOTE 1: If the HSGW does not support the Gxa interface, the HSGW performs QoS enforcement in the HRPD access based on subscription-based QoS policies provided by the 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy during access authentication and/or static QoS policies configured in the HSGW. However, this is out of the scope of this specification.

The operator may configure an indicator in HSS which is delivered to the BBERF in HSGW within the Charging Characteristics and used by the BBERF to not establish the Gateway Control Session during the IP-CAN session establishment procedure.

NOTE 2: The decision to not establish the Gateway Control Session applies for the life time of the IP-CAN session.

NOTE 3: The indicator in the HSS is operator specific, therefore it can only be used in non-roaming cases.

During the pre-registration phase in case of optimised EUTRAN-to-HRPD handovers, the Serving GW and the HSGW are associated with the IP‑CAN session(s) of the UE in the PCRF. The HSGW is the non-primary BBERF. For each PDN connection, if the UE has acquired an IPv6 prefix via the 3GPP access, the PCRF (H-PCRF in the home-routed case, V-PCRF in the local-breakout case) shall provide the IPv6 prefix of UE to the HSGW during the Gateway Control Session establishment procedure. In order to allow PCRF to link the new Gateway Control session to a Gx session based on the information received in the Gateway Control session establishment message, it is assumed that there is only a single IP-CAN session per PDN ID and IMSI.

NOTE 4: The HSGW performs QoS mapping between the QoS parameters exchanged across Gxa interface and the cdma2000 HRPD QoS parameters used within the HRPD access. However, this is out of the scope of this specification.

For EPC based cdma2000 HRPD access, the IP-CAN bearer establishment mode for all of the simultaneous IP‑CAN sessions between a UE and a PDN shall have the same value.

NOTE 5: The UE is supposed to assign the same BCM value and the PCRF is supposed to keep the value assigned by the UE.