7.4 Short Message receipt
23.1423GPPInterface and signalling flowRelease 17TSValue-added Services for SMS (VAS4SMS)
Short Message Receipt is a terminating VAS. The procedure of the short message receipt refers to the general flow for VAS SMS described in the clause 7.0.2. The VAS AS checks that the terminating user has activated the Short Message Receipt service and generates a new short message as the receipt of original message.
Figure 7.4-1 Short Message receipt procedure
1-4. See general flow described in the previous clause 7.0. The VAS AS B checks that a terminating user has activated short message receipt service and indicates to the SMS Node B there is terminating VAS active.
5. According to user B’s preferences, the VAS AS B decides a message receipt is needed and shall be sent to user A. The VAS AS B takes a loop check for original SM. If there is a loop prevention indication set in the SM, the VAS AS B shall not apply short message receipt service and do not go to following steps.
6-9. The VAS AS B delivers the original short message to the terminating user. See general flow described in the previous clause 7.0.
10. The VAS AS B generates a receipt short message, based on the report received in step 9 and terminating user’s preferences. The receipt message shall include a loop prevention indication that indicating it is a message generated for message receipt service of user B.
11-14. The VAS AS B delivers the message receipt to the originating user. See general flow described in the previous clause 7.0.
15. The VAS AS B generates a report of the short message and sends it to SMS Node B.
16. The SMS Node B notifies the originating side of the delivery status.