G.6 Data Format BNF

23.0403GPPRelease 17Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)TS

The following notation is used in the present document for BNF syntax:

< >

Enclose term names


Separates alternatives (exclusive OR)

[ ]

Square brackets enclose optional items in syntax descriptions.  

{ }

{} Term enclosed is used zero or more times


() Enclose groups of alternative terms

From … to


Start with comments


Bit value 0 in bit stream


Bit value 1 in bit stream

‘ ‘

Terminator described by enclosed text

Notes for reading the BNF:

NOTE 1: The bit value appearing at the left in the BNF indicates it is arranged in the front in the bit stream.

NOTE 2: Notation 00…11 is equivalent to ( 00 | 01 | 10 | 11).

NOTE 3: Notation ( 0 | 1 <val> ) is used in the BNF in many occurrences for optionally omitting a value. In this example, it indicates either a specific value <val> can be used, or it can be omitted when default value can be used. The bit value 0 or 1 indicates if <val> is specified.

NOTE 4: Signed integers use Two’s Complement representation.

WVG (Wireless Vector Graphics)

<WVG> ::= ( 0 <character size WVG>) | ( 1 <standard WVG> )

<character size WVG> ::= <character size WVG header> <line elements>

<standard WVG> ::= <standard WVG header> <elements>


<text code mode> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for 7-bit GSM character set. 1 for 16-bit UCS-2

<string length> ::= ‘unsigned 8-bit integer’ ; number of GSM or UCS-2 characters

; GSM extension characters are counted as one character

; <string length> = 0 means null string

<char> ::= ‘unsigned 7 bit integer’ ; 7-bit GSM character value

; Extension table are supported but the Another Extension; and the

; Page Break are not supported.

| unsigned 16 bit integer’ ; 16-bit UCS-2 value

; CR is supported but other control characters are not supported

; (ignored when processed).

<mask> := 0 | 1 ; 0 for false, 1 for true

<hint> := 0 | 1 ; 0 for false, 1 for true

Character Size WVG Header

<character size WVG header> ::= ( 0 ( <aspect ratio> <line element mask> <relative use>

<parameters X-0> <parameters Y-0> ) )

; standard header

| ( 1 ( <line element mask> <relative use> <MaxXYInBits0> ) )

; compact header. In this case, x and y grid are same,

; default peak value 1.0, default aspect ratio1:1.

; Note: character size WVG always use compact coordinate mode

<line element mask> ::= <mask> ; true for at least one polyline element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one circular polyline element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one Bezier polyline element in the drawing

<relative use> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for all points use absolute coordinates,

; 1 for at least one point uses relative coordinate (offset mode)

<parameters X-0> ::= <MaxXInBits0> <peak description>

<parameters Y-0> ::= <MaxYInBits0> <peak description>

<MaxXInBits0> ::= <bits indicator >

<MaxXInBits0> ::= <bits indicator >

<MaxXYInBits0> ::= <bits indicator >

<bits indicator> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for 3 bits (max value 7), 01 for 4 bits (max value 15)

;10 for 5 bits (max value 31), 11 for 6 bits (max value 63)

<peak description> ::= 00…11 ; 00: peak value 1.0, no peak position required

; 01: peak value 1.5, peak position 0.5

; 10: peak value 1.5, peak position 0.3333

; 11: peak value 1.5, peak position 0.6667

Character Size WVG Elements

<line elements> ::= <number of line elements> <line element> { <line element> }

<number of line elements> ::= ‘unsigned 7-bit integer’ ; maximum 127 elements

<line element> ::= <line header>

( <polyline element> | <circular polyline element> |<Bezier polyline element> )

<line header> ::= <line element type> [ <point mode> ] ; appear when <relative use> = 1

<line element type> ::= ; empty, when <line element mask> = 100, 010 or 100

0 | 1 ; when <line element mask> = 011, 110, 110 or 101

; 0 for the firstelement with mask value 1 in the <line element mask>

; 1 for the second element with mask value 1 in <line element mask>

00..11 ; 00 for polyline, 01 for circular polyline, 10 for Bezier polyline

; ( when <line element mask> = 111>)

<point mode> ::= 0 | (1 <offset bit use>) ; 0 for use of absolute coordinate for <Next Point>

; 1 for using relative coordinate (offset mode) for <Next Point>

Standard WVG Header

<standard WVG header> ::= <general info> <color configuration> <codec parameters> <animation settings>

<general info> ::= <version> 0 | ( 1 <text code mode> <author string> <title string> <time stamp> )

<version> ::= 0000…1111

<author string> ::= 0 | (1 <string length> <char> { <char> } )

<title string> := 0 | (1 <string length> <char> { <char> } )

<time stamp> ::= 0 | (1 <year> <month> <day> <hour> <minute> <second> )

<year> ::=’signed_13_bit_integer’

<month> ::=’unsigned_4_bit_integer’ ; range 1-12

<day> ::= ‘unsigned_5_bit_integer’ ; range 1-31

<hour> ::= ‘unsigned_5_bit_integer’ ; range 0-23

<minute> ::= ‘unsigned_6_bit_integer’ ; range 0-59

<second> ::= ‘unsigned_6_bit_integer’ ; range 0-59>


<color configuration> ::= <color scheme> <default colors>

<color scheme> ::= 00 ; black and white

| 010 ; 2-bit gray scale

| 011 ; 2-bit predefined color. 4 color value 00, 01, 10, 11 are

; mapped to RGB color (255,255,255), (255,0,0),

; (0,255,0) and (0,0,255) respectively

| 100 ; 6-bit RGB color

| 101 ; websafe color

| 1100 <6-bit color palette> ; 6-bit RGB color using 2nd color palette

| 1101 <8-bit color palette> ; websafe color using 2nd palette

| 1110 ; for 12 bits color mode

| 1111 ; for 24 bits color mode

<6-bit color palette> ::= 00000…11111 ; A value equal to “number of color” – 1.


Maximum 32 color entries

{<6-bit RGB color>} ; specify color value from 0 to “number of color”-1

<8-bit color palette> ::= 0000000…1111111 ; A value equal to “number of color” – 1.

; Maximum 128 color entries

{ <8-bit websafe color> } ;specify color value from 0 to “number of color”-1

; Note: the decoder will decide number of bits used by <indexed

; RGB/websafe color> <indexed color> use 1 to 7 bits if <number of

; color> is 2, 3…4, 5…8, 9…16, 17…32, 33…64, 65…128.

<draw color> ::= <b/w color> ; when color scheme is 00

| <grayscale> ; when color scheme is 010

| <2-bit predefined color> ; when color scheme is 011

| <6-bit RGB color> ; when color scheme is 100

| <8-bit websafe color> ; when color scheme is 101

| <indexed RGB color> ; when color scheme is 1100

| <indexed websafe color> ; when color scheme is 1101

| <12 bit RGB color> ; when color scheme is 1110

| <24 bit RGB color> ; when color scheme is 1111

<b/w color> ::= 0 | ; white

1 ; black

<grayscale> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for 24-bit RGB color (0,0,0), 01 for 24-bit RGB color (85,85,85)

; 10 for 24-bit RGB color (170,170,170), 11 for 24-bit RGB color (255,255,255)

<2-bit predefined color> ::= 00…11 ;00 for 24-bit RGB color (255,255,255), 01 for 24-bit RGB color (255,0,0)

;10 for 24-bit RGB color (0,255,0), 11 for 24-bit RGB color (0,0,255)

<6-bit RGB color> ::= <2-bit R> <2-bit G> <2-bit B>

<indexed RGB color> ::= (0 | 1) | 00…11 | 000…111 | 0000…1111 | 00000…11111

; map to 6-bit RGB color value defined in <6-bit color palette>

<8-bit websafe color> ::= 00000000…11111111

; See G.7 for websafe color palette definition

<indexed websafe color> ::= (0 | 1) | 00…11 | 000…111 | 0000…1111 |

00000…11111 | 000000…111111 | 0000000…1111111

; map to 8-bit websafe color value defined in <8-bit color palette>

<2-bit R> ::= <2-bit color value> ; Red color value

<2-bit G> ::= <2-bit color value> ; green color value

<2-bit B> ::= <2-bit color value> ; blue color value

<2-bit color value> ::= 00…11 ; 00, 01, 10 and 11 for color value 0, 85, 170 and 255

; defined in 0-255 color range respectively

<12-bit RGB color> ::= <4-bit R> <4-bit G> <4-bit B> ;

<4-bit R> ::= <4-bit color value> ; Red color value

<4-bit G> ::= <4-bit color value> ; green color value

<4-bit B> ::= <4-bit color value> ; blue color value

<4-bit color value> ::= 0000…1111 ; multiply by 17 to convert to 8 bit color value

<24-bit RGB color> ::= <8-bit R> <8-bit G> <8-bit B> ;

<8-bit R> ::= <8-bit color value> ; Red color value

<8-bit G> ::= <8-bit color value> ; green color value

<8-bit B> ::= <8-bit color value> ; blue color value

<8-bit color value> ::= 00000000…1111111 ; intensity value of color value

<default colors> := ( 0 | (1 <default line color>))    ; use black when first bit is 0

( 0 | (1 <default fill color>))          ; use black when first bit is 0

( 0 | (1 <background color>))       ; use white when first bit is 0

; If above color(s) are not

; specified, use BLACK as <default line color> and <default fill color>, and use

; WHITE as <background color>.

<default line color> ::= <draw color>

<default fill color> ::= <draw color>

<background color> ::= <draw color>

Codec Parameters

<codec parameters> ::= <element mask> <attribute mask> <generic parameters>

<coordinate parameters>

<coordinate parameters> ::= ( 0 <flat coordinate parameters> ) ; flat coordinate mode

| (1 <compact coordinate parameters> ) ; compact coordinate mode

<element mask> ::= <mask> ; true for at least one local envelope element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one polyline element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one circular polyline element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one Bezier polyline element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one simple shape element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one reuse element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one group element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one animation element in the drawing

(0 | (1 ; extension bit. 1 for rare masks are followed by

<mask> ; true for at least one polygon element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one special shape element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one frame element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one text element in the drawing

<mask> ; true for at least one extended element in the drawing

) ;The decoder should decide how many bits to be used by <element type>

) ; according to number of “1”s in the <element mask>. Number of bits

; used by <element type> can be 0 (if only one “1” in <element mask>),

; 1 (if 2 “1”s), 2 (if 3 or 4 “1”s), 3 (if 5-8 “1”s) or 4(if more than 8

; “1”s). Value of <element type> that is to represent a specific element

; type is same as the order of the specific mask in the <element mask>

; that represents this type of element. For example, if <element mask> is

; 011000010, <element type> will use 2 bits and value 00, 01, 10

; (11 is not used) represent polyline, circular polyline and animation

; elements respectively.

; Note that <mask> for local envelope has no meanings when in flat

; coordinate mode but still

; exists

<attribute masks> ::= <line type mask> <line width mask> <line color mask> <fill mask>

<line type mask> ::= <mask> ; true when at least one element uses line type attribute

<line width mask> ::= <mask> ; true when at least one element uses line width attribute

<fill mask> ::= <mask> ; true when at least one element uses fill attribute

<line color mask> ::= <mask> ; true when at least one element uses line color

Generic Parameters

<generic parameters> ::= (0 | (1 <angle resolution> <angle in bits> ) ; 0 for default (22.5 degree, 3 bits)

(0 | (1 <scale resolution> <scale in bits> ) ; 0 for default (1/4, 3 bits)

(0 | (1 <index in bits> ) ; 0 for default (both 3 bits)

[<curve offset in bits> ]

; <curve offset in bits> appear when <mask> for <circular polyline element>

; or <polygon element> is true

<angle resolution> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for angle unit is 1.40625 degree; 01 for angle unit is 5.625 degree

; 10 for angle unit is 11.25 degree; 11 for angle unit is 22.5 degree

<angle in bits> ::= 000…111 ; number of bits used by <angle value> is from 1 to 8 bits

<angle value> ::= ‘signed angleInBits+1-bit integer’

; angle unit is decided by <angle resolution>

;0 degree is defined as positive direction of the X axis and

; positive angle value is clockwise.

; -180 degree is represented by maximum negative digit

<scaleresolution> ::= 00..11 ; 00 for 1/4 as scale unit. 01 for 1/16 as scale unit

; 10 for 1/64 as scale unit; 11 for 1/256 as scale unit

<scale in bits> ::= 0000…1111 ; number of bits used by <scale value> is from 1 to 16 bits

<scale value> ::= ‘signed scaleInBits+1-bits integer’

; scale unit is decided by <scale resolution>

; negative scale value means scaling at

; opposite direction

<index in bits> ::= 0000…1111 ; number of bits used by <index> are from 1 to 16 bits

<index> ::= <index value>

<index value> ::= ‘unsigned IndexInBits+1-bit integer’

<curve offset in bits> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for using 4 bits (15 levels)

; 1 for using 5 bits (31 levels)

Compact Coordinate Parameters

<compact coordinate parameters> ::= <aspect ratio> <TransXYInBits1>

<parameters X-1> <parameters Y-1> <redefine resolution hint>

<aspect ratio> ::= 00 | ; aspect ratio = 1:1

( ( 01 ; aspect ratio = 4:3

| 10 ; aspect ratio = 16:9

| 1100 ; aspect ratio = 64:27

| 1101 ; aspect ration = 256:81

| 1110 ; aspect ration = 1024:243

| 1111 ; aspect ration = 4096:729

) [ <display orientation> ] ; <display orientation> appears in standard WVG

) ; character size WVG uses landscape only

<display orientation > ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for landscape, 1 for portrait

<parameters X-1> ::= <MaxXInBits1> <coordinate parameters>

<parameters Y-1> ::= <MaxYInBits1> <coordinate parameters>

<coordinate parameters> ::= 00 | ( <peak value> <peak position> <peak width> )

; peak value default to 1.0 when 00 is defined

<MaxXInBits1> ::= 00…11 ; Number of bits used by <X>.

; This determines the number of grid lines in the X direction.

<MaxYInBits1> ::= 00…11 ; Number of bits used by <Y>.

; This determines the number of grid lines in the Y direction.

; 00 for 15, 01 for 31,10 for 63, 11 for 127

<peak value> ::= 01…11 ; 01 for 1.5, 10 for 2.0, 11 for 2.5

<peak position> ::= 0000…1100 ; 0-12. Peak position = value/12 from envelope left.

| 1101 ; reserved

| 1110 ; reserved

| 1111 ; reserved

<peak width> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for 0.3, 01 for 0.4, 10 for 0.5, 11 for 0.6

;<peak width> value are to the scale of total global envelope width.

; 10 (0.5) and 11 (0.6) are not allowed when <peak value> is 11 (2.5)

; 11 (0.6) is not allowed when <peak value> is 10 (2.0)

<redefine resolution hint> ::= <hint> ; true when at least one element uses ‘redefine resolution’attribute

<TransXYInBits1> ::= 00..11 ; number of bits to encode translation and center of transform

; 00 for 5 bits, 01 for 6 bits, 10 for 7 bits, 11 for 8 bits

; In global scope and at X axis, it uses unit of (global envelope width/ (number of X grid lines –1 ))

; In global scope and at Y axis, it uses unit of (global envelope height/ (number of Y grid lines –1 )) ; In local scope, its unit is same as local coordinate unit.

Flat Coordinate Parameters

<flat coordinate parameters> ::= <drawing width> ( 0 | 1 (<drawing height>)) ; 0 means height = width

<MaxXInBits2><MaxYInBits2> < XYAllPositive>

<TransXYInBits2> <NumPointsInBits>

<OffsetXInBitsLevel1> <OffsetYInBitsLevel1>

<OffsetXInBitsLevel2> <OffsetYInBitsLevel2>

<drawing width> ::= ‘unsigned 16-bit integer’

<drawing height> ::= ‘unsigned 16-bit integer’

<MaxXInBits2> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

; number of bits to encode X coordination

<MaxYInBits2> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

; number of bits to encode Y coordination

<XYAllPositive> ::= ”unsigned_1_bit_integer’

; 0 means not all x/y are positive

; 1 means all x/y are positive

<TransXYInBits2> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’ ; number of bits to encode translation and center of transform

<OffsetXInBitsLevel1> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

<OffsetYInBitsLevel1> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

<OffsetXInBitsLevel2> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

<OffsetYInBitsLevel2> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

<NumPointsInBits> ::= ‘unsigned_4_bit_integer’

Animation Settings

<animation settings> ::= [ <animation mode> ] ;appear when <animation element> exist

<animation mode> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for simple animation; 1 for standard animation


<elements> := <number of elements> <element> { <element> }

<number of elements> ::= (0 ‘unsigned 7-bit integer’)

| (1 ‘unsigned 15-bit integer’)

<element> := <element type> ( <basic element> |

<frame element> | <group element> | <re-use element> |

<animation element> | <extended element> | <local envelope element> )

<element type> ::= | 0…1 | 00..11 | 000…111 | 0000…1111 ; empty is allowed

; decided by <element mask>. Please refer to <element mask>

<animation element> := <simple animation element> | <standard animation element>

; if <animation mode> is 0, all animation elements in the drawing are <simple animation element>

; if <animation mode> is 1, all animation elements in the drawing are <standard animation element>

<basic element>::= <basic element header> ( <polyline element> | <circular polyline element>

| <Bezier polyline element> | <polygon element> | <simple shape element>

| <special shape element> | <text element> )

Basic Element Header

<basic element header> ::= ( <offset bit use> ; when in flat coordinate mode

| <resolution and offset bit> ) ; when in compact coordinate mode

[ 0 | (1<attributes set> ) ] ; appears when <attribute masks> does not equal

; to 0000

; 0 for using default attributes defined in <drawing header>

; 1 for using the following specific attributes

<Offset Bit Use> ::= <Offset X Use><Offset Y Use>

<Offset X Use> ::= 0 | 1

; when in compact coordinate mode, 0 means offset X will use 3 bits.,

; 1 means use 4 bits

; when in flat coordinate mode, 0 means offset X will use <OffsetXInBitsLevel1>,

; 1 means use <OffsetXInBitsLevel2>

<Offset Y Use> ::= 0 | 1

; when in compact coordinate mode, 0 means offset X will use 3 bits,

; 1 means use 4 bits

; when in flat coordinate mode, 0 means offset X will use <OffsetYInBitsLevel1>,

; 1 means use <OffsetYInBitsLevel2>

<resolution and offset bit>::= (0 | (1<offset bit use> )

; only when <redefine resolution hint> is false or in local scope

; 0 for absolute coordinate, 1 for relative coordinates

| (0 (0 | (1<offset bit use> ))

; when <redefine resolution hint> is true and in global scope

; 0 for absolute coordinate, 1 for relative coordinates

| ( 1 <coordinate resolution> <offset bit use> )

; when <redefine resolution hint> is true and in global scope

; redefine resolution, always use relative coordinates

<coordinate resolution> ::= 000…111 ; decide the grid line interval by a scale of width

; or height of the global envelope whichever is short.

; 0-7 for 1/27, 1/32, 1/38, 1/48, 1/64,

; 1/85, 1/128 and 1/160 respectively

Element Attributes

<attribute set> ::= [ <line type> ] ; appear when <line type mask> is true

[ <line width> ] ; appear when <line width mask> is true

[ 0 | (1 <line color>) ] ; appear when <line color mask> is true and

; <line width> is not zero

; 0 for <default line color>, 1 for specified color

[ 0 | (1 ; 0 for no fill; 1 for with fill

(0 | (1 <fill color>)) ; 0 for <default fill color>, 1 for specified color

) ; appear when <fill mask> is true

] ; Note: line type and line width are not used by <text element> but

; still exist here. If not filled, then background of text output will

; be transparent. If filled, then fill color will be used as text background.

<line width> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for no line, 01 for Fine, 10 for medium, 11 for thick

; 00 is only valid with fill

<line type> ::= 00…11 ; 0 for solid, 1 for dash line, 2 for dotted line

<fill color > ::= <draw color>

<line color> ::= <draw color>

<OverrideAttributeSet> ::= 0 | (1 <line type>)

0 | (1 <line width>)

0 | (1 <line color>)

0 | (1 <fill> )

0 | (1 <fill color>)

; 0 for no overriding, 1 for overriding with specified attribute

<fill> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 means no fill, 1 means fill


<Transform> ::= <TranslateX><TranslateY>

0 | (1 <Angle> <ScaleX><ScaleY> < CX>< CY>) ; optional other transforms

<Angle> ::= 0 | (1 <Angle Value> ) ; 0 means angle will use default value which is 0

<TranslateX> ::= 0 | (1 <TranslateX Value> ) ; 0 means translate x will use default value which is 0

<TranslateX Value> ::= ‘signed_TransXYInBits2_bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode

| ‘signed TransXYInBits1+5 bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode

<TranslateY> ::= 0 | (1 <TranslateY Value> ) ; 0 means translate y will use default value which is 0

<TranslateY Value> ::= ‘signed_TransXYInBits2_bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode

| ‘signed TransXYInBits1+5-bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode

<ScaleX> ::= 0 | (1<Scale value> ) ; 0 means scale will use default value which is 1.0

<ScaleY>::= 0 | (1 <Scale value> ) ; 0 means scale will use default value which is same as

; absolute value of <ScaleX>

<CX> ::= 0 | (1 <CX value> ) ; translation of rotation and scale center; 0 means it will use default

; value which is at the left border of the drawing (x=0 in the flat

; coordinate system or the global envelope)

<CX value> ::= ‘signed_TransXYInBits2_bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode

| <X> ; when in compact coordinate mode

<CY> ::= 0 | (1 <CY value> ) ; 0 means it will use default value which is

; (y=0 in the flat coordinate system or the global envelope)

<CY value> ::= ‘signed_TransXYInBits2_bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode

| <Y> ; when in compact coordinate mode

Polyline Element

<polyline element> ::= [ <numberOfPoints> ] <First Point> { <Next Point> } [ <point terminator> ]

; specifies a start point, zero or many intermediate points and an end point.

; <numberOfPoints> appears only when in flat coordinate mode

; <point terminator> appears only when in compact coordinate mode

<point terminator> ::= 111…111111 ; Absolute mode in character size WVG. Same number of

; bits of <MaxXInBits0> or <MaxXYInBits0>

| 1111…1111111 ; Absolute mode in standard WVG. Same number of bits of

; <MaxXInBits1>or <MaxLocalXYInBits>

| ( 100 | 1000 ) ; Offset mode (relative).

; use 100 when <Offset X Use> = 0

; use 1000 when <Offset X Use> = 1

Circular Polyline Element

<circular polyline element> ::= <curve hint> [ <numberOfPoints> ] <FirstPoint> <curve offset> <point>

{ <curve offset> <NextPoint> } [ <offset terminator> ]

; <numberOfPoints> appears only when use

; flat coordinate mode

; <offset terminator> appears only when use

; compact coordinate mode

<curve hint> ::= <hint>

<curve offset> ::= ( 0 | (1 <curve offset value>) ) ; when <curve hint> is true

| <curve offset value> ; when <curve hint> is false

<offset value> ::= ‘signed 4-bit integer’ ; when <curve offset in bits> = 0

; or in character size WVG

| ‘signed 5-bit integer’ ; when <curve offset in bits> = 1

; Curve offset ratio r = e/L

; Where e is actual curve offset(can be positive or negative),

; L is distance between adjacent nodes

; We use a signed integer value v to represent. v = round(r*k);

; Where k = 2^n – 2 (n is number of bits used for <offset value>)

<offset terminator> ::= ( 1 <curve offset bits>) ; when <curve hint> is true

| < curve offset bits > ; when <curve hint> is false

<curve offset bits> ::= 1000 ; when <curve offset in bits> = 0

| 10000 ; when <curve offset in bits> = 1

Bezier Polyline Element

<Bezier polyline element> ::= [ <NumberOfPoints> ]

<First Point> {<OnCurve> <Next Point>} [ 1 <point terminator>]

; Same data format for PolyBezCurve, and PolygonBezCurve

; <numberOfPoints> appears only when in flat coordinate moed

; “1 <point terminator>” appears only when in compact coordinate mode

<NumberOfPoints> ::= ‘unsigned_NumberOfPointsInBits_bit integer’

<OnCurve> ::= 0 | 1

; 0 – off curve

; 1 – on curve

NOTE: Only cubic and quadratic Bezier curves are supported. It means only one or two successive off-curve points are allowed. The first point of a curve must be on-curve. The last point must also be on-curve if it is Bezier polyline but is not necessary for Bezier polygon.

Polygon Element

Polygon element is actually a closed polyline (including circular and Bezier polyline)

<polygon element> ::= ( 00 <polyline element> ) | (01 <circular polyline element> )

| (10 <Bezier polyline element> )

Simple Shape Element

<simple shape element> ::= (0 <rectangle element> ) | (1 <ellipse element> )

<rectangle element>::=<Point><Width><Height><rounded flag> <Angle>

<ellipse element>::=<Point><Width><Height> <Angle>

<Width> ::= <X> | <Offset X> ; <Offset X> is used when <Offset Bit Use> exists in the <basic element header>

; if the element is in global scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope width/ (number of X grid lines –1 ))

<Height>::= 0 | (1 <HeightValue> ) ; 0 means the height is same as width, height will not be encoded

<HeightValue> ::= <Y> | <Offset Y>

; <Offset Y> is used when <Offset Bit Use> exists in the <basic element header>

; if the element is in global scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope height/ (number of Y grid lines –1 ))

<rounded flag> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for straight corner, 1 for rounded corner

Special Shape Element

<special shape element> ::= <point> <angle>

00 ( <vertex> < diameter > ; regular polygon

| 01 ( <vertex> <vertex angle> < diameter > ; star

| 10 ( <rectangle size> <rows> <columns> ) ; grid

| 11 ; not used

<diameter > ::= <X> | <Offset X> ; diameter of circle or vertex

; <Offset X> is used when <Offset Bit Use> exists in the <basic element header>

; if the element is in global scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope width/ (number of X grid lines –1 ))

<rectangle size>::= <width> <height>

<vertex> ::= 000…111 ; number of vertex = <vertex> + 3

<vertex angle> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for 0 degree, 01 for 36 degree

; 10 for 60 degree, 11 for 90 degree

<rows> ::= 0000…1111 ; rows = <rows> + 1

<columns> ::= 0000…1111 ; columns = <columns> + 1

Text Element

<text element> ::= <point> <font size> <angle> <text code mode> <string length> { <char> }

; <point> is top-left corner of the text.

<font size> ::= <Y> | <Offset Y> ; <Offset Y> is used when <Offset Bit Use> exists in the <basic element

; header>

; if the element is in global scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope height/ (number of Y grid lines –1 ))

Local Envelope Element

<local envelope element> ::= ( 0 <local envelope description> <point> )

; local start

; <point> is top- left corner of the local envelope in global coordinates.

; Elements in the local envelope scope use local coordinates and measurements

| 1 ; local end

<local envelope description> ::= <coordinate resolution> <MaxLocalXYInBits>

<MaxLocalXYInBits> ::= 00…11 ; 00 for 3 bits(max value 7), 01 for 4 bits (max value 15),

; 10 for 5 bits (max value 31), 11 for 6 bits (max value 63)

Group Element

<group element> ::= (0 (0 | (1 <transform>) ) <display> ) ; start of group. Transform is optional

| 1 ; end of group

<display> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 – no display when render; 1 – display when render

Re-use Element

<re-use element> ::= <element index> ; point to the element to be re-used

; only <basic element>,<group element> and

; <re-use element> can be reused

<transform> ; re-use with transformation

0 | (1 <array parameter>) ; array. It should be performed as the last step

0 | (1 <OverrideAttributeSet> )

<element index> ::= <index value> ; the element sequence number in whole drawing. Start from 0.

<array parameter> ::= <columns> [ <array width> ] <rows> [ < array height> ]

; <array height> indicates whole height of the array, appears when <rows> is non-zero

; element interval at X direction equals to <width>/<columns>

; <array width> indicates whole width of the array, appears when <colunms> is non-zero

; element interval at Y direction equals to <height>/<rows>

; The top left element in the array is at the position specified in <transform>

<array width> ::= <X> ; if the element is in globale scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope width/ (number of X grid lines –1 ))

<array height>::= 0 | (1 <Y> ) ; 0 means the height is same as width, height will not be encoded

; if the element is in globale scope in compact coordinate mode, use unit of

; (global envelope height/ (number of Y grid lines –1 ))

Frame Element

<Frame> ::= <KeepLastFrameContentFlag><HasFilledColorFlag>[< fill color >]

; <fill color> is new background color for the frame

<KeepLastFrameContentFlag>::=’unsigned 1-bit integer’

; keep the image of the last frame on the screen, or clear it

; value 0 – Do not keep last frame content.

; value 1 – Keep last frame content.

<HasFilledColorFlag> ::=’unsigned 1-bit integer’

; value 0 – no filled color

; value 1 – has filled color

Simple Animation Element

<simple animation element> ::= <cycle type>

( 0 | ( 1 <visibility parameter> )

( 0 | ( 1 <transform> ) ; begin transform

( 0 | ( 1 <transform> ) ; end transform

( 0 | 1 ) ; 0 for no bouncing. 1 for bouncing

<rotation direction>

<round rotation flag>

<round rotation flag> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 for no round rotation.

; 1 for round rotation and will override angles defined in <transform>

<cycle type> ::= 0 | 1 ; 0 indicates short animation cycle; 1 indicates long animation cycle

<visibility parameter> ::= <visibility timing>

<visibility timing> ::= 0000…1111 | 00000000…11111111

; One blinking cycle is divided into four equal time steps for short

; animation cycle or eight steps for long animation cycle. <visibility timing> is a map of time steps in

; which 0 represents invisible and 1 represents visible. Note that in above map, consequence time steps

; is from left to right, or from first order to later order in bit stream.

<rotation direction> ::= 0 | 1 ; 1 for clockwise rotating. 0 for counter-clockwise rotating

NOTE: For all individual values in the transform, linear interpolation is used.

Standard Animation Element

<standard animation element>::= <element index> <BeginTransform><EndTransform><Rotation Direction>

<Round> 0 | (1 <BeginColor><EndColor> ) <BeginTime><Duration><ExistAfter>

<BeginTransform> ::= 0 | (1<Transform> ) ; begin position

;0 – means use (start from) default transform:
; Angle=0, TranslateX=0, TranslateY=0, ScaleX=256, ScaleY=256, Cx=0, Cy=0

;1 – means Transform follows

<EndTransform> ::= 0 | (1 <Transform> ) ; end position

;0 – means use (end at) default transform
; Angle=0, TranslateX=0, TranslateY=0, ScaleX=256, ScaleY=256, Cx=0, Cy=0

;1 – means Transform follows

<Rotation Direction> ::= 0 | 1 ;0 – counter clockwise

;1 – clockwise

<Round> ::= 0 | 1 ;0 – no rotation

;1 – rotate 360 degrees

<BeginColor> ::= ( 0 | (1 <line color> ) ) ( 0 | (1 <fill color> ) )

;0 – use default colors

;1 – use specified colors

<EndColor> ::= ( 0 | (1 <line color> ) ) ( 0 | (1 <fill color> ) )

;0 – use default colors

;1 – use specified colors

<BeginTime> ::= ‘unsigned 12-bit integer’ ;<BeginTime> is in units of 10ms

<Duration> ::= ‘unsigned 12-bit integer’ ; <Duration> is in units of 10ms

<ExistAfter> :: = 0 | ( 1 <AnimationRepeat>) ; 0 – animation element will disappear after the animation is finished

; 1 – animation element will persist after the animation is finished

<AnimationRepeat>::= 0 | ( 1 <Bouncing> ) ; 0 – no repeat, animated element will stay

; at <EndTransform>

; 1 – animation will repeat, duration will be <Duration>

<Bouncing>:= 0 | 1 ; 0 – no bouncing, animation will repeat as from begin

; position to end position

; 1 – repeat with bouncing. Animation will be

; repeated as end position ->

; begin position, then begin position->end position,

; then end position->begin position …

NOTE: For all individual values in the transform, linear interpolation is used. Similarity, color interpolation uses linear RGB color space. Out of range color values are allowed.

Extended Element

<Extended> ::= <SizeOfSize><Size><ExtendedElementType>{<payload>}

<SizeOfSize>::=’unsigned_5_bit integer’

; the bit size of the Size field

<Size>::=’unsigned-<SizeOfSize>-bit integer’

; size of extended element data after ExtendedElementType, in bytes

<ExtendedElementType>::=’unsigned_8_bit integer’

; element type of extended element

<payload>::=’unsigned_8_bit integer’

; encoded extended element data. The size should be the same as the Size field of Extended, above.

Position and Measurement

<First Point>::=<point> ; first point of a polyline or polygon (including circular and

; Bezier polygons)

<Next Point> ::= <point> | ; when use absolute mode

<Offset> ; when use offset mode

; in flat coordinate system, only offset mode is used.

<point> ::= <X> <Y>

<X> ::= ‘signed MaxXInBits2-bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode and <XYAllPositive> = 0

| ‘unsigned MaxXInBits2-bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode and <XYAllPositive> = 1

| ‘unsigned MaxXInBits1+4-bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode and in global scope

| ‘unsigned MaxLocalXYInBits+3-bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode and in local scope

| ‘unsigned MaxXInBits0+3-bit integer’ ; when in character size WVG (use standard header)

| ‘unsigned MaxXYBits0+3-bit integer’ ; when in character size WVG (use compact header)

<Y> ::= ‘signed MaxYInBits2-bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode and <XYAllPositive> = 0

| ‘unsigned MaxYInBits2-bit integer’ ; when in flat coordinate mode and <XYAllPositive> = 1

| ‘unsigned MaxYInBits1+4-bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode and in global scope

| ‘unsigned MaxLocalXYInBits+3-bit integer’ ; when in compact coordinate mode and in local scope

| ‘unsigned MaxYInBits0+3-bit integer’ ; when in character size WVG (use standard header)

| ‘unsigned MaxXYBits0+3-bit integer’ ; when in character size WVG (use compact header)

; Note: in compact coordinate mode,<X> and <Y> do not use the maximum number of the unsigned integer

<Offset> ::= <Offset X> <Offset Y>

<Offset X> ::= <signed offset X> ; when used by <Next Point>

| <unsigned offset X> ; when used in other cases

<Offset Y> ::= <signed offset Y> ; when used by <Next Point>

| <unsigned offset Y> ; when used in other cases

<signed offset X> = ‘signed OffsetXInBitsLevel1-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘signed OffsetXInBitsLevel2-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1

| ‘signed 3-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘signed 4-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

<signed offset Y> = ‘signed OffsetYInBitsLevel1-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘signed OffsetYInBitsLevel2-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1

| ‘signed 3-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘signed 4-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

<unsigned offset X> ::= ‘unsigned OffsetXInBitsLevel1-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘unsigned OffsetXInBitsLevel2-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1

| ‘unsigned 3-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘unsigned 4-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1

<unsigned offset Y> ::= ‘unsigned OffsetYInBitsLevel1-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘unsigned OffsetYInBitsLevel2-bit integer’

;when in flat coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1

| ‘unsigned 3-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 0

| ‘unsigned 4-bit integer’ ;when in compact coordinate mode and <offset bit use> = 1