11 Mapping of error causes between RP layers

23.0403GPPRelease 17Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)TS

This clause describes the interworking between the relay layers on the radio interface (i.e. between the servicing MSC/SGSN and the mobile station), and within the network (i.e. between servicing MSC/SGSN, VLR, HLR, or GMSC).

11.1 Mobile Terminated short message transfer

If errors are indicated by the VLR after invocation of the "sendInfoFor‑MT‑SMS" operation, the appropriate error information is returned to the SMS‑GMSC in a failure report as specified in 3GPP TS 29.002 [15] (negative outcome of "forwardShortMessage" see clause 10).

If errors are detected by the MSC or by the SGSN during the transfer on the radio interface, or by the IP-SM-GW, the error cause returned in the return error of the MAP procedure ForwardShortMessage shall be set as follows:

Failure at the MSC , SGSN or IP-SM-GW

Return error to be included in the MAP‑proc

RP‑ERROR message with error cause:

22 Memory capacity exceeded

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "MemoryCapacityExceeded"1)

Other error causes

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "equipmentProtocolError"1)

CP or lower layer error

(e.g. RR, layer 2 failure)2)

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "equipmentProtocolError"1)

Mobile has no SM capability

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "equipmentNotSM‑Equipped"1)0

TR1N timeout 2)

MNSMS‑error‑ind (No SAPI 3)

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "equipmentProtocolError"1)

SIP transaction timeout in IP-SM-GW

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "absentSubscriber"1)

SIP transport error (e.g. SIP failure response message) 3)

SM_DeliveryFailure with

cause "equipmentProtocolError"1)

1) For definition of MAP error SM_DeliveryFailure and its parameter "cause" see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15].

2) The error causes of the RP‑ERROR message, the CP layer and timer TR1N are defined in
3GPP TS 24.011 [13].

3) The failure response codes for the SIP MESSAGE request are defined in IETF RFC 3428 [44], and the failure response codes for SIP transaction timeout in IETF RFC 3261 [43].

11.2 Memory available notification

If errors are indicated by the HLR (via the VLR, the IP-SM-GW, or the SGSN) after invocation of the "ReadyForSM" operation, the MSC, the IP-SM-GW, or the SGSN shall return the appropriate error information to the MS in a failure report (i.e. a RP‑ERROR message) containing the following error cause:

Return error from ReadyForSM

(Alert Reason is "memory available")

Cause value in the RP‑ERROR message





System Failure

38 Network out of order

38 Network out of order

30 Unknown Subscriber

69 Requested facility not implemented

38 Network out of order

Local or lower layer failure

(e.g. reject condition, timer expired or transaction abort)

38 Network out of order

NOTE: The coding and the use of the RP‑ERROR message is specified in 3GPP TS 24.011 [13].

11.3 Mobile Originated short message transfer

If errors are indicated by the VLR after invocation of the "sendInfoForMO‑SMS" operation.(see clause 10), the MSC shall return the appropriate error information to the MS in a failure report (i.e. a RP‑ERROR message) containing the following error cause:

Return error from SendInfoForMO‑SMS

Cause value in the RP‑ERROR message


38 Network out of order


38 Network out of order


50 Requested facility not subscribed


‑ barringServiceActive

10 Call barred

‑ operatorBarring

8 Operator determined barring

NOTE: The coding and the use of the RP‑ERROR message is specified in 3GPP TS 24.011 [13]. The operation SendInfoForMO-SMS is not used by the SGSN.

If errors are indicated by the SMS‑IWMSC (negative outcome of the "forwardShortMessage),) the MSC, the IP-SM-GW, or the SGSN shall send a failure report (i.e. a RP‑ERROR message) to the MS, with the error cause coded as follows:

Return error from ForwardShortMessage

Cause value in the RP‑ERROR message

System Failure

38 Network out of order


69 Requested facility not implemented


38 Network out of order


cause: unknownSC

1 Unassigned number


cause: SC‑Congestion

42 Congestion


cause: invalidSME‑Addr (NOTE 1)

21 Short message transfer rejected


cause: subscriberNotSC‑Subscriber

28 Unidentified subscriber

Local or lower layer failure

(e.g. reject condition,

timer expired or transaction abort)

38 Network out of order

NOTE 1: This cause includes the case when the outcome of optional HLR interrogation is unacceptable (see clause 8.2.2)

NOTE: The coding and the use of the RP‑ERROR message is specified in 3GPP TS 24.011 [13].

Annex A (informative):
Protocol stacks for interconnecting SCs and MSCs

No mandatory protocol between the Service Centre (SC) and the Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) below the transfer layer is specified by GSM/UMTS specifications; this is a matter of agreement between SC and PLMN operators. However, SC and PLMN operators can base these protocols on the following principles:

a) provide the service defined for SM‑RL (see clause 9.3);

b) be based on widely accepted telecommunications protocols in the public domain;

c) permit open interconnection.

Annex B (informative):
Information now contained in 3GPP TS 23.038 [9]

Annex B held information that is now contained in 3GPP TS 23.038 [9].

Annex C (informative):
Short message information flow

The diagrams in this annex describe the flow of primitives and parameters during the short message transfer. These diagrams refer to specifications 3GPP TS 23.040, 3GPP TS 24.011 [13] and 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]. The parameters in dotted lines are optional. The abbreviations used in diagrams are listed below. The relevant specifications are given in parentheses. (*) stands for a common GSM/UMTS abbreviations and (‑) for a general abbreviation.

CM Call Management (*)

CS CauSe (‑)

DA Destination Address (‑)

DCS Data Coding Scheme (3GPP TS 23.040)

DI Dialogue Identifier TCAP

GMSCA Gateway MSC Address

GPRS General Packet Radio Services 3GPP TS 23.060 [27])

HLR Home Location Register (*)

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (*)

MAL MSIsdn‑Alert or IMSI-Alert (3GPP TS 23.040)

MMS More Messages to Send (3GPP TS 23.040)

MR Message Reference (3GPP TS 23.040)

MS Mobile Station (*)

MSC Mobile services Switching Centre (*)

MSCA MSC Address

MSI Mobile waiting Set Indication (3GPP TS 23.040)

MSIsdn Mobile Station ISDN number (*)

MSM More Short Messages (3GPP TS 29.002 [15])

MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number (*)

MT Message Type (3GPP TS 24.011[13])

MTI Message Type Indicator (3GPP TS 24.011[13])

MWS Message Waiting Set (3GPP TS 23.040)

OA Originating Address (‑)

OC Operation Code (3GPP TS 29.002 [15])

PCI Protocol Control Information (‑)

PDI Protocol DIscriminator (*)

PRI PRIority (3GPP TS 23.040)

RCT ReCeption Time (3GPP TS 23.040)

REA REcipient Address (3GPP TS 23.040)

RL ReLay function (3GPP TS 24.011[13])

RP Reply Path (3GPP TS 23.040)

SC Service Centre (3GPP TS 23.040)

SCA Service Centre Address (3GPP TS 23.040)

SCTS Service Centre Time Stamp (3GPP TS 23.040)

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node (3GPP TS 23.060 [27]

SM Short Message (3GPP TS 23.040)

SM‑AL Short Message Application Layer (3GPP TS 23.040)

SME Short Message Entity (3GPP TS 23.040)

SMI Short Message Identifier (3GPP TS 23.040)

SM‑RL Short Message Relay Layer (3GPP TS 23.040, 24.011[13])

SMS‑GMSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC (3GPP TS 23.040)

SMS‑IWMSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC (3GPP TS 23.040)

SoR Status of Report (3GPP TS 23.040)

SM‑TL Short Message Transfer Layer (3GPP TS 23.040)

SRI Status Report Indication (3GPP TS 23.040)

SRR Status Report Request (3GPP TS 23.040)

TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part (‑)

TID Transaction Identifier (*)

UD User Data (‑)

UDL User Data Length (3GPP TS 23.040)

VLR Visitor Location Register (*)

VP Validity Period (3GPP TS 23.040)

VPF Validity Period Format (3GPP TS 23.040)

NOTE: SMI is not carried via SM-RL of clause 9.3.5 but is carried via the relay service between the SC and GMSC (see clause

Figure C.1: Mobile terminated short message

NOTE: A sequence of short messages shall have MMS set to 1 in each RP-MT-DATA except the last (last shall have MMS set to 0). Each RP-MT-DATA shall be carried via FORWARD SHORT MESSAGE via TCAP and shall be assigned the same Dialogue Identifier as previous RP-MT-DATAS in the sequence.

Figure C.2: Mobile terminated short message

NOTE: MR is of local significance to the MSC/MS interface and is not the value supplied to the MSC.

Figure C.3: Mobile terminated short message

Figure C.4: Mobile terminated short message

Figure C.5: Acknowledgement in the MT case

NOTE: The cause carried via UD of TCAP is not the cause supplied via RP-ERROR but is the cause resulting from application of the mapping specified by table 8.5 of 24.011[13].

Figure C.6: Acknowledgement in the MT case

NOTE 1: The MAP operation "SetMessageWaitingData" is invoked only if a cause "Absent Subscriber" is carried in TCAP UD.

NOTE 2: The cause delivered to the SC is not necessarily the cause carried via TCAP but is one of the set specified by table 03.40/1.

Figure C.7: Acknowledgement in the MT case

Figure C.8: Acknowledgement in the MT case

NOTE: The mapping of SMI to MR by the MS is a local matter.

Figure C.9: Mobile originated short message

Figure C.10: Mobile originated short message

NOTE: MR is of local significance to the IWMSC/SC interface and is not the value supplied by the MS via the MS/MSC interface.

Figure C.11: Mobile originated short message

Figure C.12: Mobile originated short message

Figure C.13: Acknowledgement in the MO case

Figure C.14: Acknowledgement in the MO case

Figure C.15: Acknowledgement in the MO case

Figure C.16: Acknowledgement in the MO case

Annex D (informative):
Mobile Station reply procedures