6.6.2 Out of band emission
36.1013GPPEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)Release 18TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception
The Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the assigned channel bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of band emission limit is specified in terms of a spectrum emission mask and an Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio. Spectrum emission mask
The spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (ΔfOOB) starting from the ± edge of the assigned E-UTRA channel bandwidth. For frequencies offset greater than ΔfOOB as specified in Table the spurious requirements in subclause 6.6.3 are applicable. Minimum requirement
The power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table for the specified channel bandwidth.
Table General E-UTRA spectrum emission mask
Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-10 |
-13 |
-15 |
-18 |
-20 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 1-2.5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 2.5-2.8 |
-25 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 2.8-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 5-6 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 6-10 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 10-15 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 15-20 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 20-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Spectrum emission mask for CA
For inter-band carrier aggregation with one component carrier per operating band and the uplink active in two E-UTRA bands, the spectrum emission mask of the UE is defined per component carrier while both component carriers are active and the requirements are specified in subclauses and If for some frequency spectrum emission masks of component carriers overlap then spectrum emission mask allowing higher power spectral density applies for that frequency. If for some frequency a component carrier spectrum emission mask overlaps with the channel bandwidth of another component carrier, then the emission mask does not apply for that frequency.
For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (ΔfOOB) starting from the ± edge of the aggregated channel bandwidth (Table 5.6A-1) For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the bandwidth class B, C and D, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table, Table and Table for the specified channel bandwidth.
Table General E-UTRA CA spectrum emission mask for Bandwidth Class B
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
25RB+25RB (9.8MHz) |
15RB+50RB (12.85 MHz) |
25RB+50RB (14.95 MHz) |
25RB+75RB (19.8MHz) |
50RB+50RB (19.9 MHz) |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-18 |
-19 |
-20 |
-21 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 1-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 5-9.8 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 9.8-12.85 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 12.85-14.8 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 14.8-14.95 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 14.95-17.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 17.85-19.80 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 19.80-19.90 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 19.90-19.95 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 19.95-24.80 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 24.80-24.90 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
Table General E-UTRA CA spectrum emission mask for Bandwidth Class C
Spectrum emission limit [dBm]/BWChannel_CA |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
25RB+100RB (24.95MHz) |
50RB+75RB (24.75 MHz) |
50RB+100RB (29.9 MHz) |
75RB+75RB (30 MHz) |
75RB+100RB (34.85 MHz) |
100RB+100RB (39.8 MHz) |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-22 |
-22 |
-22.5 |
-22.5 |
-23.5 |
-24 |
30 kHz |
± 1-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 5-24.75 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 24.75-24.95 |
-13 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 24.95-29.75 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.75-29.9 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.9-29.95 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.95-30 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 30-34.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 34.85-34.9 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 34.9-35 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 35-39.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 39.8-39.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 39.85-44.8 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
Table General E-UTRA CA spectrum emission mask for Bandwidth Class D
Spectrum emission limit [dBm]/BWChannel_CA |
50RB+75RB+100RB |
75RB+75RB+75RB |
50RB+100RB+100 RB |
75RB+75RB+100RB |
75RB+100RB+100RB |
100RB+100RB+100 RB |
Measurement bandwidth |
(MHz) |
(44.6MHz) |
(45MHz) |
(49.7MHz) |
(49.85MHz) |
(54.65MHz) |
(59.6MHz) |
0-1 |
-22 |
-22 |
-22.5 |
-22.5 |
-23.5 |
-24 |
30 kHz |
1-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
5-44.6 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
44.6-45 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
45-49.6 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
49.6-49.7 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
49.7-49.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
49.85-50 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
50-54.65 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
54.65-54.7 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
54.7-54.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
54.85-59.6 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
59.6-59.65 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
59.65-64.6 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
For intra-band non-contiguous carrier aggregation transmission the spectrum emission mask requirement is defined as a composite spectrum emissions mask. Composite spectrum emission mask applies to frequencies up to ± ΔfOOB starting from the edges of the sub-blocks. Composite spectrum emission mask is defined as follows
a) Composite spectrum emission mask is a combination of individual sub-block spectrum emissions masks
b) In case the sub-block consist of one component carrier the sub-lock general spectrum emission mask is defined in subclause
c) If for some frequency sub-block spectrum emission masks overlap then spectrum emission mask allowing higher power spectral density applies for that frequency
d) If for some frequency a sub-block spectrum emission mask overlaps with the sub-block bandwidth of another sub-block, then the emission mask does not apply for that frequency.
For combinations of intra-band and inter-band carrier aggregation with three uplink component carriers (up to two contiguously aggregated carriers per band), the spectrum emission mask of the UE is defined per E-UTRA band while all component carriers are active. For the E-UTRA band supporting one component carrier the requirements in subclauses and apply. For the E-UTRA band supporting two contiguous component carriers the requirements specified in subclause apply. If for some frequency spectrum emission masks of single component carrier and two contiguous component carriers overlap then spectrum emission mask allowing higher power spectral density applies for that frequency. If for some frequency spectrum emission masks of single component carrier or two contiguous component carriers overlap then the emission mask does not apply for that frequency. Additional spectrum emission mask
This requirement is specified in terms of an "additional spectrum emission" requirement. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_03", “NS_11”, "NS_20", and “NS_21”)
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "NS_03", "NS_11", "NS_20" or "NS_21" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-10 |
-13 |
-15 |
-18 |
-20 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 1-2.5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 2.5-2.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 2.8-5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 5-6 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 6-10 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 10-15 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 15-20 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 20-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_04")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "NS_04" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-15 |
-18 |
-20 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 1-2.5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 2.5-2.8 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 2.8-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 5-6 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 6-9 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 9-10 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 10-13.5 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 13.5-15 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 15-18 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 18-20 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 20-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_06" or “NS_07”)
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "NS_06" or “NS_07” is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-0.1 |
-13 |
-13 |
-15 |
-18 |
30 kHz |
± 0.1-1 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
100 kHz |
± 1-2.5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 2.5-2.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 2.8-5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 5-6 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 6-10 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 10-15 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_33" or “NS_34”)
The additional spectrum mask in Table applies for E-UTRA V2X UE within 5 855 MHz to 5 950 MHz according to ETSI EN 302 571. Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "NS_33" or “NS_34” is indicated in the cell, the power of any V2X UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements for 10MHz channel bandwidth
Spectrum emission limit (dBm EIRP)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
10 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-0.5 |
[] |
100 kHz |
± 0.5-5 |
[] |
100 kHz |
± 5-10 |
[] |
100 kHz |
NOTE 1: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth.
NOTE 2: Additional SEM for V2X overrides any other requirements in frequency range 5855-5950MHz.
NOTE 3: The EIRP requirement is converted to conducted requirement depend on the supported post antenna connector gain Gpost connector declared by the UE following the principle described in annex I. Minimum requirement (network signalled value “NS_27” and “NS_43”)
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When “NS_27” or “NS_43” is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidth |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
Note 1 |
± 1-10 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 10-15 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 15-20 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 20-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
Note 1: The measurement bandwidth is 1% of the applicable E-UTRA channel bandwidth. | Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_28”)
When "NS_28” is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table for E-UTRA channels assigned within the frequency ranges 5150-5350 and 5470-5725 MHz.
Table Additional requirements
Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, Δf |
Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset |
Minimum requirement [dBm] |
Measurement bandwidth |
0 MHz ≤ Δf < 0.5 MHz |
0.5 MHz ≤ f_offset < 1 MHz |
10 – 20(f_offset/MHz) dB |
1 MHz |
0.5 MHz ≤ Δf < 9.5MHz |
1 MHz ≤ f_offset < 10 MHz |
-10 – 8/9(f_offset/MHz – 1) dB |
1 MHz |
9.5 MHz ≤ Δf < 19.5 MHz |
10 MHz ≤ f_offset < 20 MHz |
-28 – 1.2(f_offset/MHz – 10) dB |
1 MHz |
19.5 MHz ≤ Δf |
20 MHz ≤ f_offset |
-30 |
1 MHz |
NOTE 1: The measurement filter ‑3dB point is that closest to the channel edge. NOTE 2: The requirement applies when the offset of the measurement filter centre frequency is such that both -3 dB points of the measurement filter are confined within any of the two frequency ranges 5150-5250 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz. |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_35")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "NS_35" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
Measurement bandwidth (unless otherwise stated) |
± 0-0.1 |
-15 |
-18 |
-20 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 0.1-6 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
100 kHz |
± 6-10 |
-251 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
100 kHz |
± 10-15 |
-251 |
-13 |
-13 |
100 kHz |
± 15-20 |
-251 |
-13 |
100 kHz |
± 20-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
Note 1: The measurement bandwidth shall be 1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Additional Spectrum Emission Mask for CA
This requirement is specified in terms of an "additional spectrum emission" requirement. Minimum requirement (network signalled value "CA_NS_04")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "CA_NS_04" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit [dBm]/BWChannel_CA |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
50+75RB (24.75 MHz) |
25+100RB (24.95 MHz) |
50+100RB (29.9 MHz) |
75+75RB (30 MHz) |
75+100RB (34.85 MHz) |
100+100RB (39.8 MHz) |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-22 |
-22 |
-22.5 |
-23 |
-23.5 |
-24 |
30 kHz |
± 1-5 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
1 MHz |
± 5-22.95 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 22.95-23.25 |
-13 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
±23.25-27.9 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 27.9-28.5 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 28.5-29.75 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.75-29.95 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.95-32.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 32.85-34.9 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 34.9-35 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 35-37.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 37.8-39.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 39.85-44.8 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement CA_66B (network signalled value "CA_NS_09")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "CA_NS_09" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
25RB+25RB (9.8MHz) |
25RB+50RB (14.95 MHz) |
25RB+75RB (19.8MHz) |
50RB+50RB (19.9 MHz) |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-18 |
-20 |
-21 |
-21 |
30 kHz |
± 1-5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 5-9.8 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 9.8-14.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 14.8-14.95 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 14.95-19.80 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 19.80-19.90 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 19.90-19.95 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 19.95-24.80 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 24.80-24.90 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement CA_66C (network signalled value "CA_NS_09")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "CA_NS_09" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements
Spectrum emission limit [dBm]/BWChannel_CA |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
25RB+100RB (24.95MHz) |
50RB+75RB (24.75 MHz) |
50RB+100RB (29.9 MHz) |
75RB+75RB (30 MHz) |
75RB+100RB (34.85 MHz) |
100RB+100RB (39.8 MHz) |
Measurement bandwidth |
± 0-1 |
-22 |
-22 |
-22.5 |
-22.5 |
-23.5 |
-24 |
30 kHz |
± 1-5 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 5-24.75 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 24.75-24.95 |
-13 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 24.95-29.75 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.75-29.9 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.9-29.95 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 29.95-30 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 30-34.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 34.85-34.9 |
-25 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 34.9-35 |
-25 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 35-39.8 |
-25 |
-13 |
1 MHz |
± 39.8-39.85 |
-25 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
± 39.85-44.8 |
-25 |
1 MHz |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement CA_48B and CA_48C (network signalled value "CA_NS_10")
Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.
When "CA_NS_10" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
Table Additional requirements for “CA_NS_10”
Spectrum emission limit (dBm) / measurement bandwidth for each channel bandwidth |
25+100RB (24.95MHz) |
50+50RB (19.9 MHz) |
50+100RB (29.9 MHz) |
75+100RB (34.85 MHz) |
100+100RB (39.8 MHz) |
Measurement |
± 0 – 1 |
-13 |
1 % channel bandwidth |
± 1 – X |
-13 |
1 MHz |
< – X or > X when 3540 MHz < ΔfOOB < 3710 MHz |
-25 |
NOTE: X is aggregated channel bandwidth as defined in clause 5.6A |
NOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency. ACLR requirements for one E-UTRA carrier are specified for two scenarios for an adjacent E-UTRA and /or UTRA channel as shown in Figure
Figure Adjacent Channel Leakage requirements for one E-UTRA carrier Minimum requirement E-UTRA
E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency at nominal channel spacing. The assigned E-UTRA channel power and adjacent E-UTRA channel power are measured with rectangular filters with measurement bandwidths specified in Table, Table, and Table If the measured adjacent channel power is greater than –50dBm then the E-UTRAACLR shall be higher than the value specified in Table, Table, and Table
For a power class 2 capable UE operating on Band 41, when an IE P-max as defined in [7] of 23 dBm or lower is indicated in the cell or if the uplink/downlink configuration is 0 or 6, the requirements for power class 2 are not applicable, and the corresponding requirements for a power class 3 UE shall apply.
For each supported frequency band other than Band 41, the UE shall:
– if the UE supports a different power class than the default UE power class for the band and the supported power class enables the higher maximum output power than that of the default power class:
– if the band is a TDD band whose frame configuration is 0 or 6; or
– if the IE P-Max as defined in TS 36.331 [7] is not provided; or
– if the IE P-Max as defined in TS 36.331 [7] is provided and set to the maximum output power of the default power class or lower;
– meet all requirements for the default power class of the operating band in which the UE is operating and set its configured transmitted power as specified in sub-clause 6.2.5;
– else (i.e the IE P-Max as defined in TS 36.331 [7] is provided and set to the higher value than the maximum output power of the default power class):
– meet all requirements for the supported power class and set its configured transmitted power class as specified in sub-clause 6.2.5.
Table General requirements for E-UTRAACLR
Channel bandwidth / E-UTRAACLR1 / Measurement bandwidth |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
1.08 MHz |
2.7 MHz |
4.5 MHz |
9.0 MHz |
13.5 MHz |
18 MHz |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
+1.4 / -1.4 |
+3.0 / -3.0 |
+5 / -5 |
+10 / -10 |
+15 / -15 |
+20 / -20 |
Table Additional E-UTRAACLR requirements for Power Class 1
Channel bandwidth / E-UTRAACLR1 / Measurement bandwidth |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
37 dB |
37 dB |
37 dB |
37 dB |
37 dB |
37 dB |
E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
1.08 MHz |
2.7 MHz |
4.5 MHz |
9.0 MHz |
13.5 MHz |
18 MHz |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
+1.4 / -1.4 |
+3.0 / -3.0 |
+5 / -5 |
+10 / -10 |
+15 / -15 |
+20 / -20 |
NOTE 1: E-UTRAACLR1 shall be applicable for >23dBm |
Table Additional E-UTRAACLR requirements for Power Class 2
Channel bandwidth / E-UTRAACLR1 / Measurement bandwidth |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
N/A |
N/A |
31 dB |
31 dB |
31 dB |
31 dB |
E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
N/A |
N/A |
4.5 MHz |
9.0 MHz |
13.5 MHz |
18 MHz |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
N/A |
N/A |
+5 / -5 |
+10 / -10 |
+15 / -15 |
+20 / -20 | Additional minimum requirement for E-UTRA (network signalled value “NS_29”)
When "NS_29" is indicated in the cell, the UE emission shall meet the additional requirements specified in Table for E-UTRA channels assigned within the frequency ranges 5150-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz. The assigned E-UTRA channel power and alternative adjacent E-UTRA channel power are measured with rectangular filters with measurement bandwidths specified in Table If the measured alternative adjacent channel power is greater than –50dBm then the E-UTRAACLR2 shall be higher than the value specified in Table
Table Additional E-UTRAACLR requirement
Channel bandwidth / E-UTRAACLR2 / Measurement bandwidth |
20 MHz |
40 dBc |
E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
NOTE 1 |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
+40 / -40 |
NOTE 1: 18 MHz for E-UTRA channels assigned within 5150-5350 MHz; 19 MHz for E-UTRA channels assigned within 5470-5725 MHz. | Void Void Minimum requirements UTRA
UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned E-UTRA channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency.
UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio is specified for both the first UTRA adjacent channel (UTRAACLR1) and the 2nd UTRA adjacent channel (UTRAACLR2). The UTRA channel power is measured with a RRC bandwidth filter with roll-off factor =0.22. The assigned E-UTRA channel power is measured with a rectangular filter with measurement bandwidth specified in Table If the measured UTRA channel power is greater than –50dBm then the UTRAACLR shall be higher than the value specified in Table
UTRAACLR is not applicable to the power class 3 UE operating in Band 7, 12, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 68, 70, 71, 85 and Scell operation in Band 46, 49.
UTRAACLR is not applicable to the power class 2 UE operating in Band 38, 40, 41, 42 or 47 and Scell operation in Band 46.
UTRAACLR is not applicable to the power class 1 UE operating in Band 3, 20, 28, 31 or 72.
Table Requirements for UTRAACLR1/2
Channel bandwidth / UTRAACLR1/2 / Measurement bandwidth |
1.4 MHz |
3.0 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
33 dB |
33 dB |
33 dB |
33 dB |
33 dB |
33 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
0.7+BWUTRA/2 / -0.7-BWUTRA/2 |
1.5+BWUTRA/2 / -1.5-BWUTRA/2 |
+2.5+BWUTRA/2 / -2.5-BWUTRA/2 |
+5+BWUTRA/2 / -5-BWUTRA/2 |
+7.5+BWUTRA/2 / -7.5-BWUTRA/2 |
+10+BWUTRA/2 / -10-BWUTRA/2 |
– |
– |
36 dB |
36 dB |
36 dB |
36 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
– |
– |
+2.5+3*BWUTRA/2 / -2.5-3*BWUTRA/2 |
+5+3*BWUTRA/2 / -5-3*BWUTRA/2 |
+7.5+3*BWUTRA/2 / -7.5-3*BWUTRA/2 |
+10+3*BWUTRA/2 / -10-3*BWUTRA/2 |
E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
1.08 MHz |
2.7 MHz |
4.5 MHz |
9.0 MHz |
13.5 MHz |
18 MHz |
UTRA 5MHz channel Measurement bandwidth (NOTE 1) |
3.84 MHz |
3.84 MHz |
3.84 MHz |
3.84 MHz |
3.84 MHz |
3.84 MHz |
UTRA 1.6MHz channel measurement bandwidth (NOTE 2) |
1.28 MHz |
1.28 MHz |
1.28 MHz |
1.28MHz |
1.28MHz |
1.28MHz |
NOTE 1: Applicable for E-UTRA FDD co-existence with UTRA FDD in paired spectrum. NOTE 2: Applicable for E-UTRA TDD co-existence with UTRA TDD in unpaired spectrum. | Minimum requirement UTRA for CA
For inter-band carrier aggregation with one component carrier per operating band and the uplink active in two E-UTRA bands, the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel bandwidth on the component carrier to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency. The UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio is defined per carrier and the requirement is specified in subclause
For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated channel bandwidth to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency.
For intra-band non-contiguous carrier aggregation when all sub-blocks consist of one component carrier the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the sum of the filtered mean powers centered on the assigned sub-block frequencies to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency. UTRAACLR1/2 requirements are applicaple for all sub-blocks and are specified in Table UTRAACLR1 is required to be met in the sub-block gap when the gap bandwidth Wgap is 5MHz≤Wgap <15MHz. Both UTRAACLR1 and UTRAACLR2 are required to be met in the sub-block gap when the gap bandwidth Wgap is 15MHz≤Wgap.
For combinations of intra-band and inter-band carrier aggregation with three uplink component carriers (up to two contiguously aggregated carriers per band), the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is defined as follows. For the E-UTRA band supporting one component carrier, the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel bandwidth of the component carrier to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency and the requirements specified in subclause apply. For the E-UTRA band supporting two contiguous component carriers the UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated channel bandwidth to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency and the requirements specified in subclause apply.
UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio is specified for both the first UTRA adjacent channel (UTRAACLR1) and the 2nd UTRA adjacent channel (UTRAACLR2). The UTRA channel power is measured with a RRC bandwidth filter with roll-off factor =0.22. The assigned aggregated channel bandwidth power is measured with a rectangular filter with measurement bandwidth specified in Table for intraband contiguous carrier aggregation or for intraband non-contiguous carrier aggregation. If the measured UTRA channel power is greater than –50dBm then the UTRAACLR shall be higher than the value specified in Table for intraband contiguous carrier aggregation or for intraband non-contiguous carrier aggregation.
For carrier aggregation with one or two uplink component carriers, the UTRAACLR requirements for the PC3 UE are not applicable to the uplink component carrier(s) assigned to one of the E-UTRA band in Band 7, 12, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 68, 70, 71 or 85.
Table Requirements for UTRAACLR1/2
CA bandwidth class / UTRAACLR1/2 / measurement bandwidth |
CA bandwidth class B, C and D |
33 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ BWChannel_CA /2 + BWUTRA/2 / – BWChannel_CA / 2 – BWUTRA/2 |
36 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ BWChannel_CA /2 + 3*BWUTRA/2 / – BWChannel_CA /2 – 3*BWUTRA/2 |
CA E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
BWChannel_CA – 2* BWGB |
UTRA 5MHz channel Measurement bandwidth (NOTE 1) |
3.84 MHz |
UTRA 1.6MHz channel measurement bandwidth (NOTE 2) |
1.28 MHz |
NOTE 1: Applicable for E-UTRA FDD co-existence with UTRA FDD in paired spectrum. NOTE 2: Applicable for E-UTRA TDD co-existence with UTRA TDD in unpaired spectrum. |
Table Requirements for intraband non-contiguous CA UTRAACLR1/2
UTRAACLR1/2 / measurement bandwidth |
33 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ Fedge,block,high + BWUTRA/2 / – Fedge,block,low – BWUTRA/2 |
36 dB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ Fedge,block,high + 3*BWUTRA/2 / – Fedge,block,low – 3*BWUTRA/2 |
Sub-block measurement bandwidth |
BWChannel,block – 2* BWGB |
UTRA 5 MHz channel Measurement bandwidth (NOTE 1) |
3.84 MHz |
UTRA 1.6 MHz channel measurement bandwidth (NOTE 2) |
1.28 MHz |
NOTE 1: Applicable for E-UTRA FDD co-existence with UTRA FDD in paired spectrum. NOTE 2: Applicable for E-UTRA TDD co-existence with UTRA TDD in unpaired spectrum. | Minimum requirements for CA E-UTRA
For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the carrier aggregation E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (CA E-UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated channel bandwidth to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent aggregated channel bandwidth at nominal channel spacing. The assigned aggregated channel bandwidth power and adjacent aggregated channel bandwidth power are measured with rectangular filters with measurement bandwidths specified in Table If the measured adjacent channel power is greater than –50dBm then the E-UTRAACLR shall be higher than the value specified in Table and Table
Table General requirements for CA E-UTRAACLR
CA bandwidth class / CA E-UTRAACLR / Measurement bandwidth |
CA bandwidth class B, C and D |
30 dB |
CA E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
BWChannel_CA – 2* BWGB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ BWChannel_CA / – BWChannel_CA |
Table Additional requirements for CA E-UTRAACLR for UL CA_41C Power Class 2
CA bandwidth class / CA E-UTRAACLR / Measurement bandwidth |
CA bandwidth class C |
31 dB |
CA E-UTRA channel Measurement bandwidth |
BWChannel_CA – 2* BWGB |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset (in MHz) |
+ BWChannel_CA / – BWChannel_CA |
For inter-band carrier aggregation with one component carrier per operating band and the uplink active in two E-UTRA bands, E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel bandwidth on a component carrier to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency. The E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio is defined per carrier and the requirement is specified in subclause
For intra-band non-contiguous carrier aggregation when all sub-blocks consist of one component carrier the E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the sum of the filtered mean powers centred on the assigned sub-block frequencies to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency at nominal channel spacing. In case the sub-block gap bandwidth Wgap is smaller than of the sub-block bandwidth then for that sub-block no E-UTRAACLR requirement is set for the gap. In case the sub-block gab bandwidth Wgap is smaller than either of the sub-block bandwidths then no E- UTRAACLR requirement is set for the gap.The assigned E-UTRA sub-block power and adjacent E-UTRA channel power are measured with rectangular filters with measurement bandwidths specified in Table If the measured adjacent channel power is greater than –50dBm then the E-UTRAACLR shall be higher than the value specified in Table
Table General requirements for non-contiguous intraband CA E-UTRAACLR
CC and adjacent channel bandwidth / E-UTRAACLR / Measurement bandwidth |
1.4 MHz |
3 MHz |
5 MHz |
10 MHz |
15 MHz |
20 MHz |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
30 dB |
CC and adjacent channel measurement bandwidth [MHz] |
1.08 |
2.7 |
4.5 |
9 |
13.5 |
18 |
Adjacent channel centre frequency offset [MHz] |
+ 1.4 |
+ 3 |
+ 5 |
+ 10 |
+ 15 |
+ 20 |
For combinations of intra-band and inter-band carrier aggregation with three uplink component carriers (up to two contiguously aggregated carriers per band), the E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRAACLR) is defined as follows. For the E-UTRA band supporting one component carrier, the E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel bandwidth of the component carrier to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency and the requirements in subclause apply. For the E-UTRA band supporting two contiguous component carriers the E-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRAACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated channel bandwidth to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) aggregated channel bandwidth at nominal channel spacing and the requirements of CA E-UTRAACLR specified in subclause apply.