5.6A Channel bandwidth for CA

36.1013GPPEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)Release 18TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception

For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation Aggregated Channel Bandwidth, Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration and Guard Bands are defined as follows, see Figure 5.6A-1.


Lower Edge

Higher Edge

Lowest Carrier Transmission Bandwidth Configuration, NRB,low [RB]



Highest Carrier Transmission Bandwidth Configuration NRB,high [RB]

Resource block

Aggregated Channel Bandwidth, BWchannel_CA [MHz]



For each carrier, the center sub carrier (corresponds to DC in baseband) is not transmitted in downlink


Guard Band

Guard Band

Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration, NRB_agg [RB]

Figure 5.6A-1. Definition of Aggregated channel bandwidth and aggregated channel bandwidth edges

The aggregated channel bandwidth, BWChannel_CA, is defined as

BWChannel_CA = Fedge,high – Fedge,low [MHz].

The lower bandwidth edge Fedge,low and the upper bandwidth edge Fedge,high of the aggregated channel bandwidth are used as frequency reference points for transmitter and receiver requirements and are defined by

Fedge,low = FC,low – Foffset,low

Fedge,high = FC,high + Foffset,high

The lower and upper frequency offsets depend on the transmission bandwidth configurations of the lowest and highest assigned edge component carrier and are defined as

Foffset,low = (0.18NRB,low + f1)/2 + BWGB [MHz]

Foffset,high = (0.18NRB,high + f1)/2 + BWGB [MHz]

where f1 = f for the downlink with f the subcarrier spacing and f1 = 0 for the uplink, while NRB,low and NRB,high are the transmission bandwidth configurations according to Table 5.6-1 for the lowest and highest assigned component carrier, respectively. BWGB denotes the Nominal Guard Band and is defined in Table 5.6A-1, and the factor 0.18 is the PRB bandwidth in MHz.

NOTE: The values of BWChannel_CA for UE and BS are the same if the lowest and the highest component carriers are identical.

Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration is the number of the aggregated RBs within the fully allocated Aggregated Channel bandwidth and is defined per CA Bandwidth Class (Table 5.6A-1).

For intra-band non-contiguous carrier aggregation Sub-block Bandwidth and Sub-block edges are defined as follows, see Figure 5.6A-2.

Figure 5.6A-2. Non-contiguous intraband CA terms and definitions

The lower sub-block edge of the Sub-block Bandwidth (BWChannel,block) is defined as

Fedge,block, low = FC,block,low – Foffset,block, low.

The upper sub-block edge of the Sub-block Bandwidth is defined as

Fedge,block,high = FC,block,high + Foffset,block,high .

The Sub-block Bandwidth, BWChannel,block, is defined as follows:

BWChannel,block = Fedge,block,high – Fedge,block,low [MHz]

The lower and upper frequency offsets Foffset,block,low and Foffset,block,high depend on the transmission bandwidth configurations of the lowest and highest assigned edge component carriers within a sub-block and are defined as

Foffset,block,low = (0.18NRB,low + f1) /2 + BWGB [MHz]

Foffset,block,high = (0.18NRB,high + f1)/2 + BWGB [MHz]

where f1 = f for the downlink with f the subcarrier spacing and f1 = 0 for the uplink, while NRB,low and NRB,high are the transmission bandwidth configurations according to Table 5.6-1 for the lowest and highest assigned component carrier within a sub-block, respectively. BWGB denotes the Nominal Guard Band and is defined in Table 5.6A-1, and the factor 0.18 is the PRB bandwidth in MHz.

The sub-block gap size between two consecutive sub-blocks Wgap is defined as

Wgap = Fedge,block n+1,low – Fedge,block n,high [MHz]

Table 5.6A-1: CA bandwidth classes and corresponding nominal guard bands

CA Bandwidth Class

Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration

Number of contiguous CC

Nominal Guard Band BWGB


NRB,agg ≤ 100


a1 BWChannel(1) – 0.5f1 (NOTE 2)


25 < NRB,agg ≤ 100


0.05 max(BWChannel(1),BWChannel(2))

– 0.5f1


100 < NRB,agg ≤ 200


0.05 max(BWChannel(1),BWChannel(2)) – 0.5f1


200 < NRB,agg ≤ 300


0.05 max(BWChannel(1),BWChannel(2), BWChannel(3)) – 0.5f1


300 < NRB,agg ≤ 400


0.05 max(BWChannel(1),BWChannel(2), BWChannel(3) , BWChannel(4)) – 0.5f1


400 < NRB,agg ≤ 500


0.05 max(BWChannel(1),BWChannel(2), BWChannel(3) , BWChannel(4) , BWChannel(5)) – 0.5f1


700 < NRB,agg ≤ 800



NOTE 1: BWChannel(j), j = 1, 2, 3, 4 is the channel bandwidth of an E-UTRA component carrier according to Table 5.6-1 and f1 = f for the downlink with f the subcarrier spacing while f1 = 0 for the uplink.

NOTE 2: a1 = 0.16/1.4 for BWChannel(1) = 1.4 MHz whereas a1 = 0.05 for all other channel bandwidths.

NOTE 3: Applicable for later releases.

The channel spacing between centre frequencies of contiguously aggregated component carriers is defined in subclause 5.7.1A.