8.2.5 SDF Filter

29.2443GPPInterface between the Control Plane and the User Plane nodesRelease 17TS

The SDF Filter IE type shall be encoded as shown in Figure 8.2.5-1. It contains an SDF Filter, i.e. a single IP flow packet filter.











1 to 2

Type = 23 (decimal)

3 to 4

Length = n










m to (m+1)

Length of Flow Description

(m+2) to p

Flow Description

s to (s+1)

ToS Traffic Class

t to (t+3)

Security Parameter Index

v to (v+2)

Flow Label

w to (w+3)

SDF Filter ID

x to (n+4)

These octet(s) is/are present only if explicitly specified

Figure 8.2.5-1: SDF Filter

The following flags are coded within Octet 5:

– Bit 1 – FD (Flow Description): If this bit is set to "1", then the Length of Flow Description and the Flow Description fields shall be present, otherwise they shall not be present.

– Bit 2 – TTC (ToS Traffic Class): If this bit is set to "1", then the ToS Traffic Class field shall be present, otherwise the ToS Traffic Class field shall not be present.

– Bit 3 – SPI (Security Parameter Index): If this bit is set to "1", then the Security Parameter Index field shall be present, otherwise the Security Parameter Index field shall not be present.

– Bit 4 – FL (Flow Label): If this bit is set to "1", then the Flow Label field shall be present, otherwise the Flow Label field shall not be present.

– Bit 5 – BID (Bidirectional SDF Filter): If this bit is set to "1", then the SDF Filter ID shall be present, otherwise the SDF Filter ID shall not be present.

– Bit 6 to 8: Spare, for future use and set to "0".

The Flow Description field, when present, shall be encoded as an OctetString as specified in clause 5.4.2 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].

The ToS Traffic Class field, when present, shall be encoded as an OctetString on two octets as specified in clause 5.3.15 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].

The Security Parameter Index field, when present, shall be encoded as an OctetString on four octets and shall contain the IPsec security parameter index (which is a 32-bit field), as specified in clause 5.3.51 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].

The Flow Label field, when present, shall be encoded as an OctetString on 3 octets as specified in clause 5.3.52 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8] and shall contain an IPv6 flow label (which is a 20-bit field). The bits 8 to 5 of the octet "v" shall be spare and set to zero, and the remaining 20 bits shall contain the IPv6 flow label.

An SDF Filter may:

– be a pattern for matching the IP 5 tuple (source IP address or IPv6 network prefix, destination IP address or IPv6 network prefix, source port number, destination port number, protocol ID of the protocol above IP). In the pattern:

– a value left unspecified in a filter matches any value of the corresponding information in a packet;

– an IP address may be combined with a prefix mask;

– port numbers may be specified as port ranges;

– the pattern can be extended by the Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4) / Traffic class (IPv6) and Mask;

– consist of the destination IP address and optional mask, protocol ID of the protocol above IP, the Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4) / Traffic class (IPv6) and Mask and the IPsec Security Parameter Index (SPI);

– consist of the destination IP address and optional mask, the Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4) / Traffic class (IPv6) and Mask and the Flow Label (IPv6);

NOTE 1: The details about the IPsec Security Parameter Index (SPI), the Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4) / Traffic class (IPv6) and Mask and the Flow Label (IPv6) are defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 [19] clause 15.3.

– extend the packet inspection beyond the possibilities described above and look further into the packet. Such service data flow filters need to be predefined in the PGW-U, as specified in clause 5.11 of 3GPP TS 23.214 [2].

NOTE 2: Such filters may be used to support filtering with respect to a service data flow based on the transport and application protocols used above IP, e.g. for HTTP and WAP. Filtering for further application protocols and services can also be supported.

The SDF Filter ID, when present, shall be encoded as an Unsigned32 binary integer value. It shall uniquely identify an SDF Filter among all the SDF Filters provisioned for a given PFCP Session. The source/destination IP address and port information, in a bidirectional SDF Filter, shall be set as for downlink IP flows. The SDF filter for the opposite direction has the same parameters, but having the source and destination address/port parameters swapped. When being provisioned with a bidirectional SDF filter in a PDR, the UP function shall apply the SDF filter as specified in clause 5.2.1A.2A.