A.2 PlantUML code for Figure 7.2.1-1: NRM fragment for AI/ML model training
28.1053GPPArtificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) managementManagement and orchestrationRelease 17TS
skinparam ClassStereotypeFontStyle normal
skinparam ClassBackgroundColor White
skinparam shadowing false
skinparam monochrome true
hide members
hide circle
‘skinparam maxMessageSize 250
class ManagedEntity <<ProxyClass>>
class MLEntity <<dataType>>
class MLTrainingFunction <<InformationObjectClass>>
class MLTrainingRequest <<InformationObjectClass>>
class MLTrainingReport <<InformationObjectClass>>
class MLTrainingProcess <<InformationObjectClass>>
ManagedEntity "1" *– "*" AIMLTrainingFunction: <<names>>
MLTrainingFunction "1" -d-> "*" MLEntity
MLTrainingFunction "1" *– "*" MLTrainingProcess: <<names>>
MLTrainingFunction "1" *– "*" MLTrainingRequest: <<names>>
MLTrainingFunction "1" *– "*" MLTrainingReport: <<names>>
MLTrainingProcess "1" <-r-> "1" MLTrainingReport
MLTrainingReport "1" –> "1" MLTrainingReport
MLTrainingRequest "*" -l-> "1" MLEntity
MLTrainingRequest "*" -r-> "*" MLTrainingProcess
note left of ManagedEntity
Represents the following IOCs:
Subnetwork or
ManagedFunction or
end note